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Little Luxury

june 12 flowers

Went to a great wedding last night, outfit pics up soon.... In the meantime, a quick pic of the lovely centre pieces, one of which I got to take home. One of my favourite little luxuries in life (besides copious amounts of Diet Coke and lip gloss) are fresh cut flowers, so when the offer was made to take the centre pieces home, I staked my claim. Now I have a pretty display in my living room AND fruits for my lunches for next week!


Linda said...

Peonys check, gerberas...check, edible delicious fruit...check!

Anonymous said...

A center piece that does double duty, genious!

thimbles and gingham said...

such a lovely center piece. score!

Rachel H said...

not only a center piece, but a great 10lb weight ;) Yay for wedding scores!!

myedit said...

I think it's even heavier than 10 lbs.... my right bicep is definately bigger now becaue I had to wait so long for Matt to get the car...