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Thinking Pink

The baby shower was last night and since my friend is having a girl, it seemed fitting that pink was the theme of the night.

pink shirt

I wore this pink blouse that I got years ago at a sale from the fashion archives of Ryerson University. I had no idea that they had fashion archives... It's a sweet little vintage piece. My favourite part is that there are big intentional holes under the arms because all that synthetic can make a girl sweat (or glow... whatever you want to call it). Very clever.

pink centre

These centre pieces may look familiar... one of my customers has a plethora of peonies (hundreds... at least) and when the rain hit and they drooped everywhere, I took some home and put this together for the shower. The dark pink peonies are actually fake but when mixed with real, no one can tell the difference... this only works with flowers not Louis Vuitton purses...

pink spence

Finally, on a sugar high from eating ice cream sundaes at the baby shower, I stop by to see my nephew(haha-mini Zac Efron) who just graduated Grade 8. Surprise! He's wearing pink like a rock star. You look popping Spence! Way to work your Sears pose... much nicer than mine.
Well, gotta go catch a bus to Montreal... Hopefully, I'll post over the weekend but I may not have time between glasses of wine! Have a great weekend!


Secondhand Stella said...

I love that blouse! Looks great w/ the shorts. Have a wonderful weekend!

Linda said...

HA! Barbie and Ken!
Remember next Sat ur mine! All mine! No pressure but that top best be done or else...
Have fun in Montreal

Wanderlusting said...

I adore those types of tops - looks stunning on you too. So cool that Ryerson has fashion archives, makes me regret not going to do my Journalism degree there! (almost did but ended up in New Zealand instead).

Anonymous said...

Yeah a guy who's not afraid to wear pink! Love that delicate top you're wearing :)

Linda said...

I joined the world!