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Orange You Glad

orange 1

orange 2

orange 3

Dress? French Connection, Winners
Sandals? UO, they don't stay on my feet though...grrrr
Belt? garage sale find
Earrings? Farmer's market
Birch Cuff? made it

Just finished the final exam for my night course, though it wasn't too difficult, I'm just glad it's all done. Tomorrow I have to work in the heat, then cohost a baby shower and THEN, me and a smutty romance novel are making a bus trip up to Montreal for the weekend. So pumped to see an old university friend, check out the sights, perhaps shop and dance a bit but most of all relax and possibly... sleep in.
I'm actually wearing the birch bark cuff I made a while ago as described in this post. I didn't think I'd really wear it but when Linda commented and made fun of it, it was on. Haha, love ya Lin!!!


Danielle said...

Yeah on taking your last exam!! Love that dress!

GS said...

Ah I love that dress! And the cuff is genius... I know people who would pay big $$ for something like that lol, it's very unique! Did you get lots of compliments/comments on it? I may have missed it in previous posts, but what night classes are you taking?

C said...

I love the shoulder/sleeve detailing on the dress! And the color is great! I'm ALL about orange.

Linda said...

Okay I didn't make fun of it I was clearly stating how surprised I was that you actually took time to shellak a piece of's a nifty little piece...perfect for all those RECESSIONISTAS...HA!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for orange! Lovely casual look!

Anonymous said...

That dress is fantastic! I love the color and details.

Rachel H said...

looooooooooooove the dress. I was just thinking to myself this morning that i NEEDED find a citrus-y orange dress (after seeing the dkny one on cashmereandcupcakes)...and here you are sporting one. so fashion foward ;)
Either way. Jealous...

Rachel H said...

and by foward, i meant forward :)xo

Secondhand Stella said...

I love your dress! I want to find a similar tank dress for the summer.

That is awesome that you made that bracelet!

Kyla said...

Love this outfit and that cuff is AWESOME! Your girl is very funny:) You've both made me laugh out loud more than once with your comments. BTW,
I would totally pay money for one of those cuffs!

Linda said...

Kyla, we are here all week...please try the veal.
Yen and I base our friendship on smart ass remarks.

Linda said...

P.S. Yen I think you need to make more bark cuffs...trees in hamilton are doomed. You can sell them on my etsy shop...(misketch)

Unknown said...

oh i just LOVE this dress.. and the color looks fantastic on you

myedit said...

Thanks for all the compliments... you make me blush.
GS-I'm taking a horticulture course...