Passion fruit ice cream served in the empty passion fruit, with a dollop (I like that word) of spiced rum whipping cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
I'm giving myself extra points (feel free to give them as well) for hand whipping the egg whites and the whipping cream that went into the ice cream. Matt tried to use the hand blender to mix chocolate chip cookie dough a while ago and burned out the engine. Sometimes he's so smart and other times... he breaks things. Hand whipping stuff takes a wee bit more effort but if Laura Ingalls could do it (one of my heroes growing up), so can I. Besides, you might as well get whatever work out you can before you indulge in dollops of whipping cream.
Ok, this picture is making me far too proud. For the sake of my ego and your entertainment, I will return to fashion blogging pronto.
That is some kickass whipped cream. I love homemade whipped cream!! Congrats to your man for being awesomer!
Nice work, Martha!! ;) Looks delish!
A.Co @ A.Co est. 1984
WHAT, no recipe!?!?
I agree! This looks too yummy for you to have not included the recipe! I want to brag as well (if it turns out as nice as yours looks!) xx
Wow! How badly did your triceps hurt the next day?! That looks delish!! I'm with the others - recipe sharing is in store please!! That - or a sample of yours... ;)
Oh - and Happy Birthday Matt!
Excellent job! And a yummy one, I take it?
Many (belated) happy returns to your husband!
That looks amazing!
Recipe pretty please?
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! looks delicious, well done!!
thats seriously impressive!
great blog too.
Oooo, that looks good. Happy Friday!
U did do good! Yummy! and you asked if I was staying at my old job...for now, but am looking for something else! I can still commute to my old job from my new location :)
This looks fantastic! I'll definitely award you some points for your hand-whipped cream. Speaking of Laura Ingalls, I remember a specific instance where I tried mashed up cornbread and milk, because "they did it in Little House on the Prairie" and was just grossed out. I used to think pioneer life was so glamorous until my foray into their pioneer fare...and then there's the whole getting your hoopskirts twisted up because of that pesky prairie wind...times were tough man.
Fancy! I'm impressed.
looks delicious!!
YUMMY i want one ;)
You want to hear how creepy my stalking of you has gotten? I had a dream that I commented on you've ever written. I, for one, was impressed with my psycho dream self.. I mean being witty comes naturally and all, but that's pretty extreme. Thankfully it was a dream, because I don't feel like getting blocked by you anytime soon.
"feeeeeeeeed me yennnnnnnnster!"
tell gramps I said happy bday.
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