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Home is Where the Heart Is

Hey kids! I'm back.
Even though Europe was wonderful, it's good to be back. I've cuddled my cats so much they wish I would go away again. It's also nice to open my fridge and find fresh fruits and vegetables in abundance, especially since I think I'm starting to develop my own Euro a$$ from eating at restaurants the last few days. And it's nice to be back at blogging, with a computer that works decently and having my pictures actually uploading. Maybe I should buy one of them new-fangled laptops, I've heard they are handy, especially when travelling.
I'll do a outfit post and some favourite shots from Holland right now (yes, Paris and wedding pictures to come when I catch up on sleep).

holland blog olsen
Dress? Collective Concepts, Winners
Jacket? Zara
Scarf? Zara
Boots? Gap
Knee-highs? Primark
Cuff? antique market
Sunglasses? Old faithfuls from h&m

I wore this outfit biking into town the one day. I liked it, but when I saw the pictures it looked like I was layering like an Olsen. Not that I don't appreciate the unique way that those girls dress, it just bothers me when people try to constantly duplicate their look. I feel like the twins (but especially MK) try really hard to stand-out and be individual and that copying their look goes against the whole Olsen style mantra of being yourself.
Wow, that's deep! I guess that I just want to clarify that I layered for warmth not for Olsen adoration:) I was originally just wearing the casual dress but it got chilly. I love this dress. I found it at Winners for very cheap because it looked funny hanging up (is it a shirt or a dress?) but once I put it on, I was sold. So comfy and chic too, I think. In Holland, it drove me nuts that girls wore leggings under every outfit. Slight overkill. But biking in this skirt and having flashed everyone in the small town we stayed in, made me realize that leggings serve a function as well.

holland blog dress

Being in Holland was awesome because I got to spend lots of time with my family and relax. We rented a cottage in the country and besides the wedding, my biggest daily excursion was biking into town to get Diet Coke or dutch junk food (patat, croquettes, droppies...). There were animals everywhere and annoyingly (to Matt I'm sure), I had to say hi to every animal and ask if we could take him/her home. Matt said no, he's mean...

holland blog cat
holland blog kitty2
holland blog rams
holland blog cows

We even borrowed the neighbour's cat because he was so darn cute. He's getting a cuddle from my little brother...
holland blog kitty

On our last day, Matt and I went to a pancake restaurant (I heard they are healthy...or not). Maybe I'm biased but Dutch pancakes beat French crepes, hands down.
holland blog pancakes

And a picture of Matt at the restaurant because he's so handsome.
holland blog matt

It's a good thing with all the pancake and croquette eating we did, that we rented bikes for our week at the cottage. The best 40 euros I have ever spent. I think I went for three bike rides every day. I biked for the exercise, enjoyment and the company (that's my dad!) but also to see even more animals that I could potentially adopt...
holland blog dad


C said...

Wow, I love the socks with boots combo! Must try this winter!!

Unknown said...

Love it , you make me want to eat patat met krokketen and of course dropjes. My friend is in Holland and bringing me a package of drop very soon I can hardly wait.

Anonymous said...

looks like you had a nice time. looked chic while doing it too:)

Elaine said...

I love layered looks and I especially love yours!!! So glad to hear you had fun on your trip. I loved reading this post. It was too funny!!! especially about the animals part....I do that to my husband too!!! hahaha. And I really love what you're wearing in the fourth picture....even if I can only see part of it :). And your boyfriend? husband? looks like Liev Schreiber!!! long lost twin perhaps??? ;)

Secondhand Stella said...

Love your outfit! That scarf is awesome!

It looks like you had an awesome time! I also am a little obsessed with animals and when I went to Michigan this summer, I went to an antique store that had free kittens to give away. It killed me that I couldn't take one home w/ me!

Your bf is so cute!

Glad to see you back. I missed your posts.

gina said...

Nice outfit. I like the socks and all the layers!

The cats are adorable. I saw free kittens at an antique store too! In Pennsylvania, though. I really wanted to take them home.

Linda said...

Droppies are GROSS!
Cute outfits, cute husband and nice to have you back. I feel like a part of me has returned.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the pictures you did post for the last few day here. Cant wait to see more! Those cats are adorable!

Academichic said...

Sounds wonderful! I'm really enjoying reading about your vacation. On a slightly stalkerish note - I think if I still lived in Hamilton, we'd have to meet up and be good friends. S.