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Thrift Thursday. Guilty Giveaway


The reason I feel guilty is because I am down south by the time this posts. I left the cold and the first snow storm of the year in the Hamilton area in order to exercise my right arm and my liver in Dominican. Don't worry, I packed some sunscreen, too many clothes and a Danielle Steel novel... I am ready for this.
In lieu of my usual thrift Thursday blah, blah, blah... I am giving away one of my thrift finds. It's a dark brown leather purse with adjustable straps and a sweet little off centre closing. The best part is that it's made in Canada by Wayne Gretzky... OK, that gratuitous Canadian name dropping was for nothing. Wayne Gretzky didn't make it but someone else in this great country did. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment with a way to reach you and something entertaining. Because when I get back to the cold with a burnt nose (I kid, sunscreen is my friend), your comments will ease the transition back to reality.




Alison said...

That is a very cool bag! You can get a hold of me at:
a2adesigns at gmail dot com

You'd like an entertaining story... hmm I'm at a loss today. But, how about one of my best thrifing finds?? I found a pristine Dooney and Burke Saddle leather bag for $5. Perfect size and has been a wonderful addition.

Twills said...

I'm so jealous right now, seeing as how in my part of Ontario it's about minus one million degrees. (I think that's what the thermometre said)

Something amusing? Today was the first day in my nine year history of mom-dom that I wore pajama bottoms to drive the kids to school. New lows are being achieved this winter, I tell you, and not just with the temperature.

julie said...

Tip: If it's not already too late, alternate between your right and left arms so you don't end up with one Popeye arm.

Please count me in for the terrific handmade Walter Gretzky purse giveaway!

j6scott at gmail dot com

Here's something entertaining:

hair-mess said...

New follower here, so I probably don't deserve to win this cool bag by the "Great Gatsby" (or was it Gray Wetzky?) yet. :D And as much as I myself enjoy snow at Christmas time, I still wanted to wish you a fabulous trip to the Dominican. I get the liver part, but what's that about exercising your right arm? Hope, to either figure it out or get a reply, when you return. Take care, Macs (

Rhitbee said...

Ungh so jealous - it is so cold and snowy in the golden horseshoe. I hope you have a wonderful time though! This giveaway with this bag is totally making up for it! I love how the person above me said it was made by Walter Gretzky. Hilarious mental image.

I am reminded of an amusing story now actually. A friend of mine was up around the Brantford area a few years ago filling up at the ESSO there. This was around the time I think Wayne Gretzky was doing promos for ESSO so there was a big poster of the man in front of her as she filled up. She noticed that her and an older man were both taking note of the large photo so she decided to express her thoughts out loud, which were something like: "I am so sick of this guy". The old man didn't say anything and promptly walked away. Later she saw him on TV talking about his son, Wayne Gretzky. Yah, my friend totally told Walter Gretzky that she is sick of his son. /amusingstory

xo Robyn

rebecca said...

great bag!
and if you do come back even with a little burn, i learned this summer that white vinegar takes the burn out and heals the skin faster.
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

love it! pick me, pick me! ;)

that's all i got today. :\ i had to wear my glasses to work today, which means my eyelashes keep scraping the inside of my lenses, but only on one eye, which means i keep having ridiculous OCD meltdowns and blinking compulsively and contorting my face to PLEASE STOP THE AGONY. i would say i'm never wearing my glasses to work again, but my dr. says i have to for at least two weeks or they won't give me lasik surgery, and then i run the risk of having to wear glasses FOREVER. so i'm a little distracted today, is all. ha.

Nana Erin said...

I think I truly desire to own every handbag in the world and will not feel like I can stop until I do. Or until I get a Chanel. Either way.

Meagan said...

What an awesome bag! :)

Something amusing,...hmmm, husband is Canadian (but we live in Ohio) and when I had our son last fall, we decided to make a goofy family picture for our Christmas cards every year. Last year we all wore red/black plaid lumberjack style shirts. (Yes even the one month old baby) This year we all bought red and black plaid musher caps. Tonight we get our pictures together in them. I guess he wants everyone to know how Canadian he is! ha ha S

Anonymous said...

love this! greetings from a lower neighbor buried in snow in minnesota. :)

something entertaining:

shelby_hanson at

Marie a la Mode said...

I love it! Please enter me.

Who knew Wayne was so talented? ; )

Eliana said...

Wayne went into bag making after Hockey?? what the?? LOL. I would love to give this beauty a home. :)

elianasblog at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I could work with this!

Amusing thing (read with the tune of the BeeGees "Stayin' Alive" playing in your head)

I car dance. With the radio playing in the car, a song comes on and I just dance in the car as I'm driving. I was caught once by a coworker who said, "I saw you at the traffic light yesterday. I was trying to wave, but you didn't see me". I said, "Oh my gosh. Was I dancing and singing?" He looked at me with a mix of pity and "I'm embarrassed for you". Are you amused yet?

The Suburb Experiment said...

I'm fresh out of wittiness today but have you seen Sesame Street's Bert & Ernie try gangsta-rap?

Julie said...

Love the purse!

And I love Wayne too.

Fun fact: I served him once. Actually, a couple times. He's very nice. Simple orders. Fish with a side of peas & carrots. He said it like 3 times. So i said, "Yes, peas & carrots... got it". His wife on the other hand, was a little more of the "hold this, side of this, sub this".. you get the idea. Still nice though.

This story was boring. But it was very exciting to see "The Great One". Guess you had to be there! Maybe next time? :)

Elizabeth said...

Hey, I'm a new follower...found you through What Would a Nerd Wear (I think). I love the thrifting tips!

And I really like this purse.

Something entertaining:
Two days ago, on my bus home, a drunk woman started singing Madonna's "Like a Virgin" (and I currently live in France, so she only knew 1/4 of the words) and trying to cuddle with the stranger next to her. He was not amused and proceeded to spray her with water and move to another part of the bus, then dump his entire two liter water bottle on her head when she exited the bus. She was not amused.

If that's not entertaining enough, the other day, I had a French elementary student ask me if I was retired. I'm 23!

Ranjita said...

This is a handsome leather purse

Here's a amusing list compiled from regretsy:

Nadine said...

Don't feel guilty - some of us live in the Southern Hemisphere and would love to see a bit of snow! Big difference between exercising your drinking elbow in the summer heat and WORKING in the summer heat!

Entertaining story: An 11-yr-old I know of went to a 'sleepover' with friends and had came home SUPER tired, and went to sleep on the floor. After several hours he woke up and begged feebly for pasta. When the pasta arrived he was pleased but instantly fell back asleep for a few minutes, dreamt he ate the pasta, woke back up again and went, 'Oooh wow, more pasta!'

Mishy said...

i'm surprised you wouldn't want to hold on to such a lovely thrift find. that purse is pretty cool, but really, what's wrong with it? did you find something suspicious inside like a ball of chewed up yarn or perhaps a half eaten corn on the cob ear? either way, i'm a little crooked myself, so the buckle doesn't scare me in the least. hope you enjoyed your trip!

Kristin W said...

Yes please! And I need to learn to find thrifts like this one! I'm not very entertaining myself, but I would love a new purse :)

Nadine said...

UPDATE: The 11-yr-old thinks the 'Dominican Republic' sounds like something out of Star Wars. (We live in New Zealand, it's a looong way off.)

Megan said...

my email is
wvumegan at yahoo dot com

and my entertaining story:
I teach at a university. Today my students looked bored and tired, so I began to fake tap dance while humming a TI song. I told them that is how I dance when I go clubbing.

Unknown said...

I love the off center buckle - how cool/unusual!
Entertaining huh? I hope you have fun in DR - I went to Cancun last year and met 3 Canadian couples - they were super fun - I love Canadians. :)

Heidi said...

entertaining... uhh. pressure. I feel a lot of pressure....

i love the bag! i love thrifting... and i love thursdays!

Mary said...

Oh, your thrift finds are such an inspiration!! This bag is no exception. My goal for my Christmas break is to spend some quality time thrifting. I can't wait to prance around smugly in my new clothes! But, of course I won't be able to hold back from saying that I thrifted them... Thanks for the giveaway!

You can find me at marylfuller at gmail dot com.

Lindsey said...

My amusing story? I often like to review my day by playing "pits and peaks" with my husband--the pits being the low point of the day and the peaks the best part. Today's peak? Having delicious homemade fudge at my work holiday party. The pit? Eating 6 large (LARGE) pieces and having a horrible stomach ache thereafter... Boo....but also so delicious!


Laura said...

Something amusing? Hrmmmmm.....well, just because it came up earlier today - I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who's almost knocked themselves out with an elliptical.

My earbuds had fallen out, you see. And, being the efficient person I am, I thought I'd just reeeeeach down and grab them, all the while still pedalling away. And....wham goes the arm piece right into my head. I continued on like nothing had happened...but I'm pretty sure the guy next to me was trying really, REALLY hard not to laugh.

laurabostwick at hotmail dot com.

emily//the lesser panda said...

Hope you are having a nice trip! I will leave you with some fun facts.

+Denver Colorado has 300 sunny days a year!
+Captain Cook is the most southern point on the Big Island of Hawaii.
+The Lesser Panda is the Red Panda and they were discovered before the Giant Panda which changed their name from Panda to Red Panda! (Also, they are more closely related to raccoons than pandas.)
+The tallest structure in North America is still the Sears Tower! (and terribly renamed the Willis tower recently)

Okay I hope that was random and entertaining!

you can reach me at emilythepanda(at)gmail(dot)com

Stella said...

Wait, what? You're in the DR next to the PR? You are my island neighbor for a short while then! Hope you have a great time and be careful with them tigers. The tigrazos will be out to get you.

(Tigrazos = Young Dominicanos who take women out to dance when they are alone. So don't let ze husband leave you alone. Unless you want to. Warning: their shirts may be scary!)

Sarah said...

Gorgeous bag! You can reach me at ssimpson83(at)gmail(dot)com.

Hmmm...something amusing. Well since you're in the Dominican with warm sunny weather, you'll appreciate the crazy guy I saw this evening at the gas station here in NY. It's about 25 degrees out and windy today and he was gassing up his car in a polo shirt (no coat), khakis and flip flops! I got a good chuckle out of it. Hope you do too!

Christy said...

I'm a fan. Do you think it'll marry me?

um, not too long ago I drove past an semi truck full of ice cream that had caught on fire. By the time I passed it it was pretty much destroyed but I thought about jumping out of the car and grabbing some of the ice cream and ice cream sandwiches that were just laying all over the road. That's when I realized that they probably had all sorts of chemicals on them that made them nasty and that the police and firemen might not approve of me making a dash for the ice cream.

erica :) said...

such a cute giveaway...

my thrify finds this week: gold sparkly oranaments for .39!! and a really cool, vintage tan leather bag for .99!!!!!!

thanks for the chance to win.

Katie, Interrobangs Anonymous said...

I can vouch for Emily of The Lesser Panda's Denver comment - sunny, sunny, sunny here, and no snow yet!

My entertaining story? Last week I drove to a taxidermist to pick up the now-mounted black-footed ferret I dropped off a year ago (honestly, it's not even that big an animal). After standing in a basement where the floor is covered in sawdust to, in his words, "soak up the blood and greasy bits" (shudder), I was waiting to pay for said ferret when a random man walked up to me and said "You must be mean. You're tall. All tall women are mean. But they also tend to make good cornbread."

brittney said...

excuse me, but i love the bag. yes please. and thank you. and all other nice etiquette-ish things that my mom tried to teach me, along with doing laundry, that i totally ignored until college when i realized that, ohp!, i needa wash clothes more than once a semester.
you can reach me at

but, as for the entertaining bit, you'll have to come check out my fashion blog. you might smile. probably not more than once, but, hey, i'll take once.

have a happy sunshiney day.

Linda said...

Nope, Emily you're wrong. Tallest structure in North America is in fact the CN tower in Toronto Ontario Canada...yep...sure is. Look it up.

That amused me, can I win too?

Roxy said...

Love this bag. I've been looking for a brown over-the-shoulder bag for ages but, as you mentioned in a previous post, the prices at Value Village (particularly for cheap, vinyl bags in odd colours) has skyrocketed. So my search continues, unless i win this bag!

Funny story? similar to one of yours, actually - thrifted an electric blue, raw silk, shoulder-padded blazer in October (which is AWESOME, by the way,) and the cashier was all, 'That will look great for Hallowe'en!" When I told her that is would be part of my regular wardrobe rotation, she said, "Oh. Do you attend a lot of Bon Jovi concerts?"
Nive, Value Village cashier. real nice.


Julie at Modern Day Middle Age said...

Love, love your "send me an amusing anecdote" entry procedure. Far better than "leave your email, follow me on twitter, sign up for a newsletter, add me as a friend on FB, tell me your favorite product on X's site, add X as a friend on FB, and get extra entries by ... blah, blah, blah" which is right about when I click away. Bravo for simplicity!

I would love this bag and it would love me so, you know, count me in.

afillyate at gmail dot com

I am not amusing today as it is raining, raining, raining but I will tell you that I have visited no less than 15 thrift stores since you posted the pic of your embarrassment of riches of brown leather belts. I have come up empty handed ... with belts. With beaded Adrienne Vittadini dresses and tunics, I am awash ...

Have a fantastic and warm vacation. Do one right armed curl for me ...

Mandy Paige said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

ooo! so cute!!!!


my husband falls asleep so easily and sometimes in the craziest positions and in the craziest places... for example... in the middle of dinner... in a crazy yoga pose... etc. and i like to photgraph these moments and put them on our family blog... you would think he would be embarrassed but he totally loves the attention

if you feel like a laugh check this out


Anonymous said...

I'm Terri. You can reach me at

I need this bag to hold my lip balm, spare pair of mittens, jumbo box of kleenex, cough syrup and various other things a girl needs when she can't go to the Dominican Republic!

Anonymous said...

Hm entertaining? I just took a stab at homemade marshmallows and post-cleaning out the bowls my dad asked if I was cooking cement. What are the holidays without un unsuccessful culinary venture? Andd back to good ol' dependable sugar cookies :)

Jessica said...

I'm new to following blogs but feel like if I actually win something it may become my sweet new obsession!

I can be reached at

Unknown said...

Love the purse! amazing! btw: ur blog is pretty awesome!

something amusing:

and something more great & amusing:

@Glamour Glory

Anonymous said...

That buckle is so Capitan Jack Sparrow chic! Clearly this was made by Canadian pirates.

So, here's to hoping I win the Canadian Pirate Bag.

Yo ho ho (and a bottle of rum),

maryperks at yahoo dot com

CindyinSC said...

I work with a smart, funny man who is a native of what he calls "the D.R." (we live in the southeastern US) and I would love to win a bag you picked out because I love your style and your cats and, although I've been to Toronto several times on business, I do not own anything from those trips because I was a poor programmer at the time so this would be perfect!

Lindsey P. said...

I'll tell you about my first Canadian snow. Hilarious.
We were living in Alberta and it snowed the first week in October last year. About 6 inches of dry, packed white stuff.
The hubby and I drive out somewhere and I'm bundled up looking like a blueberry in my giant blue parka (I'm from Georgia, what can I say?) and I take one step out of my car and BAM! I'm down for the count. My hubby thought I walked off without him and started calling my name, but I was actually on my back examining the bottom of my car.

You can reach me at

becky said...

you have great taste! love this bag!
boon1211 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

love this bag. Reach me at

Entertaining story - I just got my first pair of cross country skis and mugged about 6 times in the first 15 minutes. I thought falling was for downhill?

Unknown said...

Love the bag too.

as for cross-country skiing, falling is a given if you're even a little adventurous...

janelle said...

pick me because i had to wear bifocals for all of 4th grade (bc military eye doctors are not the brightest, and put us all in them unnecessarily) and i have yet to recover. if picked, i will send a photo.

Snappy-Q said...

Ooh love this bag!
Amusing anecdote; on Sunday morning I woke up and told my husband that I dreamnt that Wayne Gretzky died, and he said "Where is your phone, we need to google it!".
Hope that the Dominican was gorgeous and warm for you!

slmacphee (at) gmail (dot) com

MUA said...

I just had this picture in my head of the hockey player on the ice with this handbag on his side...Yes I have a brain malfunction (may be too much training in the south for right arm and liver ?? Beware young lady !)

Caro-old lady xxx

Marie said...

a way to reach me, my email:

An entertaining story, let me think...

So my sister passed on a pair of hot bright yellow shiny heels to me. They really hurt her feet. Well duh they were too small. She wears like a size 9 1/2... and I wear a size 7 1/2. They fit me instead. I wore them to a fancy banquet dinner with my family. I went back to where I was staying with my sister and the original owner said that actually one of the shoes was a size 7 1/2 and the other was size 8! For real! I never noticed. I will wear my two different sized shoes again!

Kyla said...

holy shit that's amazing! Can I still enter? please?

Tennille said...

I don't know if this is still open, but here is my entry:

My family used to have a golden retriever. One day we came home from Grandma's house a few days before Christmas to discover the dog had eaten a pound of individually wrapped Hershey's candy from a dish on our coffee table. I got really upset as I know milk chocolate is supposed to be toxic for dogs, but he was fine. He did end up pooing green and red foil for the next couple of days!

musicishername at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Shared this Obat benjolan keloid more Obat jari tangan yang kaku enough Obat luka dekubitus just Obat badan lemas dan lesu karena maag silva Obat untuk mempercepat datangnya haid messi Obat penyempitan saluran kencing CR7 Obat hidrokel rakitic Obat gondok beracun kane Obat penghilang koreng di kulit kepala sterling Obat herpes zoster Thank you so much... hehehe

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