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A Weekend's Worth

I don't usually post about my weekends, it comes up occasionally but I like to keep the extent of my debauched or boring (your guess) lifestyle a secret. However, this past long weekend was perfect. Great weather combined with family, friends, food and fancy drinks (not so fancy, just trying to work my alliterations...) made for a lovely time. True, my to-do list was mostly neglected but the time off made me stop thinking and start relaxing. There are a lot of things I didn't get pictures of (like tanning on a hammock on April 3!...craziness...) but here are a few highlights.


I went out dancing in my newly thrifted tee. The scene (Hamilton is big enough to have a scene?) was awash in girls in little dresses and skirts and while I do love a pretty frock, I went the comfy route. Maybe I'm much funnier in my own mind, but I thought I was so clever in amongst the madness. Am I feminist? isn't that subjective and waaayy too deep for a weekend post?


The first patio meal of the season. Sunshine= bliss. I surprised myself and had a burger, something I never order. Matt on the other hand...


... stuck to his regular; fish and chips. Because beneath all that goodlookingness is an old man who likes mushy peas. Matt got himself a beautiful v-neck burn. Like magic, he could take his shirt off and yet still have it on...


We had a family cook-off with Matt's family. It's a new tradition that we have themed cooking competitions at sporadic times. So far we've had a Cajun cook-off, a garlic party and this weekend we decided to Thai one on. The best part of the competition is that we do a secret ballot and who ever wins, chooses the next theme. That's a lot at stake...

I'm directing my Brother-in-law to select the perfect chicken wings... cause I'm bossy like that.


This was supposed to be a picture of the passion fruit ice cream that we made. Yeah, totally forgot... Which is a pity because I was pretty proud of it; it was so good. It's rare that I'm actually proud of something I've made in the kitchen but this ice cream was mindblasting (thank-you Russell Peters). Passion fruit is really expensive ($1.50 each and they are tiny) but it was worth it because... we won! Yes sir... well, actually we tied with Matt's sister but now it is our turn to dictate the theme for the next cook off. Besides a martini competition (excellent idea but two pregnant sisters-in-law make this slightly unfair), do you guys have any other good ideas? While you are at it, recommend some winning recipes too... let the domination begin!!!!


And finally we celebrated my Mama's b-day. Compared to Matt's large family, our family events are small scale and quiet. This time it was even quieter, my one brother was away sick in addition to the two brothers who are away in On the bright side, more fondue for us....
In summary, it appears my weekend was a collage of drinking and eating. Not entirely true but pretty close. Is it Friday yet?


Tabitha said...

YUM! Everything looks so delicious. BTW that paper bag skirt your wearing in that pic in front of the grill is amazing!

Tieka, Selective Potential said...

Aw, looks like a great weekend! All of the food looks amazing! Your top in that second photo is just gorgeous! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Love your outfit for the cook-off. Sounds like a great weekend!

Sheila said...

Sounds like a marvelous weekend! Mmmm...Thai food and fondue - I'm so jealous.

Kendra said...

Hamilton, as in Hamilton, ONtario??

I love that place! I have been there twice for work and everyone was so nice and that street with all the bars (Front St? Maybe, forget what it's called) so cute with the cobblestone street and all the outdoor patios. Ahhhh, I hope i get to go back someday!

Anonymous said...

I love that cook off idea. I'm totally stealing it!

Unknown said...

i want that burger.
i was hess patio-ing it this weekend too. but was at lazy and got a really bad buffalo chicken sandwich...i'm wishing i got this

nice beige skirt too. i like

What Would a Nerd Wear said...

this post made me laugh straight through. for one, that tee shirt is a winner and needs to be worn on regular occasions.
and also, your husband is handsome!! you guys would have some really freakishly attractive kids.

Kendi Lea said...

Oh how fun! I just leaned over to Bryan and said "I want to move to Canada and be best friends with Jentine and Matt." Then I showed him the picture with all of the meat on the grill and he complied.

See you in a few days. We can crash on your couch right?

E said...

That tee is AWESOME! And this meal looks incredible!

Keely said...

What a fantastic looking weekend. I want your t shirt too!

Louise (Fifth Sparrow) said...

that just might be the perfect weekend... patio eating, bbq eating, ice cream and fancy drinks! mmmm sign me up! xx

Kim said...

Excellent T!!! :D

I love your paperbag top skirt!! It looks very cool! :D

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

All the ingredients for a perfect weekend. And fab clothes too.
Has the scarf arrived yet?

Alex said...

Food, family and funky tshirts - what could make a more perfect weekend?

Danielle said...

Sounds like the perfect weekend, and ur just adorable!!

Linda said...

ITalian Food, Italian food!

This is not good for me too look at right now. Are you drinking beer? WHo are you?

Christen said...

This may have been the most awesome weekend ever. And may I just say that I adore you even more for getting so excited about food! Love me some yummy food :)

Secondhand Stella said...

This post is making me really hungry and thirsty! It looks like you had an awesome weekend!!!!

Nic Ridley said...

Looks like you had a fun weekend!

I left you an award on my blog if you'd like to come by and pick it up!

Celine said...

Dude, your skin is absolutely beautiful (first pic). I have nothing to suggest, food wise, but let me think about it...

Anonymous said...

My gosh, I'm DROOLING! So much great food.

And super jealous of that thrifted tee. If you find another, nab it for me, OK?

Robin said...

I love your thrifted T! I'm absolutely a feminist and think it's rockin'. I'm longing for the day when people stop fearing the F word!

I'm also mega-digging your barbeque outfit. Smoked meat never looked so classy!

Karen said...

I love love love your thrifted feminist t-shirt. People are often so scared to say or admit that they are a feminist - but the definition of feminism is, "one who believes in equality for all". Simple......

Anyways, I would love one just like that!

Karen/RUby Tuesday

Fabulocity in Amish Country said...

It looks like you had a super fun weekend!! :) Love alllllll of your outfits! Super cute!! And in regards to a theme... what about Mexican?? I have an awesome recipe for a Mexican lasagna *that's not really lasagna so it's not Italian/Mexican confused* that I could send your way if you'd like! It's delishhhhhh!! :)

Elaine said...

Geez, you were just partying this whole weekend, weren't you?!? I am loving all of your outfits! HOpe you had a great Easter!

Enter to win a William Riera dress!

Chelsea said...

wining and dining through a long weekend sounds (mmm... and looks!) just glorious to me! love your feminist t-shirt AND that belted khaki skirt too!

as for a theme... I got nothin'. sorry!

maggeygrace said...

I lovelovelove your blouse in the picture of you eating! hahaha. It's so pretty though! The detailing is prettttty :)!

Also, it's so funny that the feminist shirt you're wearing you got thrifting....because I have a shirt that says the exact same thing that I also got thrfiting! hahahah :)

anyways, sounds like a good weekend and you are making me hungry :)

Love always,

Tiffany said...

My fiance and I have a hilarious inside joke about mashy peas. Thanks for bringing it up and making me smile.

Shauna said...

Great Blog and handsome bbq partner Jen! Suggestion for the next cookoff would be summer salads since it will probably be summer the next time we have one. And yes I do have recipes (you know me) :-)

Paul said...

I never dreamed I'd make your blog! It must have been the silk shirt with the palm trees that did it for you :-)

Love the pics...lots of memories of yet another fantastic cook off. I might win one day.... :-(

Kyla said...

That looks like the best weekend EVER! I'm slightly jealous --- okay, REALLY jealous! You know what would be awesome this weekend? I little road trip to PA :)

Kaitlin Elizabeth said...

that looks like an awesome weekend! the cookoff idea seems like so much fun.

why not try a vegetarian or vegan theme? or everything chocolate? mmm, i love chocolate!

Dea said...

This looks like an awesome weekend just due to all the food around!! Also loved all your outfits!!

Leigh said...

wow, my mouth is watering! everything looks scrumptious! btw, where did you get that adorbale khaki skirt??

Jenni King said...

everything on that grill looks fantastic. I want to eat it all!

GS said...

AHH! Three outfit posts and a menu to go along with it - i love it! Such a fun post.

What's with this tanning business? Try not to be jealous, but we had a hailstorm over here this weekend. Not a flake of snow all winter for our poor soggy olympics and then mother nature dumps snow on us mid-spring. It's cruel. Even I'd take a v-neck tan right about now! (ok, maybe not).

Wanderlusting said...

LOVE the first patio meal too...your paper bag skirt is amazing, me wants (and you are looking super trim). Also, I'm also a feminist but also very much NOT haha...we are complicated, us females. I don't think I could wear the shirt though but looks cute on you!