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Babies and Parking Garages


Blazer? Braemar, thrifted Shorts? Joe Fresh (past season but I got 'em for $4!) Shoes? Jeffrey Campbell Bag? Roots Bangles? Mexico and thrifted

I have only one issue with these shoes... they can be obnoxiously loud. Usually it doesn't bother me because I temper my naturally determined stride when I wear them to keep the clomping to a minimum, but on this day, I was in a rush. We had just a few minutes to see my friend and her brand new daughter before visiting hours were over and we had to run from the parking garage to the hospital in a tunnel over the roadways. And I was that twerp, wearing ridiculous heels to the hospital, and the tunnel echoed every. single. step. I was so annoying I wanted to talk about myself behind my back.

The good news is that the mother is doing well, the father is doing well and the baby is doing well. The only thing that wasn't done well was my newborn baby hand-off. It always happens. My hands suddenly get clumsy, chests accidentally get touched and babies get tangled with arms as I try to successfully keep a baby supported while passing her over to someone else. A mother came over to help the transition and I clomped dejectedly back to the truck to try and catch the last light in the parking garage for outfit pictures.



Martina Lynne : The Life Academic said...

I am always that person with the loud shoes and it is always awkward. I'm a grad student and the halls of my university are always deathly silent as I tromp down with my sturdy boots or clicking heels. Oy, I'm sure I'm interrupting a thousand meetings and classes. So just know: I feel 'ya!

The Suburb Experiment said...

Ha! I have those same shoes in tan and I had a coworker tell me he could tell it was me coming down the stairs because off all the racket. I tried to slink off (quietly) and think about how cute they are to quell the embarrassment.


Kendi Lea said...

Hottie. Blake Lively's got nothing on you.

ALSO I want your shoes and I want to copy this outfit, which I probably will.

ALSO Why do you live so far away?

Anonymous said...

Lol I love noisy shoes, it's like "here I come, be prepared", loved the whole outfit, those shorts are oh my!

Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries

Jen said...

Love this outfit! The shorts and blazer combo is great and your story is too funny!

Anonymous said...

You look great, echoing shoes and all! There is a learned art to handing off an infant. The key is to always support and cradle the head. Helps if the babe is wrapped up tight like a burrito.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

You have such an edgy your fashion statements!

From Suns To Moons said...

Love the combination of various hues of primary colors!

Anonymous said...

Been following your blog for awhile but have never commented. 'Til now.
I've nothing clever to say really... just that your summer outfit is the bomb; you should be arrested for having only paid $4 for those killer shorts; and gawd, your hair looks fab in this post. I want to copy this look!
Wearing motherhood with style.

Danielle said...

When you said loud, I thought you were talking about the color. Isn't that funny? Every time I put on my new red shoes i end up changing them because I'm afraid they're "too loud."

Irina K. said...

the shorts are very funky! would wear them with pleasure.


Raquelita said...

Haha! I have been that annoying person with the loud shoes more than a few times. I'm pretty sure I flipped myself off for it one time. I love the shorts and blazer combo!

Sweet Laundry said...

I love these Joe Fresh shorts! And I love the blazer with shorts look too. I will also copy this look, if that's ok. I finally bought a pair of denim cut offs, but not from Gap, from Joe Fresh. Thank goodness for clothes at the grocery store :)

FutureLint said...

This might be my favorite outfit ever from you! The color of the shorts, with the cropped blazer, and those amazing shoes! I have a few really loud wooden pairs too and they do get obnoxious!

Katie Dodd said...

i want to be wearing this right now. all of it. sigh. good shorts. good top. good blazer, etc etc.

also, i hear you on the clomping. mine sounds more ba-clunk ba-clunk

Looks and Books said...

If it makes you feel any better, you're rocking this blazer/shorts combo flawlessly--so points for that! The print on the shorts is really fresh and chic--big fan.

sartoriography said...

Oh, Yen. Loud shoes and baby mangling? This is a new low. Except, the loud shoes are wicked hot and I'll bet you were just super cute carrying around that new little lump of skin. So, maybe it was a new high? I love puzzles like this one. :)

Also, shorts w a blazer? Yes, yes, and yes.

keren said...

I have the Forever 21 version of these sandals in black; and yes, they can be loud. But I do love the red against the other basic colors. Very unexpected!

K said...

hahahahaha that sounds exactly like how I handle baby passing. I'm terrible at it. Its because I'm not big on babies. Thankfully, I've never dropped on so I'm doing something right!
BTW, now I realize how bad I need me some printed shorts!

Pink Sun Drops said...

Haha, awww, that's a perfect description of passing off a newborn baby. Love the $4 shorts!

Anonymous said...

hahahahah! i love LOVE that you wanted to talk about yourself behind your own back. awesome.
shit talking aside, you look lovely. :)

Alex said...

Haha, bless. That's usually me with the super clompy shoes but I try and appease myself with the knowledge that it stops people thinking I'm a sneaky ninja. Although that would be cool, but I don't wear enough black for it to be a possibility...

Emily said...

I call them my dinosaur clomping shoes and definitely annoy myself! And yet, I keep finding amazing pairs to add to my collection...

Suzzie Vehrs said...

haha. I absolutely love the blazer. My husband strongly discourages me from wearing heals cause I walk so loudly. lol. I do it anyways sometimes.

Hayley said...

Even though it may be loud and embarassing this is one of your best outfits in my opinion. SO adorable!!

Anonymous said...

Being tall and having loud shoes is the worst - it makes me feel all fee-fi-fo-fum.

matilda deathstar said...

Those shorts are TDF! Fabulous outfit!

Mariel Torres said...

you are so cute! love your whole outfit darling.


Heather said...

I love this outfit! I'm obsessed with that shorts/blazer combo, and how you paired red heels with this - amazing. Glad to know I'm not the only one that has awkward shoe moments lol.

Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

I'm just gonna come right out and say it...I am in love with your shorts.

suzanne said...

you are consistently going into my "inspiration" folder! i love this outfit with a passion! i'm a sucker for a good blazer and am always coming up with excuses for wearing one. i'm definitely going to have to try this look out!

awkwardly chic

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