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Champagne Thursdays


Leather top? Sas, Winners (similar with sleeves and without sleeves pricey) Jeans? 7 for Mankind  
Clutch? Thrifted Shoes? Ash (very similar here) Necklace? Vintage (similar here or check Etsy!) 

This is what I wore to preview the fall/winter collections at Milli. I sipped champagne and looked at beautiful clothing. It's how fashion bloggers usually spend their Thursdays. Tuesdays are reserved for brunch and Wednesdays are manicure days, but I digress...


Milli is the fashion mecca in Hamilton. Helmut Lang, Elizabeth and James and Marc Cain all share rack space in this well edited, high end boutique. I grew up knowing about Milli but I was always a little intimidated to go in. There is this fear of having the Pretty Woman shop girl experience.
A few years ago, I finally convinced myself to get over myself and I went to the annual sale at Milli. It was there that I found my favourite skirt of life, a.k.a. magic mermaid fantasticness, on sale for $50 down from $1500. I know, I've gushed about this skirt before but it still makes me giddy to even think about it. When I tried the skirt on, I turned around and it was Milli herself assisting me. If the store Milli, is the fashion mecca in Hamilton  then the owner Milli, is the fashion icon of Hamilton (it's worth reading this article about her... eye opening). I would like to think I am too cool to get star struck but I think Milli helping me with my floor length sequin skirt is a memory I will always smile at.
To be honest, I can only afford to shop the sale rack at Milli in the next foreseeable future. But when I get that book deal for my manuscript, tentatviely titled 'What am I Doing with My Life, How Come my Cats Don't Listen to Me and Other Big Questions', I am celebrating with something full price at Milli... and champagne. A good combination, I think.


eelsay said...

I love a great find! That necklace is super cute!

Secondhand Stella said...

Sounds like a good plan! Will you sign a copy of that book for me? :)

Unknown said...

What a great book title! Hehe I am swooning something major for your leather top.

Unknown said...

That top is simply amazing! I love the fact that it is a leather; so swoon worthy! Looking so glam. :)


Kastles said...

Sounds like a sweet shop! Also this look is amazing! Jealous of that top and that amazing necklace! And I love the touch of colour with the heels!
Have a great weekend!
Hope you enjoyed your fashion night in on your porch :)
<3 Kastles

Natasha Fatah said...

Milli sounds like a great place to get inspiration, and maybe from time to time to score a great deal.

I love every element of your outfit. That awesome cognac coloured top is beautious!

~Natasha Fatah~

The_Leather_Skirt_Blog said...

LOVE that top... AND those heels!


Kendall said...

Such a fun post, and I LOVE that top with the necklace, perfection!
xo K

Anonymous said...

That skirt of yours visits my dreams quite frequently since I first laid eyes on it in this very blog....

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this. I have been wanting a leather top. Yours is perfection.

Unknown said...

Love the leather top.

amanda said...

are you kidding me?!?!!!? are you kidding me? a leather sleeveless shirt. i think you may be wearing my dream garment. i'll take it when you're done with it :) but what a cool story! and i'll take champagne thursday any day of the week.

Jennifer said...

Fabulous top!

xo Jennifer

gleeps said...

You are killing it with this look, Yen! That necklace is set off to perfection against the chic leather top. Love the cognac shades of the top and clutch, and the pop of burgundy heels against your dark skinny jeans. Bet Milli herself gave a nod of approval!

The Merchant Project said...

I love the leather! You are looking ready for fall.


Emily said...

that's an amazing story. no i am not being sarcastic... maybe i'm drunk?

i love that mermaid skirt. But i had no idea about the story... I'm a bad friend... i must have skipped a few paragraphs of texts through the years. and i love your leather top and bead necklace, were you dying of heat?

Emily said...

that's an amazing story. no i am not being sarcastic... maybe i'm drunk?

i love that mermaid skirt. But i had no idea about the story... I'm a bad friend... i must have skipped a few paragraphs of texts through the years. and i love your leather top and bead necklace, were you dying of heat?

Unknown said...

You look absolutely Gorgeous!! Love the leather top and the gorgeous heels!

Rebecca Jane said...

Really like this outfit, but that collar wins it for me!

Rebecca Jane said...

Really like this outfit, but that collar wins it for me!

compradora anonima said...

amazing vinatge necklace

swarovski crystal bag said...

wow really a great outfit

Frannie Pantz said...

This look is amazing and perfect for a night out of fashion! Love the sparkly collar!

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