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She Does Love Me


Even though her lingerie shower was decorated pink and red, Linda loved me enough to send me this... She's got a little side business going on where she makes illustrations from your photos (perfect for blog headers...incidentally) called Misketch.
The best part is that she can do it to your request, just send in the picture and she'll make you look like a million bucks. This was a surprise (she's got skills, the sequin jacket looks awesome!!!) but when she makes me my next one, I'm going to request that my thighs don't touch and my chest is ... you know, slightly larger. Haha, I'm joking, I promise! But if that's what you want, she'll do it...
Thanks Lin! You're a star!
Check her out!


E said...

That's a gorgeous illustration! I'm in awe of anyone who can use illustrator or photoshop or anything graphically-oriented!

Unknown said...

WOw! thats such a great illustration. And I have been in love with this jacket of yours since the day i spotted it on your blog. Fantastic.

Secondhand Stella said...

So cute! The sequin jacket looks awesome! I will have to check out her other work.

Linda said...

No, YOU'RE a star! I love your blinging jacket and may be warming back up to sequins...MAYBE.

Thanks for the feature! Yes I do love you :).

Anonymous said...

I've been seeing this on other blogs. She does great work!

vitaMinn style said...

I've seen her website, she's your friend? Awesome!