Jeans and shirt? Gap
Vest? Thrifted
Boots? Kenneth Cole, Winners
Belt? Michael Kors, Winners
Purse? ?, Winners
An hour ago, it was my birthday (and yes, 2 hours ago was my bedtime...). I must have been an exceptionally good girl this year because Santa gave me a new house on my birthday. Or the bank did... but let's not get technical.
If you've read my blog for a while you may remember my excitement this spring over another house that seemed so right but ended up being so wrong... We took the summer off from house dealings because life was too crazy and we just got back into looking a few weeks ago. This time around things have gone a little smoother... our house sold in 4 days and we bought the new house within 24 hours of viewing it. Once again, the sale is conditional on inspection but I don't think this house is going to need $50, 000 worth of emergency work that needs to be done before the winter... or even before insurance would touch it. I loved the first house we conditionally bought this spring but in wiser moments I know that we escaped a housing nightmare.
I am 94.6% sure that this time around we got a keeper... if the inspection goes well, I could be the proud owner of a huge walk-in closet in a few weeks. A walk-in closet that we shall from now on refer to as, The Zone.
And just so you know, with the impending purchase of the house, the standard has been set pretty high for birthday gifts. Hugs and cards don't say 'I love you' quite like a new mortgage does..

If you've read my blog for a while you may remember my excitement this spring over another house that seemed so right but ended up being so wrong... We took the summer off from house dealings because life was too crazy and we just got back into looking a few weeks ago. This time around things have gone a little smoother... our house sold in 4 days and we bought the new house within 24 hours of viewing it. Once again, the sale is conditional on inspection but I don't think this house is going to need $50, 000 worth of emergency work that needs to be done before the winter... or even before insurance would touch it. I loved the first house we conditionally bought this spring but in wiser moments I know that we escaped a housing nightmare.
I am 94.6% sure that this time around we got a keeper... if the inspection goes well, I could be the proud owner of a huge walk-in closet in a few weeks. A walk-in closet that we shall from now on refer to as, The Zone.
And just so you know, with the impending purchase of the house, the standard has been set pretty high for birthday gifts. Hugs and cards don't say 'I love you' quite like a new mortgage does..
Since the corn husk eyebrows were such a hit, I thought I would try burr bear ears... Don't try this at home kids... imagine my surprise when they got stuck... Very painful to remove.
Congratulations! Let me know once you've moved in; I'll send you a pineapple. Where I grew up, the pineapple is a traditional sign of hospitality and you place it outside to let people know you're home and they're invited in. Plus, they're yummy.
Congratulations! And I love your vest!
Happy birthday and congratulations on the new house. I'm so pleased things worked out for you.
PS I love your bag.
Yayyyy!! Congrats on a new house! What a great birthday present! :D
These pictures are great. It looks like you're going on a long, long journey.
Congratulations on the house and impending "zone"! What a fantastic birthday gift.
Happy birthday, friend, and congrats on finding a new house. Fingers crossed that the inspection will go down well...
Like this outfit, esp the vest. You are quite the stylish birthday girl!
Sidewalk Chalk
Congrats Jentine!!!! You must be so excited. I am jealous about the walk in closet ;)
I love this whole outfit.... esp the vest and bag. I might have to copy this look.
And again, happy bday!!!!
Oh my gosh, congratulations, Jentine!! I know how much you've been wanting this, and it must feel fantastic to have things getting sorted out. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Many many hugs.
Congrats on your house! That is so exciting. And may I just say that you look the way I'd like to--casual, but totally pulled-together. I love this outfit with a capital L.
A. Happy Birthday and B. Congrats on the house. I look forward to all of the outfits from the Zone.
Congrats!! Buying a house is so draining!! But I hope everything works out for you.
And Happy Birthday!!
happy birthday and happy house!!!! what you don't know is that your new house is going to pale in comparison to the yacht i got you. that's right, it will be just like on SNL--this boat is real.
I love the bag and the boots. I wanna steal those!!
BUMMER! that vest is thrifted!! I WANT IT! So fantastic on you! I'm glad to hear subway is a much of a support system for others and it is for me ;)
zomg - first off, happy birthday!!! second of all, congrats on the house! i hope you have a HUGE ASS walk-in closet full that fulfills all your dreams! and lastly, your outfit rocks. no less - it is just amazing, and everything i want to wear all day every day this fall!
Woo, happy birthday, fellow Libra! Congratulations on the new house - fingers crossed for the inspection.
Hot cha, that's great news! Mazel tov, lady. Can't wait to see the new digs once you've moved in.
I was unaware Santa sent birthday gifts. I'll have to remember that when my birthday rolls around next month. I hope you get to keep that walk in closet!
Happy birthday and congrats on the house! I love the ruffles + fur combo you got going on here!
What a great birthday present! :) Congrats!
Happy birthday and congrats on the new house!! Can't wait to see when you get "The Zone" up and operational. Sorry about the burr ears though lol :)
Congrats on the house, Happy Birthday, and I love these pics!
Here's to the home inspection going well.
Congratulations on the new house!! How exciting!!
I also love this outfit! I love that ruffled blouse, and paired with the boots and fur vest, it's such a perfect outfit for this season!
(And sorry the burrs got stuck in your hair-ouch!!)
Small Time Style
Congratulations on your new home and happy birthday! I love moving into a new place - getting rid of stuff so you don't have to move it and all the new decorating possibilities!
I hope that you won't have to debut a new hair-do due to burr ears removal. Hee.
we share a birthday! happy birthday and congratulations!
Happy happy birthday, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and your potential new home (and walk-in closets!).
I love the ruffle-front blouse with that awesome vest. Such a cool look!
Congratulations on your new house! and happy birthday! i know your walk-in closet will be the new hot-spot in your 'hood. Might I suggest putting a mini-bar in there?
Great news on the house - sounds like the perfect birthday gift!
Happy birthday and congrats for the ZONE ! Next time : mustache outfit ...
I saw a similar vest at winners, tried it, decided I looked ridiculous in it...Now you're mocking me with it again, may be I'll go back to Winners to see wether I am that ridiculous...
Caro xxx
Happy birthday!! That is a GREAT birthday gift!! I love the ruffles on that shirt. Love this outfit.
Modest Apple -- A Fashion Blog
Happy birthday, bunny! Here's to many more stylish and hilarious blog-post-filled years to come! Incredible photos - I am seriously impressed with Matt's mad skillz. Just the most gorgeous location. Loving the ears . .
First off: Happy birthday!
Secondly: Congrats on the new house and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you the inspection goes well!
Third: Can't wait to see THE ZONE! YAaaaaaaaAAaaaAAaaAAaaAaaAaAAAA!
Lastly: love the bur bear ears... not loving that they got stuck. EEP.
A.Co @ A.Co est. 1984
Great boots. Boots over jeans are a definite staple in my Fall/Winter wardrobe.
Happy Birthday! And congratulations on the new, almost yours, house! House hunting can be a bear.....I suppose almost as much as trying to pull burr bear ears out of your hair. Say that 10 times fast.
May the housing deal work out for you this time. I always enjoy closet posts and I look forward to seeing this walk-in.
Happy Birthday! Just knew you had to be a Libra...they're so stylish.
Congratulations on the New Home...what a great birthday present!
Hope you post some pictures of "the zone"'ll make us all jealous.
happy birthday!!! 27, right? still a young thing! a house is a pretty sweet birthday gift. next year drop hints for a yacht or something.
I know I already commented here, but just wanted to say that I hope your birthday day was awesome. I am sending you virtual cupcakes right now...
dammit. this is what I get for putting off my blog reading til today so that I could read them while working out. [spoiler alert-I'm at my kitchen counter]
Is it horribly evil of me that a very small part [not that small] wishes that your new house doesn't work out so that you have to move in? 6 cats, 2 couples, and 2394572 pairs of shoes will totally fit into a 2 bedroom condo. I really hope you're a 7.5 foot size..
Happy Birthday, fellow Libra!! Congrats on your new home!! My birthday is in a couple days and I am getting a new wrap-around porch!?! be young again and get frivolous gifts?! Guess it's better than a crockpot or sweeper...I think he knows better! =)
I'll take one of everything you are wearing kthxbai!
Happy Birthday and Congratulations!!! That's so exciting!
Also, I have that shirt and I love it with the fur vest, which is a ridiculously lucky thrift find, fyi.
Aaaand, congratulations on being done with wedding season! I feel your pain and if I had a current passport, I'd come buy you a drink!
Nice pictures! Great blog, hope you will become a follower of my blog too?
Congrats on the new home! Love everything about this look (as per usual) and the burr bear ears shot is pretty awesome -- so at least your pain wasn't in vain ;)
Happy burr-day!
Happy Birthday and congratulations on the house! So many exciting things!
I love your pairing of the fur vest with that ruffled blouse. I just picked up a similar one from a fave local thrift and have been counting down the days until it's chilly enough to wear.
Wow! What an amazing birthday present, indeed! Happy Birthday and fingers crossed on the house going through. P.S. LOVE your outfit here... again.
Your bag is a classic and such a great choice. And shirt is seriously gorgeous! happy birthday!!
Gift Pakistan
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