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Making a Statement

Pants? Trina Turk Shoes? Guess, thrifted Bag? Thrifted (Italian made, pumped about this find...) 
Necklace? Vintage (check out this oneGlasses? Jimmy Choo c/o ClearlyContacts

I wore this to the shop last Saturday. I went to bed Friday night and told Matt I was excited for the next day because I loved the outfit I had planned. Excited about my pink slacks but mostly excited about this stunner of a necklace. I bought the necklace for the shop, at least that is what I told myself (and anyone who would listen to my justifications...) but it may take a little detour at my house first. I'm just such a sucker for the quality and uniqueness of these eye catching necklaces assembled from vintage Czech crystals. Statement necklaces are going to come and go in popularity; one month we'll be loving dainty little charms and the next month we'll want bibs made of wooden beads carved into a zoo of animals (that actually sounds awesome, someone make me that!) but if you have a unique quality piece, you'll be thrilled to wear it whether or not it is 'on trend'.
Seriously, when I talk about purchasing vintage pieces, I sound/read like a an infomercial. I want to apologize for that, but it would be both insincere and so very Canadian... #sorrynotsorry #ilovevintage #ibarelytoleratehashtags #especiallywhenpeopleusethemonfacebook

Ok, done.


Amanda @ Life with A.Co said...

I love this outfit too, and I don't blame you for detouring this necklace!

Where is your top from? Love the open back. The pants are BOOM! awesome, and what a score on that bag!

Chachi said...

Love entire outfit but necklace is to die for!

Jentine said...

Amanda- the top is a really old backless tank from Mendocino... Like maybe 8 years old!

Leah said...

This outfit is amazing and you pull it off so well!

The Suburb Experiment said...

I used a hashtag on Facebook last week and felt like an ass the second I hit "post". So, yeah. I've hit an age where trends come too fast for me so I just wear whatever feels good and then I'm surprised when I read Vogue and see something supposedly coming back in style because I didn't realize it ever left. And get off my lawn.

Feisty Harriet said...

Ooooh, I love this!! Such a fun outfit and that necklace is to die for!


Unknown said...

I'm happy my question about the top was already answered! Love it love it love it!

DressUpNotDown said...

You look as amazing as ever!

I have had a hard time falling asleep at night just knowing an awesome outfit is all picked out for the next day. :o)

Thanks for the giggle over your hashtags!


Unknown said...

Hey! That's a damn cool outfit!
Love the photos as well!

Btw, if you're interested in promoting your blog for free, you can push your link here:

Lauren said...

I am pretty much just smitten with this look. I love the color of your trousers (it looks fabulous with leopard print) and I just love how you put the whole look together.

Lauren xo
Sophisticated In Style

Unknown said...

THAT BAG!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, all those exclamation points are NECESSARY. What a great find!

Meet the Magnolias said...

This outfit is the bomb.

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