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Make it Work

bayfront -1

bayfront 1

bayfront 2

bayfront 3

Navy dress? Taylor, Winners
Wedges? Nicole, Winners
Necklace? Christie's antique market
Wooden purse? gifted

I bought this silk/cotton dress last fall at Winners. I figured it was past dress wearing season, so I could wait for it to be discounted multiple times. It was still there during final markdowns, so... $18 and a few cold wintery months later, I am finally wearing it. I wish someone invented a computer application so you could feel how soft this fabric is. But no one has, so you have to take my word for it. It's soft, yet sensible like cotton and slippery like silk. Perfect...
My parents bought this cherry blossom purse for me at a garage sale (though it likely came from Chinatown originally) and I love it because it reminds me of spring in Korea (where I was born but that's a whole new story, isn't it?). Besides the nostalgia factor, this purse is as useless as the nutritional info on a Diet Coke. Everything slips between the wood slats and the front and back of the purse don't completely line up with the sides, so I was throwing my chapstick around like confetti.
And yes, I did feel like a Numero Uno Douche as I posed it out at the Bayfront with lots of people around. But I got over it pretty fast... just making it work!!!


Linda said...

In the second pic you look angrier then Perez Hilton after he got punched....yeah I went there.
Nah your dress is cute....:)

Anonymous said...

Pretty dress! Maybe put the bag on a shelf and use at as a decoration ;)

Secondhand Stella said...

I love that purse! Its too bad that it is not practical. Pretty dress to!

myedit said...

I know I look angry... the sun was hitting my eyes at a painful angle. Tyra is not proud, I know!
The purse doesn't fit on my built-in shelves (too tall) but in my next house... I'll display it proudly!

Danielle said...

I want this whole look, and love the background :)

Posh said...

Cute dress! ;)