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Dress Me Up, Take Me Out


Dress? Vintage Necklace? Vintage (I'll list it as part of the upcoming etsy holiday collection)
Shoes? Young and Tae  (can't find these exactly online but they do custom and can make these again... They are also very comfortable... true story) Clutch? Vintage, Shop Elofson 

Often enough I get ladies in the store looking for a last-minute dress to wear to a wedding. I'm the opposite, I'm looking for a last-minute wedding so I can wear a dress.
My friend recommended putting out an ad on Kijiji (like Craig's List...) advertising as seat-filler for weddings. I'm not sure it will work; your mother guilting you into inviting her third cousin's hair dresser is seat filler enough.

We actually did have a wedding when I wore this dress but if there had been no wedding, I would have worn this to do a post office run because I was just so excited to take it out. I made a deal with myself to sell one of my party dresses in exchange for taking this one into the fold (AKA the closet). Making a trade is a big decision but I'm pretty sure this one is an upgrade over almost everything. I love the forest green with the bronze lining popping through and the velvet roses scattered on the skirt.
I think I am just going to have to host a holiday party. Not to see my friends and eat food and drink fancy beverages but just to wear this dress again...


wtiger9 said...

I almost gasped aloud when I saw this picture in my blog feed. STUNNING! This color is MADE for you!

Alison at Wardrobe Oxygen said...

Oh this dress! SWOON!

Adrienne J said...

This is gorgeous!!

Unknown said...

You remind me of a princess and I love it and I want that necklace!

Anna said...

GORGEOUS - I would definitely take this into the fold too.

Franziska said...

It's seriously not fair how pretty you are. That first picture is stunning!

Kathleen said...

This is the dress of my dreams!

Suzanne said...

Wow this dress is perfection. The necklace too.


Coosje said...

What wtiger9 said. That was exactly my reaction. Glamour girl!!!

Rebecca Jane said...

This dress had to be a keeper, no matter the trade-off because it is glorious. And it looks incredibly wonderful on you. If I ever get married I might take you up on your "kijiji seatfiller ad" (hilariously awesome idea on part of your friend) just so that lovely dress can get an outing... ha

DressUpNotDown said...

Now THAT is the perfect reason to host a party!!!


Little House of Haute said...

One of a kind vintage find + non traditional colors = best dress at the party every time!

Minnie said...

Everything about you is gorgeous....I WAS wondering how far you could walk in those shoes though until you mentioned that they ARE comfortable!

Michele with 1 L said...

I also gasped when I saw this photo! I just told my 10 year old daughter, who still loves princesses, that THIS would be my dream princess dress! Absolutely stunning!

Unknown said...

The color is awesome, i like it !


Mindy said...

Gorgeous as always. Have you always had your nose pierced?!

Jamie Morton said...
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Jamie Morton said...

You look gorgeous in this beautiful dress! And this necklace is great.
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Ingrid said...

You always look lovely, but these pictures are fabulous works of art... Oh my...

maya luna said...

oh green green lovin.. nature color.. i love it.. and u look amazing with it. thanks

fashion designer???

Unknown said...

Beyond beautiful. The color is divine.

Anonymous said...

That is a gorgeous dress color and photoshoot location!

Monika Jones said...

Awwww, stunning photos! The dress is totally amazing! Just can't take my eyes off these pics!
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Anonymous said...

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