OK, I'm going to do one of those '5 Things' posts. I actually really like reading them and they give me a chance to insert some random info into the blog without an awkward segway. Besides the last time I did one of these, it was 2010 and a lot has changed since then. Errr... no, actually most of those are still true. Except for #1, my breakfast is different now...
1. My one cat wakes me up at 4 a.m. every morning by running circles over my body, purring loudly and sometimes swatting my face. At first I thought that it was because she wanted more water or to be fed but it's not. She is honestly just a little crazy (we think from the neglect situation she was in before she ended up with us?) and has daily patterns established that are hard to break. So I get up every morning at 4 a.m. to lock her out of the bedroom and then she goes to sleep downstairs. I could just lock her out all night and save myself the trouble but I am a bleeding heart for that crazy thing.
2. I got my first ticket EVER last year. It was for... parking too far away from the curb. Matt aptly summed up the whole experience by stating 'Wow, that's an embarrassing ticket to get.'. Indeed.
3. My second ticket ever came a few weeks later. I had driven for 7 months without an updated sticker (I'm sure I have an explanation for this...) and a week, a week!, before I took that truck off the road, I got pulled over for my sticker. Can't say I didn't deserve it.
4. When I am sad or stressed, Matt texts me cute pictures of animals to make me feel better. Mostly it's pictures of kittens being ridiculously adorable but a bobcat kitten and a fawn cuddling also works. I can be sitting across the room from him ranting about something and a picture of a frolicking kitten will pop up on my screen. I appreciate it. Sometimes I need some cute to get a grip again.
5. I have two new nephews! My bro and sis-in-law in Holland (not to be confused with my other bro and sis-in-law in Holland...) just had twins a month ago and they were 11 weeks early. That's quite early and they will be in the hospital for a while yet, but things are thankfully going really well. It sucks being so far away because we haven't met the new kidlets yet and because we can't help so much from over here. Boo to distance. Yay to new nephews.
(6. I like my outfit.)