Vest? Gap, thrifted Skirt? Seven, Winners Purse? Tignanello, thrifted
I have a little board on my Go Chic or Go Home page where I collect images of items I want to thrift. To be honest, it is not a crazy or huge collection of pictures. I want to keep it pared down so that I can actually remember what I am specifically looking for in the thrift store. I also put items on the board that aren't too 'out there'... Crazy is already naturally attracted to me at the thrift store, I need to be reminded to look for some basics sometimes too...
It's been handy to keep a small amount of images as inspiration for the thrift store... it keeps me focused. My ultimate goal would be to thrift a perfect fit white blazer... That goal seems to be eluding me right now. Blazers are usually an easy thrift but white ones seem to have a hard time making through the decades unscathed. Once people learn to stay away from chocolate and wine when they are wearing a white blazer, I may finally succeed in my mission. Question is; will they ever learn?
Happily for me, the denim vest I put on my GCOGH board was an easy find. I walked into a thrift store, went to the denim jackets, bought the cutest one and cut off the sleeves. Bam. And just like that I upgraded from a thrifty blog to a thrifty/D.I.Y. blog...
Cutting sleeves off denim jackets to make a denim vest... I know. I'm so crafty.