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Aunt Velma


Skirt? Thrifted Tank? Victoria's Secret Shoes? Frye Bag? Joe Fresh Sunglasses? Thrifted 

I thrifted this skirt with an elephant print at the beginning of the summer but I didn't fully appreciate its awesomeness until the end of summer. It's been a sweaty day staple since its rediscovery... And sweaty days have still been aplenty...

I can't help but laugh everytime I see a picture of myself in these sunglasses. They are... slightly kooky. I feel like a crazy Aunt Velma when I wear them. You know, Aunt Velma (Velma can be replaced with any name really...), the requisite loopy aunt in many fictional tales? The one with 6 cats, a teapot collection and an affinity for Baileys in her morning cereal...? And while I'm pretty sure my inescapable fate involves becoming a crazy aunt, I think I might just be a cool aunt for now...

A few weeks ago I had my three tween nieces over for a slumber party. I did their nails for them and my one niece asked for her ring finger to be painted a different colour. The two others gave her some major side eye for her nail polish choice but she explained that this was something she had seen Aunt Yen do. And you know what? The other girls totally thought this was a good explanation because I. am. cool. I have klout with 10 year old girls. Bam.


Jennifer Vincent said...

You teach those yoots!

The_Leather_Skirt_Blog said...

Aunt Velma, you, your shades & the lone finger nail ARE cool!

Nice skirt, too!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, you're not cool until a 10 year old says you are. GO YEN!

Shauna said...

I know which tween wanted that :-P

GFS said...

That tank top is HELLA sexy! owww!

Unknown said...

HAHAHA! I love this outfit, and I totally get what you mean about the glasses - some of the older ladies would have glasses like this where I worked in high school.


Katie Aman said...

Haha! Aunt Velma...that is a great name for those sunnglasses. I love the elephant print skirt. I fell in love with elephants this summer when I got to pet one and she nuzzled up to me and it was the most wonderful experience! I love me some adorable elephant-ness :)

Kate said...

Baileys.... in your cereal... Hmmm. I like the cut of your jib, madam. I also love that skirt! The booties really make it sing.

Kastles said...

Umm elephants, yes please! Digging the Aunt Velma shades! And yes you are the cool aunty, I am not really surprised :)
Have a good weekend!
<3 Kastles

Audrey @ Putting Me Together said...

First of all, how freaking cute is it that you had a slumber party with the nieces? Secondly, "Aunt Yen" and your hip nail ways. Don't discount that--10 year olds are hard to please.

Amber of Butane Anvil said...

Jentine, the skirt and shoes are stunning pieces ad even more so together. You are fabulous in those shades - cultivating Velma-style battiness only increases the coolness!

Unknown said...

Love that wrap-around skirt!!

Chilel Aissitou said...

I love the skirt maybe because I have the same one in fuchsia (and a pillow cover in irish green as well).But it is been confined to the house.. May have to rock it out sometime. BTW, I wish I had you as an Aunt coz your cool....

Linda said...

Hehe I can see your nieces at school talking about their "cool" Aunt Yen and her multicolor painted finger nails.

Your skirt reminds me of skirts my mom and her friends wear-- my parents are from Laos (by Thailand) and silk, embroidered wrap skirts are a classic staple for women. She would LOVE the elephant print. If your skirt is silk and unmarked (no tags), it might be from Asia!

katie b said...

wow, so impressed with this outfit! i mean, the tank and the shoes are clearly cute and can probably be worn with a million different outfits....but the skirt is a different story and way more challenging to incorporate into a successful look.

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