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Monkey See, Monkey Do




Top? Joe Fresh
Skirt? h&m
Flower pin on Goody headband? h&m
Sandals? Hushpuppies, StyleSense
Umbrella (very handy this crappy summer)? free from golf tourny

These pictures kinda make me giggle cause I look like such a fashion blogger. Surprisingly, I'm not even talking about my posed demure sideways glance... I'm talking about the fact that I jumped in front of a graffitti wall and posed it out. Graffitti walls attract fashion bloggers like Uggs and sweat pants attract college girls .
The pin/flower hair clip has also made the fashion blog rounds. I got it back in January at h&m and then I saw it so often on fashion blogs that it was overkill for me. But I'm old-school Dutch and I paid full-price for this thing so I had to wear it... eventually. Kansas Couture often wears flower pins in her hair like so, and she looks so freaking adorable, I wanted to try it. Though, at 5'11, I think I'm above the 'adorable' cut-off. I haven't been called adorable since I was 7. Actually, even then I wasn't adorable because my mom hated me and gave me pink glasses and a bowl-cut. Yes, it was hard being the immigrant child with big-a$$ glasses and a boy's haircut... I'm not bitter... Wow, veering off topic... Seriously, my mom does love me, her idea of a chic haircut was just not popular in my grade 2 class.
I'm totally rambling because I'm tired but I just want to talk about my shoes for a minute. I'm going to Europe soon (more details later) and my priority was getting a pair of cute sandals with support because I'll be walking a lot and regular flats do a number on your back and soles. Finding cute and sensible sandals is surprisingly hard. That's why I'm so delighted with these... They're a bit more trendy than I wanted (though not like 'whaaaa!!! I'm a crazy gladiator sandal!'), but the colour goes with everything and they are very comfortable Hushpuppies. Yeah! Hushpuppies!


Linda said...

What happened to Glatiator sandals really makes me sad. I got my Jeffrey Campbells last year before anyone even knew who Jeffrey Campbell is and now that sandal is overkill. They are so freaken comfortable but when I see Suzie Ghetto wearing them I want to throw them out the window.

Elaine said...

Hahahahah, I LOVED that you compared the graffiti pose to sweatpants/uggs to college girls!! SO true! At least you look good though! And I'm sure you're not called adorable anymore because people probably think you are beautiful now. And Europe? what?? Anyway, I love your outfit! And great chocie of sandals. I haven't tried any Hushpuppies but I am all about comfort so I'll have to try it out.

Anonymous said...

For the graffiti wall, you need a graffiti dress... LOL!

C said...

Hey there miss fashion blogger! Honestly, though, you look great in this! I like how the super-feminine flower offsets the more simple style in the blouse and skirt. Can't wait to hear more about the Europe trip!

Secondhand Stella said...

I love the whole outfit! The sandals are really cute and that is great that they are comfy :) Jealous that you are taking a trip to Europe!

Anonymous said...

simple and chic. love the pin on the headband.

Anonymous said...

Haha I love that you are rocking hushpuppies! Now that is CHIC!

WickedThrifty said...

i totally decided a couple of weeks ago that i NEED flowers in my hair. apparently i'm late on the trend, but i don't care much for trends anyway, just gorgeous stuff ;) you look great. and it is a terrific backdrop. someday i'll take pictures in cool places, too, instead of crappy cell phone pics in my bathroom mirror :P

Anonymous said...

You look gorgeous - that flower and the cream top look so lovely on you.

This chick's got style said...

Great outfit!!

Gisela and Maury said...

you look adorable! and that graffitti wall is wicked! Gosh I miss Toronto, I was living there for a couple of years and I miss the heck out of winners and TNT! btw, super cute blog! would love for you to visit mine :-)

Kansas Couture said...

Thanks for the shout-out. :) At 5'2", I have the opposite problem. People think I look adorable even when I want to look sophisticated or sexy or whatever. Ah well, you work with what you've got. You look gorgeous, by the way. Also, I nominated you for Kreativ Blogger award on my blog today.

we wear things said...

black and white.. ALWAYS perfect.