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A Very Random 7

A beach outfit...



T-shirt dress? Blue Life, Winners
Sandals? Hushpuppies, Style Sense
Hat? Target
Belt? Roots, thrifted
Bangles? thrifted, Cuba and gifted


Kansas Couture nominated me for Creative Blogger award (yes, I changed the spelling, Kreativ was driving me nuts...) which is great; first blog award and from someone as cool as Katy... So, here are 7 very random facts about me...

1. Despite the husband and the high heels, I am a crazy cat lady at heart.

2. I was born in South Korea.

3. I love brown leather... I own quite a few brown leather boots, bags and belts. Yes, I have worn this belt in the last 3 outfit posts, you got a problem with that?

4. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up... but I don't stress about it as much anymore. Which is good.

5. I realize my hair is really ugh lately but I have to decide whether I'm cutting it short again or growing it long (big decisions, I know) AND my hairdresser is on vacation. Have fun but come home soon!

6. I'm going to Europe very soon. First to London (by myself) to see some university friends, then to Holland, the motherland, because my brother is getting married!!!!! and then to Paris because Matt and I are in lurve...xxxooo

7. My favourite fact ever... I just realized this yesterday. Our wedding day, almost three years ago, was the last time my whole family has been together (mama, papa, four brothers and me). Since then, two of my brothers have been gallivanting (or studying, working...) around the world and though we've all gone to visit them individually and they've come home, we haven't ALL been together at once. We will, the Lord willing, all meet at the airport in Amsterdam on Matt and I's anniversary and, exactly, three years to date that we were all together for our wedding, we will be reunited again. Crazy, eh? It just worked out like that! And I can't wait!

I'm supposed to tag 7 other bloggers but I think this award has made the rounds and it is maybe time to put it to rest? Yes, I was the one in elementary school getting seven years of bad luck for not sending out those chain letters. Anyways, all you fashion bloggers are fabulous and thanks for inspiring me daily!!!!xo

oh ya! Anything you think I NEEEED! to see in Paris, please comment and let me know!


Linda said...

Lurve ze hat! Thanks for putting the award to rest because yes I think everyone has gotten it and been nominated ten million times but I still think it was really cool of Kansas to nominate us. Way to kill it in this outfit dude! Oh! When you go to Paris can you bring me back some macarons? They are freaken delicious.... (sandwich looking thing).
Someone from work once brought us some as a gift...holy delicious.

Anonymous said...

that blue looks great on you. love your sense of humor in your kreativ 7.

Unknown said...

Have fun in Paris, we were in Paris a couple of weeks ago. We also visited the in-laws and my brother who lives in Amsterdam. Have fun in Holland, I think I ate pretty much what I wanted that I know for sure I couldn't get here.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh Paris! Show us pictures when you get back!

Love that spunky hat!

jenloveskev said...

You have to go to the Merci store!! Its awesome and I got some great perfume there. Its a really beautiful and amazing little boutique! - the website is in french but you can at least get the address from it!

Unknown said...

what an exciting itinerary....i am sure you gonna have a blast. and the reunion thing is so sweet.
Btw I just came back from a trip to Paris, I can tell you one thing you got to have macaroons at this place, they are to die for...go to their des Champs Elysées shop
Have fun.

Unknown said...

btw congrats on the award, Kelly gave it to me and I was super excited about it.

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I love your hat and that shade of blue. My family is getting like that too--my sisters both live in other states, my father's deployed, and the family beyond that unit has always been too dispersed to consider. I hope you all have a lovely meet-up; and maybe another one in a shorter time frame. :)

yiqin; said...

You wear hats so well! I am so jealous. Hahah the blue looks great on you too :D

Unknown said...

ahh i am so jealous you are going to paris

you MUST go to colette. most amazing store i have ever laid eyes on and go to Laduree for macaroons (its near the champs elysee)