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Frozen and Fancy

Dress? Vintage 1960's (via Vintage Whimsy) Shoes? Nine West Clutch? Vintage via Shop Elofson

I wore this fabulous 1960's feather trimmed dress to my brother's wedding last weekend. Right after the wedding, the family went up North for a few days to spend some time together. It's been 3.5 years since we've all been together and since then, the family has grown with new sisters-in-law, 3 nephews and a niece... It was so nice to hang out, to be surrounded by the awesomeness and inside jokes of my family. Also nice to be irritated with each other a little bit sometimes, we live too far apart that we don't get to drive each other nuts enough, so that was a rare treat... 
I spent most of the time at the cottage in my leggings and when we got back home I got sick so I am still in leggings over here... Getting the flu is so inconvenient and humbling. There are 37 things that need to be done and the flu is all like 'girl, sit down, you just climbed the stairs and you are winded'. I'm definitely feeling a bit better now but writing these two paragraphs will require me to take a nap. Please leave soup, magazines, juicy novels, and fresh flowers at my door to help me with my recovery. 

^^ Look Ma, I made a joke, I'm almost back in the game...


Mimsie said...

I don't often comment, but I love your blog. Congrats on your new shop, and the fun you are having with your business. Hope you feel much better soon.

Cheryl said...

As always I love your posts and look forward to them! Such beautiful pictures! Peace! Cheryl

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon! - I love your are just the cutest thing ever and what an inspiration to wear more vintage!!I wish you much success with your new shop!! - PamAtk

DressUpNotDown said...

It seems EVERYBODY is getting the flu this year!

I love this dress, but what strikes me more?...Dang girl, those legs! Nice!!! I need to do more landscaping obviously. :o)


Unknown said...

You look so great! That dress is an absolute dream on you!

Glad that you had some family time and celebrations! Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well, rest up and feel better soon!


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous dress! I'm obsessed with it


Anna Demko said...

Gorgeous dress! You look amazing and I love seeing all you vintage finds...

Suzanne said...

What a stunning dress!

I hope you're feeling better soon.


Anonymous said...

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