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sequins 1

sequins 3


Jacket? thrifted
Tee? Mossimo, Target
Jeans? Sevens, Winners
Shoes? Steve Madden, DSW

I'm not going to lie, some things have me feeling a little blue. It doesn't help when the paper publishes a story about how the Hamilton Animal Control has already put down over 1000 cats this year... that made me sadder. If there is one thing I am a total bitch about it is responsible pet ownership. In this case the biggest problem are people not getting their cats spayed or neutered leading to over-population. I'm sorry but if you can't take the time and the effort to get your cat fixed, you're a jerk. And if you say you can't afford it but have a) a big screen t.v., b) an i-phone or c) any gaming system (excluding Sega) then you need to give your head a shake... Ok, I'll stop ranting, this just gets me upset...can you tell?
So, I know that shopping won't solve any problems but I do find that peacefully perusing through racks of clothing clears my mind and halts my teeth grinding temporarily. Once again to avoid to much financial damage I went to Talize (story of my life) and once again, it was fantastic. Some jewelry, a few skirts (including UNGARO! for $6) and this amazing sequined jacket later, I felt refreshed. In my last post I spoke about sometimes avoiding pink but this is too fabulous. The jacket has beaded trim around the hems and shoulders and the rest is crazy sequins. I decided not to remove the shoulder pads because they are too good.
When I came home with the goods I did something uncharacteristic. I put on the jacket for a outfit post without wearing the jacket out. I know, that's cheating but I was so excited to show you and my plans for the night consisted of some shopping and walking the big dogs we're dogsitting so I didn't wear this exactly. Though, without the heels, I probably would wear the sequins to walk dogs. Because I can. That's the fun of fashion.


Kyla said...

That's a killer jacket, fabulous outfit and you should be a model!
Also, cheer up, pup - things will look up.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the Ungaro skirt!

You got some great finds, including that jacket!

Secondhand Stella said...

So so so cute! I love your outfit!

I love cats and I hate when people are mean to animals. I think that if you are going to have a pet then you def need to be responsible about it as well. Poor kitties :(

Linda said...

You hair looks cute in the last pic.

This chick's got style said...

Thanks for your sweet comment!
Wow, what a stunning jacket!!

Mariƫlle said...

Sick jacket, very Balmain <33

GS said...

That was one of the most fantastic jackets I have ever seen and what you paired it with looks amazing!! And you thrifted it? Who would toss such a great piece?

Marie said...

I love your outfit, the colors in that jacket look amazing on you! Jealous!
I am also an animal care fiend. I HATE seeing animals for sale when there are so many being destroyed daily. There are some ordinances cracking down on it in some cities in Texas, but no where near enough.

Milly said...

great jacket!

Kat said...

Hi there! Love this shiny jacket!

Nana Erin said...

I feel strongly about this, and I want you to understand that I do not say this lightly. SEND ME THAT JACKET and no one gets hurt.

just my style said...

The whole thing...FANTASTIC!!!
By the way, count your shoes as gold! After I left a comment on your blog about needing them I went to buy them in town and they were biggie, I'll oder them...YEAH RIGHT!!!! I can't find black ones ANYWHERE. Serious shoe hunt going on here.

H to the izzo said...

I covet that jacket. I ADORE sequins and can never find a thrifted jacket that isn't too big or tacky. This one is perfect though! I added your blog to my bloglines. Can't wait to read more.

chelsea lee said...

Absolute ah-mazing! What a find and it looks like it was made for you! You have somehow cornered the market on sequins. So much so that when I'm thirsting and come across anything sequined, your outfits are the first thing I think of!

Anonymous said...

ohhhh I think I'm in love.

Leah Williams said...

I've been reading your blog for a couple of months now, and I just went back to the very beginning and am reading the whole thing through.

I am from Guelph, and am going to start a blog too.
I found you through Kendi everyday.

I had to post.
that last picture is great, especially with the jeans and tee combo. Perfect.

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