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Own the Stage







Shorts? French Connection sample
Blazer? Braemar, thrifted
Plaid shirt? ?, Winners
Belt? Thrifted
Boots? ?, Winners
Tights? h&m
Purse? Thrifted
Scarf? h&m

I'm wearing tights with shorts!!! I know, big deal for me... old news for you. I am so behind on this one. In fact, I think one of the greatest reasons people starting fashion blogging years ago was so that they could showcase their shorts with tights. Sometimes fashion blogging is about getting the approval online that you are not getting in real life. I'd like to think I am pretty open-minded about trying new styles and having fun with fashion (with lines like that I need to be a ad writer) but I have some weird inner rules concerning tights. Last year, I got brave and wore purple tights. This year I am wearing shorts with tights. We all know what the next step is... Twitter. All roads end in Twitter these days...

These pictures were taken at the Bandshell in Gage Park. We trespassed over a thigh-high fence to get some cool pictures. A few days before, some vandals trespassed and ripped off some of the copper plates... total value $172. And therein lies the double standard. Tell your kids it's OK to trespass for outfit pictures but it's not OK to trespass and vandalize. Words to live by.



Natalie said...

Is the bandshell usually fenced off? I don't remember a fence last time I was there, but then again my memory is terrible.

myedit said...

Bee- it's just closed for the winter and has a little fence around it... obviously not effective!!!

Linda W said...

YES! Join twitter, lady! All road do lead to twitter.
Oh and I bought a cute purple belt at
Goodwill today. Thought of you.

The Auspicious Life

. said...

Umm lol, I am not on Twitter yet either and I know as soon as I join something like Squawk is going to come out and I'll be years behind again :D

The tights + shorts on you is fab, definitely worth the wait!!

Elaine said...

Hahahaha, so true about fashion blogging. Oh, boy. We're pathetic, aren't we? Not you. You're too cool.

You look like a J.Crew model here.

Kyla said...

yer soooo pretty :)

upatreecupatea said...

love the pattern mixing! I need to be braver in this department :)

3 cheers for outfit picture trespassing!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you guys decided to break the law because these pictures are fabulous!! And like Elaine said, you look like a J.Crew model with your tights+shorts and fabulous layers of socks, boots, plaid shirt and blazer :)

I for one am glad that I am part of the community that gives you approval to wear "crazy" (not crazy) things like tights with shorts - it's so much better than the alternative of tearing people down!!

What Would a Nerd Wear said...

okay, that bag is hilarious and awesome. it wins accessory of the day.

also, bravo on the shorts and tights!! sometimes i feel like i also blog in order to get appreciation on my outfits, because all i get walking around the english department is judgy up-down looks.

Dylana Suarez said...

Amazing mix of prints!


Healthy and Homemade said...

You're totally working the shorts + tights!

Nadine said...

I LOVE the shorts and tights look! I've never tried it because I'm don't actually own any shorts . . shocking, I know. The soundshell location is O-for-awesome!

Unknown said...

Cute cute outfit! And you don't know how happy I was to see a photo of the bandshell, I miss Gage Park/Hamilton! Definitely subscribing to your blog now =)

Matt said...

I love your outfit!! Its really cute, and the tights and shorts seriously rock! I really love the pictures too! And this post really resonated with me because you managed to say exactly why I started my own blog: "getting the approval online that you are not getting in real life". Thank you so much for saying that!! :)

Tessa Zeng said...

Seriously great mix of daring and classy. Looks like you're rocking your own style, lady!

Insofar as Twitter goes, you might like this article; it inspired me to start tweeting a few months ago with real intention, and I haven't looked back since:

Found my way over here via an intelligent comment on Fashionable Academics :) keep it up! The online approval is certainly heartwarming, but the individual flair is all yours!

Rhitbee said...

I love that purse. I love that purse. I love that purse.

I love how my comment is under the comment praising your intelligent comment.

Really though, what a great find!

xo Robyn

The Suburb Experiment said...

You're more with-it than I am. (*cringe* I just sounded like I'm 100 years old.) I have been tempted to do the tights/shorts thing but I think I'm too old and then when finally I work up enough courage to do it I think it must be out of style. You look cute. I'm jealous. That is all.


C said...

Love that purse!!!!!!!
Merry xmas from Barcelona!

Secondhand Stella said...

That 2nd picture of you is sooo pretty!!!!! Hope you are having a great weekend!

melissa rose said...

haha well then I'm' SUPER behind! I've never done it either :( but i think the shorts & tights look fabulous on you! you have the super long legs to pull it off :)

Jess said...

I love, love, love this outfit.

Unknown said...

these photos are so amazing! and your mustard-blue-black outfit is so well put together.

Maggie said...

Wow what a backdrop! I love the color of the bandshell playing off your outfit- great job!

Lindsey Dixon said...

I love the color combo here! And I know what you mean about approval-sometimes I'll try to explain or do something IRL and no one will get it/understand it, but then I'll blog about it and everyone does. lol.

Lindsey Soup

Farm Girl Fashionista said...

I'm so with you! Just tried the shorts and tights..well, as an adult!? Used to love roller skating in denim cut-offs and navy blue tights. Probably just aged myself there?! My next step is the colored tights. I agree...this online thing makes one a bit more both attire and photo ops!! You look great!!

Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

Awwww, I miss wearing tights!

These pictures are outrageously fantastic. That's right. Outrageously.

Kate said...

Yeah! Do it! Join twitter! You would be an amazing tweeter - your posts are hilarious and witty, just imagine what you could do in 140 characters or less! Also, shorts with tights in my favorite trend of the year. LOVE! Also, the 2nd photo is gorrrgeous!

Jen said...

This outfit is so cute and brave!! Style blogging has given me courage to try new things (crazy stuff like wearing boot socks, wearing a belt at my waist, and wearing more than 3 colors in one outfit-- crazy, I know. I never knew how behind I was until I started reading style blogs). I hope to keep learning from other style bloggers (like you) and keep gaining more courage to try new things!

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful location! i for one will not do twitter...ever.

Jamie - Thrifty Threads said...

Love the setting -- definitely worth the minor risk of being caught trespassing.

I also have been reluctant to try the tights with shorts look. But your take on it really looks great!

Anonymous said...

I have dotted tights from the Gap just like those! They are my favorite thing right now. Love your outfit!

Linley said...

lovelovelove this look! head to toe, everything about it! everything.

just found your blog and totally in love with it! (:

Unknown said...

This outfit is perfection. I've been looking for ways to wear my polka-dotted tights and I'm definitely going to wear them with shorts and boots now:)

Amanda @ Life with A.Co said...

Woot - tights with shorts, rock that shiz girl.

This is seriously the BEST backdrop for photos - your hubs did a SUPREME job with capturing you and it. Very impressed.

A.Co @ A.Co est. 1984

kristine [kristine. or polly.] said...

I absolutely adore this outfit. I think I need to get some polka dot tights now. And the blue + yellow look so fun together!

Kristine. Or Polly.

Katie Aman said...

I love this-that purse is amazing! I also just recently got on the tights/shorts bandwagon. Love how you styled it up with the blazer-so chic!

toshella said...

I wore tights with shorts a couple weeks ago, and felt so edgy and cute! Then my boyfriend looked at me and asked, 'Is that really what you're wearing tonight?" Le sigh. Maybe I should start a fashion blog. ;)

PS: Join the twitter. Resistance is futile.

Emily (tomorrow never knows) said...

I have to admit, I have not yet jumped on the band wagon. (one word or two?)
I really feel like someone is going to say to me "why are you wearing shorts and tights in December? just wear pants!" Or maybe something more clever (it's monday morning, gimme a break)
But if I had some really thick wool shorts, I'd probably try it out. Since I don't own any... Ive been a chicken. (also, shorts are not allowed at work and on weekends, if i were walkign around the apartment cleanining in shorts and nylons instead of my usual oversized sweats, it just wouldnt feel like a weekend)

FutureLint said...

Those are the cutest shorts I've ever seen! The cut and color are perfect! I also really like the combination of the shirt with the scarf. You're such a trespassing rebel!

Chelsea said...

shorts and tights are a huge deal! and i'm lovin' 'em on you :)

I am so with you on blogging to get the approval online you don't get in a real life. Like OTK socks. Not so many real life people love 'em, but I "know" at least a dozen online who rock 'em on the regular.

Kara said...

I have yet to wear the tights with shorts so I am with you on this trend sister! hehe. This is an awesome outfit from head to toe! You look great! Nothing beats a plaid shirt and blazer in my books and the riding boots are stellar. How are you not freezing though?? lol


Kelly said...

The second picture is just gorgeous.
I resisted shorts and tights for ages, having rocked the combination a lot in 1990, but now I'm in. I especially like the contrast between the pretty tights and the rugged sock peeking out the boots!

Lauren @The Little Things We Do.... said...

i love the moral of the story. i'll definitely make sure to save that one for my future children :).

also...i'm totally in the same boat with tights+shorts. i think it's mostly due to the fact that i've never really liked shorts. who knows. you look lovely though. it's my first time visiting your blog and i'm quite certain it won't be my last.

Bre said...

I am glad you broke a rule or two for these shots because they were worth it. I mean what better way to show off your tights?
I bought purple tights last year and they are still in my closet, unworn.
You look amazing and you pulled off mixing patterns and colors so I tip my hat to you girl for a job better than well done.

Anonymous said...

Your style is so cute!
i love the color about the shorts and also the tights:)

AM said...

Haha, very cute post! I feel the same though about the tights with shorts...haven't tried it and feel like I'm too late, but your outfit is really cute so maybe I'll be brave one day soon :)


Emma at Daily Clothes Fix said...

You're rocking those shorts with the tights and I love the pop of your scarf and how it carries the colours through. Great backdrop too. What I am trying to say is I love all of this.

monster cakes said...

I adore this outfit! It combines all of my favorite things: tights with shorts, polka dots, plaid, knee highs, and blazers! So cute.

Ashley Ashbee said...

Wow, I didn't know one could make such a great outfit with stuff from H &M! I guess I misjudged that store. Great outfit and beautiful shots. You are gorgeous and resourceful!

Tieka, Selective Potential said...

Sometimes fashion blogging is about getting the approval online that you are not getting in real life. - That's so true! Especially when I first started blogging, it made me feel good to know other girls out there thought my outfit looked good.. instead of crazy!

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