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Pogs and Free People


Dress? Free People (quite similar here) Boots? Steve Madden Necklace? Vintage Whiting and Davis (here, but without a chain) Bracelet with stones? Vintage sterling (have the exact one and its cousin in the shop) 
Pics? By Shelly Spithoff*

This blog post has nothing to do with these pictures. It happens sometimes... I usually try to find some kind of connection between the text and the photos but today I'm not even attempting it. Rebellious behaviour...

Ok, so you remember the Pog craze of the early 1990's? If you do, we can hang out. If not, you must be young and fabulous and still get ID'd when you go and buy yourself a nice bottle of vintage. Enjoy that.
But back to Pogs... They were those circular cardboard disks that you had to flip over in order to win them off your competitor (yeah, super complicated, thank goodness we have Farmville now... Kidding, I don't play Farmville and stop inviting me to play. Those invitations make me hate you.) Anyways, there were real licensed Pogs that were collectable, cool and trademarked and then there were the cheap knock-off Pogs without the Pog logo on the back. No one will be shocked to hear that my parents were not going to waste money buying me those name brand Pogs I so desperately wanted. And so, in probably one of my greatest moments of ingenuity, I cut out circular pieces of cardboard and glued cartoon characters on them from the weekly flyers we got in the mail. I even glued the Pog logo on the back to make them as legit as possible.

If you are impressed and wish you had Pinterest back then so I could have made a faux Pog tutorial and you could have pinned it as a rainy day activity, you need to hold your admiration and wait until what I tell you next. Because by the time Pogs went out of style I had an entire can and a few binder pages full of real, brand name Pogs that I had won, traded and/or begged off friends. I was like Drake, starting from the bottom, now we here...
I handmade less than 10 Pogs and somehow, I worked my way up to have a rather extensive collection of real Pogs. Basically, I was a Pog shark. I just thought I would write this post because I was talking to a friend about Pogs yesterday and I realized then that I was a pint-sized Pog shark back in the day and it is only fair to share that information. Again, please tell me you remember Pogs, else this entire post is a frighteningly random.... That is all. 

And just to try to refer back to the pictures in this post, might I just say that this fluffy dress was great fun to wear...

(And these lovely pics are by Shelly Spithoff, who just launched her fancy new website and is having a pretty good contest if you are in Southern Ontario and getting married this year... Just FYI...)


ParisGrrl said...

Remember them? I *cough* just *might* have a container of them somewhere around here....

Lady Natalie said...

What was the thing that you used to flip the pogs over? It was round, but heavier. Anyway, mine had John 3:16 on it and a picture of the Earth. Good times.

Emma said...

Kudos to my parents...I had literally no idea that "real" Pogs had the logo on the back. I was an exclusively knockoff girl, haha. And yes, I absolutely have a canister of them in my basement somewhere...

Andi said...

Yes, I absolutely remember pogs and I am so impressed by your skills! I had one of the small tubes full of pogs, but I honestly never really understood how to play. Pogs were banned at school, and my friends and I weren't that interested in figuring it out. So, I still don't know how to play, but I sure enjoyed collecting them and organizing them in order of least to most favorite. I was really cool.

Feisty Harriet said...

Yes! Pogs! I luuuuuurved them! I still have a stack of them in my Dad's basement with my other elementary treasures. :)


DressUpNotDown said...

Yep, I remember pogs. :o)

Ok, so your stack of bangles is most impressive!!!! I can almost hear the clinking just looking at the photos. :o)

Candycane said...

Haha yes I remember pogo but they went as popular in the uk, or maybe I was too old for them when they were at there height of fame :)

BTW I am loving this dress - it's gorgeous especiallywith the turquoise bangle!!


dani said...

This. Pog. Story. Is. AMAZING. I was pig-obsessed, had many a knockoff, and let's not forget… "SLAMMERS." I had a binder-full, for sure. The tooth fairy even used to bring me pogo… Ah, the good old days.

(Even better than Beanie Babies!)

dani said...

This. Pog. Story. Is. AMAZING. I was pig-obsessed, had many a knockoff, and let's not forget… "SLAMMERS." I had a binder-full, for sure. The tooth fairy even used to bring me pogo… Ah, the good old days.

(Even better than Beanie Babies!)

Stephanie Loudmouth said...

Pogs are awesome and I always feel old when someone doesn't know what they are! Also, love the outfit. It makes me want to run through a field of daisies.

Laura @ A Closet Full of Clothes... said...
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Laura @ A Closet Full of Clothes... said... goodness..pogs! I definitely had a bunch. And since I am a hoarder, they are probably in a box somewhere in my parents basement...

E said...

I was of the sticker craze, which i think was before pogs. I had a book full of stickers on un-sticky surfaces, never to be used, only to be hoarded. I wonder what ever happened to those...

Anyway, this is all beside the point because I really like the frothy white dress and hearty brown boots together in this look. Perfect.

Unknown said...

Great look, the necklace is very interesting!
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Leah said...

What Andi said.
Also, my friend moved to Hawaii in 2nd grade and I got to spend the night with her on a family trip there. And GUESS WHAT. She educated me that POGs were natively Hawaiian and we're actually the cardboard tops off of gallon jugs of Pineapple Orange Guava juice (hence POG. Duh. Silly mainlanders who didn't know what they stood for...).
Anyway, she had two ginormous tubes full of vintage and legit POGs and she took pity on poor Midwestern me and gave me a few genuine POGs, then tried to teach me to play while we listened to UB40 and watched Patrick Ewing's Knicks beat some other 90s era basketball team.
Looking back, I probably should have converted those precious authentic POGs into prestige at school but I think they were banned. Alas!

Thanks for the memories!

Amanda @ Life with A.Co said...

OMG LOL!!! Yes I remember Pogs, obviously, hahaha this whole post has me snorting. Pog shark--that's a serious accomplishment and I'm so glad you shared this hilariously-awesome story!! :D

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