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Cloudy with a Chance of Rain


Shirt? Joe Fresh Pants? Zara Shoes? Coach, Winners Clutch? Winners Cuffs? Auction

The dark skies and impending rain this weekend made me nervous for both selfish and unselfish reasons.
On the selfish side, the overcast sky made it hard to get clear photos with our mediocre camera. And that would have been sad because I really loved this outfit and without photographic proof, did this outfit happen at all? You know what they say, 'pictures or it didn't happen.' But it did happen and we have the evidence as I used the only photography trick I know. If the light is low, pose by a white wall. It's a good thing I don't write a blog on photography or I would be out of material really fast...
For unselfish reasons I didn't want it to rain because my friend and I saw a backyard wedding as I was taking pictures of her in an alleyway (and... that sounds awkward) earlier in the day. We tried to act casual as our creeper nature took over and we snuck peeks into the backyard. If I could re-do our wedding, it would definitely be just family, close friends and adopted cats in our backyard with some good food, fancy drinks and sparkly lights. Not like we'll re-do our wedding though, so maybe we'll just include all those elements and call it a party.
The good news for the nearby backyard wedding was that it only ended up raining for 3 minutes that evening. 3 minutes of rain can ruin a hair style but it would take a lot more than that to ruin a good party.



Anastasia from Natbeesfashion said...

I love the colour combination...Fuscia and blue looks great together!

a little sewing said...

so cute, love those cuffs!

Courtney said...

You are so beautiful. I love this outfit. So jealous of those pink pants. They are gorgeous...

ps, I need your help! I posted on your last post what I thrifted (suede/leather skirt) and I'm thinking it may have been a bad idea because it's costly to dry clean, and I'd wear it without cleaning it, but I'm afraid of the bugs. What would you do? I think it's gross putting it in the freezer with my food!

I Can Be Many Things

Anonymous said...

I love the blouse.

Actually, I prefer overcast days for photography. You have no idea how many photos I take that are abysmally bad, because I fail to take shadows into account. The morning light always seems best.

Style & Poise said...

Love the colors and the detail on that top..very cute!


myedit said...

Courtney- can't seem to get my goggle account to let me comment on your blog...grrrrr. Dry cleaning leather is expensive! I would just tie it up in a bag and put it in the freezer for 2 weeks if you are afraid. Bed bugs are a minor concern when thrifting clothing (depending on location) but it is better to be safe than sorry.
Terri-I like shooting overcast days too but this was past over cast. Most of the pictures were super pixelated (spelling?).

Anonymous said...

Saw this blouse at Joe Fresh, put it up against myself, and thought "I couldn't pull this off"

YOU DID. Perfectly.

Maybe I should re-consider :)


Linda said...

You wear bold colors so beautifully! I love the little eyelet details on your blouse.

Anonymous said...

What a fun color comobo, the shirt is very beautiful with the cut out details, I've heard rain on a wedding is actually good luck, not for hair but for the bride and groom, hope you've had a great weekend!

Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries

eek said...

I'm glad you got an outfit photo too - this one is amazing! I have a pair of hot pink pants I need to wear now...

Think Twice Style said...

I have that same mentality about photos! If it doesn't get photographed, it didn't happen.
Also, do you wear lipstick? They're always a fantastic shade of pink. What do you use?

Frannie Pantz said...

This top is phenom! It would be perfect for a non-wedding outdoor celebration! I love all the colors!

Chandana said...

Love the colour combination in this outfit! And i love outdoor weddings too! :)

Laurel said...

More like sexy with a chance of bedhead. That outfit not only happened, but you killed it.

Anonymous said...

Love the shoes!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Love the pants and the little details on the shirt!

rental mobil said...

Very nice, thanks for sharing.

Raych said...

I freakin love that top.

Unknown said...

I just thrifted some bright pink cropped pants - I've been needing inspiration to wear them out of the house and this is it!

Sarah said...

SO cute! I love the navy and pink together! One of my favorite color combinations.

Ps. I just found your blog through your guest post on See Jane - I love your style and I'm so glad I stumbled across your blog! Will be back soon :)

. said...

If anybody ever asks me "what is it about that girl jentine's blog that you like" (as if anyone would need to ask me that) I would answer: butt shots. I'm guessing directorial credit for those goes to Matt.

Unknown said...

I love the cut out patterns in your top and your pants are so chic! XOXO,

Dorothy said...

your shirt is a good party. love it!

Anonymous said...

i'm in love with those hot pink pants! amazing! :)

xo jeanette

ggshoe said...

Beautiful blouse!!

Neris / Fashion Fractions said...

Lovely look! Color blocking with some leopard details is AMAZING!


Fashion Fractions

Rin said...

I just fell in love with your pants. I wish I was brave enough to pull off hot pink ankle pants. For now, I'll just live vicariously through you.

Anonymous said...

I am such a giant fan of jumbo eyelet. anything eyelet, but especially jumbo eyelet.

young dumb love said...

love that shirt. especially paired with the hot pink pants and nude shoes. bravo!
london camille of

Belle de Couture said...

Love this color combo and the details in this shirt are fab! Great 'fit, girl... from head to toe! :)

Glad I found your blog (from See Jane!).. new follower!!


Rebecca Jane said...

I love the combo of colours in this pretty outfit - especially those amazing pink trousers!

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Chris said...

Thank you for Cloudy with a Chance of Rain