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After Eights

Back in one piece from Montreal. I think we fit a week's schedule into two days so it'll take a day or two to recover before I edit the hundreds of pictures down to a manageable blog post. Some quick pics of us before we went out, messing around with my camera. It's a little pathetic that my camera has 15ish settings and I know 2... Time to read the manual?


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This is ma belle amie, 'M', the most passionate tourguide of Montreal. I met her in our first year university when we commuted back and forth to school. Her style is all her own. Never trendy but always unmistakable. Her trademark shoes for commuting (we walked a lot) were tan leather flat ankle boots with an elongated toe. I struggled to keep pace with my Sketchers runners...

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It's a little hard to see in the picture but I'm wearing a Debbie Shuchat paillette skirt. A sparkly skirt may not seem so pratical but surprisingly, I've worn this skirt many times. Maybe because the paillettes make this lovely musical sound when I walk...


Linda said...

Marianne is by far the most passionate person I have ever met. Her hair is loonnnggg! You look cute in the pics.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the pics!

Secondhand Stella said...

Cute outfits!!!

Linda said...

follow my blog bee-hatch!

see you saturday!

Elaine said...

Great pics! Love your casual chic outfit!