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Poems and Patterns


Jeans? h&m Plaid shirt? Maison Scotch (very similar here) Floral sweater? c/o sheinside (here
Plaid blazer? Ralph Lauren, thrifted Boots? Sendra, Winners (similar here)

About 10 years ago I wrote a wistfully romantic poem called 'Plaid and Pinstripes' (I would link it but sadly I can't seem to find it online... EDIT: someone awesome found the poem for me! I guess it was called MisMatched ...? But it was about plaid and pinstripes. Regardless... here it is. It's kinda cute, not going to lie...). I entered the poem in a local writing contest and it won first place in my age group. It got published in the newspaper right around the time I first started dating Matt and I remember everyone asking if the poem was about Matt. It wasn't about him; I wasn't even dating Matt when I first wrote it and it was definitely more about permanently unrequited and complicated love than it was about that sweet, solid guy who would end up as the father of our three fur babies. (Ha, I just wrote that to irritate my mother who absolutely hates it when I refer to the cats as my kids. Which obviously makes me take it to the next level and force the cats to wave good bye to grandma whenever she leaves my house...)

Because of that poem, the plaid and pinstripes jokes have followed Matt and I around for years. And so now, whenever I wear a pattern mix involving plaid, I always have a little giggle at my short lived career as a poet. I must note that I've amped my pattern mixing in the last decade. It started out as plaid and pinstripes but now I'm stepping it up with two plaids and a floral print. I would write a poem about it but my poetry skills were much better as an angsty teen mourning unrequited love...

(p.s. If you are Amanda and you commented on September 20 at 9:56 am, send me an email! You won the Love at First Blush giveaway!)


megannielsen said...

Hhehehe now i totally want to read that poem!! I had no idea you were a hidden poet honey!

And seriously, wow, this is possibly the most awesome pattern work i've seen in an outfit. Totally love this Yen!!!

Hugs! xoxo

Krystin Lee said...

Loving the combo of plaid and floral!
xo Krystin

Sara said...

This is possibly my favorite pattern mix ever! Each piece alone is good, but the way you have put them together is just amazing!

Betsy said...

Love that sweater!

megB said...

I am SO envious of your blazer collection! I don't have nearly as good of luck thrifting jackets! Love the pattern AND color mixing here, and if you come across that poem... you should link up to it ;)

Author said...

I am also super envious of your blazer-thrifting skillz! Seems like whenever I find an awesome blazer, it's always either big enough to drown me or it's petite -- meaning everything fits great except for the too-short sleeves.

Anyway, I love the plaid and floral!

LyddieGal said...

What a talented young poet you must have been!

And what a talent to mix three patterns and have it look so cohesive and effortless.

Kendall said...

Love the plaid mixing here!
xo K

The Merchant Project said...

mix master! those boots are calling out for Ralph Lauren. Cheers to Fall Lady! - Catherine

Jennifer said...

I love the mix of patterns and textures!

xo Jennifer

Asher said...

You pull off pattern mixing so effortlessly :) Love that plaid undershirt! And those boots are to die for!

Kasmira said...

Love the pattern mixing and the layering.

Unknown said...

I love this! I'm totally not pro at mixing prints...or rocking the casual chic look...I must take lessons!

Chachi said...

Love the whole outfit!

Kimmielovesparis said...

Love your posts...always looking fabulous and always something witty to read. Love the small print about the fur babies! I can my Folks my fur baby is the Grandcat.

compradora anonima said...


Rebecca Jane said...

Such a sweet poem! And the librarian in me loved that it was for an HPL sponsored contest.

Ash said...

Have you purchased anything from before? I'm getting very worried about my purchase and I'm afraid that it's not a real company. I ordered the floral sweater from this blog post on October 12th and the tracking information still isn't listed on their website. It says that my order is still "processing." I emailed their customer service department yesterday, but I haven't received a reply from them. I googled the site and found TERRIBLE reviews about their service and quality. I'm nervous about losing my money now and worried about how safe my credit card information is with them. Please let me know if you have heard anything about them. Thanks so much! Sincerely, Ashley

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