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Inspired Effort

Sweater? Vintage, Revolving Closet Shorts? Siwy Boots? Joe Fresh 
Bag? Some brand from Winners but this Etsy shop has many like it...

Merl launched her fancy pants eco website recently and styled an editorial of her sister (there are two Merls!...) in all white looks using primarily thrifted and vintage pieces. I just love the shoot, it's so crisp and yet dreamy (words, why are you failing me?) and I love the summery white looks. Duly inspired I decided I was going to create my own all white summer look this weekend... 
And then nothing was looking quite as chic as the editorial, so I just ended up with a sequin sweatshirt and some denim shorts. Because when all else fails, I sequin...

I do feel however, that I am having a bit of a style transition. When I have a free day I would like to do a major closet overhaul. I'm a big believer in keeping beautiful pieces to wear in different ways as the years pass by but I think there is a lot of fluff in my closet that I would like to cut out. I'm not changing my style completely, just streamlining some things and thinking more chic and less trendy. Maybe because at 30, I am all grown up now... and nothing says grown up like denim shorts and sequins, right?


DressUpNotDown said...

As pretty as the all White photo shoot is, I find I'm more inspired by your sequins and shorts. :o)

Unknown said...

...this reads 'you' so absolutely and i don't even know you...but wish i did...hope all is going great with your shop!!!

Jenna Leigh said...

love this outfit!!

stop by,

Unknown said...

sequins and fringe, you wear them so well and I'm perpetually envious of those damn legs! I've also tried to style my own all white looks and I look more like a marshmallow, I'm bloated right now from eating too much cheese so I'm going to wait to deflate and try it again.

Unknown said...

Lovely outfit. I badly want this bag! :)
Nice and Clean Surrey

Elle said...

This is indeed a lovely outfit. I love the unique pieces, maybe there is a lot going on though with the colourful prints, fringes and glitter all together - However, I love that bag!

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