We've had our new house since last November and decorating it has gone a little slower than I anticipated. I would have thought
DesignSponge would be knocking at my door by now but instead I got a city worker knocking on the door and telling me that our new waterline passed inspection.
Good news, I guess. I think part of the delay in decorating is just that we haven't had time and the other part is moving past the bad decisions the former owners made. It's an old house with lots of charm but the former owner made some recent upgrades that stripped some of the character away. And it seems kind of wasteful to redo something that was just done, so we are just getting settled a bit before we decide how to spend our retirement savings. I'm always on the look out for cool furniture though and sometimes in the excitement of the moment I buy something that is so freaking cool only to take it home and think 'what am I doing?'.
But I don't think that about this bench. I found it at a garage sale around the corner for $50. I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I returned a couple hours later with $40. The owner said
I was a meanie for only having $40 with me. I acknowledged that statement. I meant business.
Sadly the original upholstery is in rough shape but the springs are good. I can strip it, paint it and then recover the cushioned areas. I can take the easy way out and repaint the frame black or white or... if I get my floors refinished to a flat black as I wish, then I can paint the frame pink or purple or lime green. Oh boy... so much choice!
And then because I am a
loving kitty mama/pushy stage mom/Dina Lohan, I forced Stella to sit pretty for me on my new acquisition. At first he wasn't so sure...

But then he settled down and posed like a champion.

It makes my cat love infested heart swell with pride to see him so handsome. It's easy to forget that when we met him, he was a street cat; covered in mats the size of fists, with his ear tips bleeding and detached from frostbite. We took him in about three years ago and he still repays us with plenty of affection and an occasional accident outside the litter box. And to see him now... he looks like like he's King of the World.
Or at least King of the New Garage Sale Find. Either way, he's King... even though I named him Stella by accident.