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September Wears

September was a month of writing up ridiculously long to-do lists and then crossing all the things off those lists. I worked like crazy and things got done. ***pats self on back***
It should be noted that I was also a mediocre wife, friend and daughter (and blogger) in September but as long as those seasons of mediocrity are temporary, it will be OK. Friends, it is October, we can hang out again;)
What I am trying to say is that we hardly had time to do outfit pics in September because sometimes choosing the right wall takes more than 7 minutes and ain't nobody got time for that... in September. But I did get dressed up to work in the shop and I did take the time out for selfies. Because my priorities are in the right place... 
Honestly, I think it's kinda fun to have quick little snaps of what I wore to the shop. It's a pleasure to just wear what you want... until the winter time and the heat can't keep up and I wear 30 layers and keep the space heater plugged into my hand bag...

Dress? Vintage Albert Nippon Shoes? Young and Tae

I am actually paying for some ad space in a local mag (just trying it out, figuring out what reaps the greatest rewards in terms of marketing is a puzzle that needs constant work and re-evaluation) and they needed a picture of me in the shop. Well, might as well get every dollar's worth out of that ad space and go for a popping dress. This silk Albert Nippon dress (I removed the 80's sleeves) is so great to wear, especially with the help of a full crinoline. 

Dress? Vintage Necklace? Vintage Whiting and Davis Purse? Vintage

I bought this dress from Lost & Found Vintage (a sweet local lady with the cutest mobile shop, the prettiest smile and the best 70's fashion) and I was worried it would be too late in the season for such a summery dress... Happily on the day of the street sale for the shop, the weather was super fabulous... almost as fabulous as my dress;)

Dress? French Connection Boots? Joe Fresh Necklace? Vintage Whiting and Davis

This is my favoruite French Connection dress from a few years ago. The long sleeves, sharply shaped shoulders, low V and swingey hem make it super flattering. It has made the rounds and been borrowed a few times and honestly, I have no problem passing my clothes on to friends if they enjoy them, but I just can't let this dress go. It's too good.

Skirt? Thrifted Sweater? Old Navy Boots? Steve Madden Purse? Vintage

Thrifted fringe skirt... Like I've said before, I'm having a fringe moment, maybe even a fringe year. I would be OK if this is the decade of the fringe too. I'm wearing a cotton h&m skirt as a slip and it was fine until I took big steps and then it rode right up. Of course I found this out the hard way; running to my car after picking up a dress at the alterations place, trying to avoid the rain and make it to the shop in time. Time to stock up on some more classic slips at the thrift shop I guess;)

Jacket? Vintage Pants? Vince Shoes? Nine West, thrifted

This burst of sunshine jacket is another Instagram buy from Vintage Whimsy (guess what? shamelesssss plug, I sell on Insta every few weeks too...). I took a bit of a chance on it, I loved the print but I was unsure about the size and how the material would fall. After staring at it for way too long, I bought it, hoping I could just #makeitwerk. I know it's more of a spring print but I could not wait that long, so I wore it with my leather pants on the first really chilly day of the season. 


Veronika Novotny said...

Love the tunic at the end, Yen. Perfect way to make a spring print work - love it with the leather leggings!! And I gotta say, your style, is the best!! Love these shop girl posts! <3

The Suburb Experiment said...

I LOVE seeing the everyday looks! You make me want to go thrifting, then I remember that the thrift shops here RARELY have vintage - just Forever21 sweatshirts for $18.99. I miss Seattle thrifting. :( Maybe I'll have to start stalking some of these Instagram shops you refer to. . .

Unknown said...

Very cute outfits! The black dress is my favorite! Thanks for sharing1

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Adrienne J said...

That jacket is amazing! Your vintage pieces totally inspire me to shop 2nd hand.

Keira - A Pretty Penny said...

I LOVE this post!

bridgetwhoplaysfrenchhorn said...

Lurker here! :)

eShakti has a deal on crinolines right now, black and white. Any thoughts on versatility or preferences if you had to choose one? Thanks!

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