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Whump, Whump, Slump







Jacket? Patrizia Pepe, Winners
Jeans? h&m
Sweater? Thrifted
Boots? Charles David, thrifted
Purse? Roots

I have worn this outfit for 3.5 days out of the last 7. I think that qualifies as a Slump. Lately I have been feeling lethargic, uninspired and whiny. Ugh, so whiny... and I don't deserve to whine; I am blessed. And Matt doesn't deserve to put up with my whine.

The slump usually happens when I think too much. I want to start off 2011 with a positive attitude but instead I stew over every life decision I have ever made until now (including the decision I just made to eat almost the WHOLE bag of Reese's Pieces) and beat myself up for not having life figured out. I know... I am not rowing this boat alone, there are plenty who feel like me.

The good news is that I liked the outfit I was wearing when I fell into the rut. At least the time I spent wallowing in self pity, I wasn't wearing track pants and ice cream stains. Oddly enough I have developed a fondness for these awkward, slightly harem style jeans (Look at me flirting with a 2 year old trend...). The boots and the perfectly constructed jacket I have had for years and they still make my cold heart warm up. And the sweater is a new thrift find that was perfect for the holidays, and managed to transition into the Slump rather well. All in all, a good look to carry on in until I sh-sh-shake off this cloud.


And because I feel bad that I subjected you to a rather woeful post, I will share my awkward pose of the day. Feel free to share your ideas for a caption beneath it.
I'll go first...

'Look Ma! I dropped my crotch!'


Katie, Interrobangs Anonymous said...

Lady, I'm not a heels girl but I am coveting those boots in a big, big way.

And all I have to say about those pants? "Can't touch this."

Artfully Awear said...

I agree--the slump suits you :) Maybe I shouldn't tell you that if you want to come out of it... :)

Rebecca said...

It's nice to know I'm not the only one who gets this way. I hate slumps. But they never last. You look great!

Unknown said...

thats so funny! i suck at captions so i wont even try to top that! oh. my. drool. at least you got stuck in an awesome outfit... seriously!


Anonymous said...

The straps on those boots and the elbow details on that jacket made your slump *gorgeous*. If we can all take a picture from your book, the lethargic days will be beautiful ones.

Anonymous said...

How if YOU are in a slump do you manage to make ME laugh out loud? The last photo is too good.

The sweater is beautiful.

Rad said...

Sorry about your recent slump. I know that it's probably of little comfort, but after finishing graduate school and landing a great job (that I'd been wanting since age 22), I still ask myself, "So is this what I want to do? What shall I be when I grow up?" What you're feeling is normal and good, and you don't need to figure out the answers now.
I'm drooling over those boots. The straps make it special.

From Suns To Moons said...

I would trade you a beloved cashmere sweater for that sweet jacket! As for the caption, I'm leaning towards something a la Mean Girls: "Be honest, bitches. Is my left thigh chubbier than my right one?"

P.S.: Your thighs are perfectly proportionate. Not that I've been staring.

veronika, tick tock vintage. said...

well god damn. that's the best looking slump outfit i've ever seen. my slump outfit for the past three days? my grandma's XXL sweatpants and a ratty sweater.

Jessie @ Style and Pepper said...

new mission in life: FIND A LOOKALIKE PAIR OF THOSE BOOTS! obsessed.

also: you're the cutest little slumpety-slump EVAH!

Emma at Daily Clothes Fix said...

Wow, that jumper is the most perfect find ever. I need to go thrifting where you go - before you get there :-)

You're looking good on a slump. Hope you feel better soon.

amanda said...

i hope my slump looks as good as yours. that sweater is fab u lous.

Secondhand Stella said...

I love the sweater. The color looks great on you.

I always fall into a funk this time of year too. I think its b/c the holidays are over and Spring is soooo far away :(

Academic Writer (a.k.a. A-Dubs) said...

Seriously?! This is what you throw on when you've got the blues? Even slumping you has exquisite funky taste.

Also, hold on, woman! This, too, shall pass.

Christina said...

I usually don't hit my slump until mid-January when I am desperate for warm weather. love that jacket. Those boots are really cool and that sweater is perfectly timely for being thrifted.

SWF_Terra said...

You ma'am, are living on the edge. Is that ice you are so boldly standing on? I would surely be on my rump in no time flat. On a side note, that sweater is quite wonderful.

FutureLint said...

That sweater is so neat and I love the twist on elbow patches on the jacket! Slump on if you keep looking this cool!

Kileen said...

i know what you mean about being in a slump. i've been feeling the same way too. thank goodness there are all you lovely bloggers who keep me inspired!

i love how these jeans look on you and they're tucked into the boots. a lovely mix of colors!

Lindsay Jean said...

I definitely know what you mean about the slumps. Mine usually happen when I buy some new comfy sweater thing, and then I live in it for a week. Or two. At least your slump is bright and funky though! You look great.

Alex said...

I heart yellow so outfit wins some instant style point in my heart already. love the boots? Are they comfy?....

Amanda @ Life with A.Co said...

Slumps stink! SH-SH-SHAKE IT OFF!!

Best line, "..look at me flirting with a 2 year old trend" - LOL.

A.Co @ A.Co est. 1984

Anonymous said...

Well if you are going to get into a wardrobe slump, it might as well be as stylish as this!

I don't know what is with me right now either...I'm also feeling pretty slumpy. I'm usually a lot more excited about the new year, but this year I'm lackadaisical at best.

Good luck on getting out of the slump!

Anonymous said...

Look at those elbow pads! They might be the coolest thing I have seen all day.

Lauren @The Little Things We Do.... said...

you look cute - even in a slump :). that sweater is perfection!

Jessica Marie said...

At least you picked a good outfit for your beats sweats any day of the week. :)

Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

Hehe you so funny.

I love that sweater. Mustard and sparkles? Too swell to be slumpy I say.

Stella said...

Well, if you're in a slump, at least you look fine in it! I'm in a slump too, but I am passing it in pjs and sweats. Glamourous, I know. Stop being jealous!

Fave parts of this outfit: jackets and boots. The color on those boots is just amazing!

Farm Girl Fashionista said...

Sorry for your slump...but thanks for sharing...think I might get out of my pjs now...the first time since NYE?! It also helps that I own the same gloves as YEN!!! I'm feeling a bit more stylish now!! ;-) Love the whole look...sweater is adorable!

Linda said...

Oh here we go, whinety whine whine!
Snap out of it, you're wonderful and your life is awesome.
Why do the pretty ones always do this to themselves?

My caption..

"Matt, is the ice cracking? Cause I ate a whole bag of reese's pieces and I think I put on a whole half a pound.

Anonymous said...

Those boots are pure thrift GOLD.

And your funk is the very reason I don't do resolutions. I'd rather plan for the future than fret about the past.

Destrehan's Daughter said...

Caption suggestion: Is that my tail or a purse?

Lynzy said...

I absolutely adore your style! The mustard colored shirt goes really well with the purse and boots!

xo Lynzy

emily//thelesserpanda said...

You are definitely not wearing a slump outfit, but I know how you feel when you are just completely uninspired and just wear the same couple things for a few days...

When I feel like that I try to get out and walk around my neighborhood for inspiration... or look to other bloggers posts.


Hope said...

Haha! You crack me up!

When I get stuck in my slump, it's usually the same: jeans, slouchy tee, scarf and old Birkenstocks, so this "slump" is putting mine to shame!!

That sweater is AMAZING.

Karen said...

I wish I looked that good in my 'slumps'! I love those boots. Am desperate for some ankle boots in that colour.

Oh an the sweater is a gorgeous colour, the detailing.

Katie W... said...

The sweater is amazing! Definitely a good thing to wear in the rut.

Erin said...

Two things:
1. I LOVE that sweater so much! I've been looking for something yellow AND something sparkly lately. You're lucky I don't know where you live, because I'd sneak in and steal it in in the middle of the night!
2. I'm also very jealous of your slump look, when my slump look is wrinkled jeans, my boyfriend's t-shirt I've been wearing for 48 hours straight, layered with a linty sweater and topped off with a greasy mop of hair and pale, bare face.

Kudos and good luck pulling yourself out of the post-holiday, winter blues girlie! We're all there, even if we don't all admit it.

Jamie - Thrifty Threads said...

I've been feeling in a bit of a slump myself, so I can completely commiserate. But, like you said, at least you're wearing an amazing outfit (as usual!). Love your boots -- killer!

Thrifty Threads

Rach is Ordinarily Urbane said...

It's hard to not feel burdened by all the pressure that people put on the 'new year.' Refresh, restart and all that other new beginnings talk. Keep on trucking and life's path will be there!

I completely adore your sweater and this entire look! But standing on ice makes me nervous... be careful! ;)


Morgan and Lua said...

I FEEL JUST LIKE YOU. Life decisions? What life decisions? Feels like I've just been sitting on my ass for the last many years.
So when are you coming here again? I am ready and waiting and we can dance our worried life decisions away.

oh yeah, and I like what you're wearing.

Anonymous said...

You are always hilarious. :) I was wondering where you took these photos? Is that ice you are standing and posing on??? Looks dangerous.

But I love your patched blazer. It is such a breath of fresh air from all the elbow patched blazers cropping up everywhere.

Look forward to hearing from you


Tashrin from Toronto, Canada

WendyB said...

I think I have been wearing the same outfit for about 7 days :-D

sartoriography said...

Rather than think of this as a slump, maybe you should consider it a record-setting streak of you making jeans look glamourous. Because, holy Hannah, you really do. Or maybe you should consider this a "Sometimes you have to psych yourself out to get going" sort of thing.

Or, just take my word for it- even when you (you as in Jentine, not you as in one) wear the same things 5 times, you look killer in it. You look cool enough not to melt that ice on which you're standing. Cool enough not to fall and bust you bohonkis (that's what my Southern self called my butt as a kid) like I would.

That's my caption for this photo: "Bohonkis." The end. ;) said...

love the sweater, always the thrifted ones that are so treasured.

Shannon said...

"Help! My crotch has fallen and it can't get up."

That's the best I can come up with =]

Jennifer said...

'Since i'm no longer eating Christmas cookies my a@# has shrunk and now my pants keep falling down!'

I do love your boots though!

Anonymous said...

I hope all my slumps look a fabulous as yours. I love the detailing on that sweater and jacket, and those boots are simply amazing.

Isabella Kiss said...

those boots are spectacular!

C said...

Good grief, if my good days looked half as good as your slumps...

Oh, and that jacket? If it goes missing, you should probably come to Chicago first...

Lauren Ebanks said...

Hello! I found your blog through another person's blog! I think you are awesome and I am excited to read more about your thritin' finds!


PS: Your style is amazing!