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Happy But Mad







Silk blouse? i.d., Winners
Cardi? Tory Burch, thrifted
Jeans? J Brand, holt Renfrew Last Call
Clutch? Hilary Radley, Style Sense
Shoes? Kate Spade, thrifted
Brooches? Large starburst borrowed from the Mama, the rest are thrifted

I might just love this outfit. It's casual but fun and so darn sassy. Sadly I can't wear this sweater and not get my britches in a knot because when I thrifted this cardigan, it was the day I nearly lost all faith in Value Village (also known as Savers to my U.S. of A. reader...).

I wanted to save this thrift pricing rant for an upcoming Thrift Thursday... but I can't sit on this frustration. I understand that when I shop at larger thrift stores the prices are a bit higher. I can handle it; with patience there are always treasures to be found and I know that with large real estate and high overhead, I can expect to pay a bit more. But lately, especially with Value Village (I hate to name names but really...), the prices have gotten unreal.

It started with a Fossil cross body bag. It was cute.. leather and nude coloured (blah, blah, blah trendy...). It had some wear around the front flap and a huge mark across the front that I thought could erased with the magic of Norwex and it was.... $25!!!! Really? At a thrift store? And then just to ruin my shopping experience, an in-store advertisement featured a lady talking about the leather purse she got for $5. Honestly, I did not see a single purse, pleather or otherwise that was under $5...

But what seemed most ridiculous was the $80 Bench sweater/coat in the showcase. I don't care about Bench... I am no longer a teenager looking for peer approval (ha... just a blogger looking for... what exactly?) so I don't need to buy a Bench sweater in the quest for a boyfriend, but for all the teenagers out there just trying to get through high school, I was upset. When I was in high school, I used to go to thrift shopping in order to find clothes to fit in. Mama and Papa took good care of this kid but they weren't ready to go into debt for their only daughter who just wanted to be cool and wear Gap. And so, if I wore Gap, it was only if I found it super discounted or second hand. That's why I was upset to see Bench for $80, some kid thrifting is getting ripped off... it wasn't pristine either... these laser eyes saw wear on the collar.

Is anyone else angry about rising prices at their favourite thrift stores? And has anyone else found a Tory Burch cardigan for $5 to ease the pain? Yup, the thrift store price kings know all about Bench but are clueless about Tory Burch... yay for me... boo for highschool kids.


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain (and it's called Value Village in the states too, at least in Michigan! I've honestly never found a store called Savers here.) I am often disgusted by the price some pieces get. It's a secondhand store for a reason. Sometimes I think they mark the pieces with certain prices to see if people will actually pay it.

Sarah said...

Can I get an amen. Seriously I've stopped going to Savers because it's a you buy used clothes for new clothes prices, it's really ridiculous. I don't understand why the prices are so high. I'm glad someone noticed because I felt like I was on crazy pills.

Anonymous said...

so i'm guessing bench is like the Abercrombie and Fitch of the U.K.?

Anonymous said...

It's called Savers in my area, and, yes, their prices ARE higher. However, their stores are clean and I never have to repair something on an item I purchase there. I shop there often, though admittedly not especially for designer items. And during their sales days, like 50% off this past Thursday in the U.S., the prices are comparable to Salvation Army or Goodwill. In my area, they've begun marketing more heavily and perhaps the prices reflect a bit of that too.

C said...

A to the men. Seriously, if I see another $14 Gap t-shirt at Goodwill, I'm gonna get REALLY pissed.

I did, however, find an INCREDIBLE vintage coat at a thrift store today for $7. So I think it's okay.

Oh, and this outfit? Damn superb!

Unknown said...

I am so in love with this outfit! It's a complete missmash of everything fabulous!!! Stripes, animal, sparkle, paint, holes, and heels! I love love love it!! I'm totally putting it in the inspiration folder!!
As for Thrifting...last time I went the prices were insane..(the bad kind of insane) I was pretty much turned off of it. I mean I find stuff way cheaper new (maybe because I shop at places like Winners and Joe Fresh)...but still!!!

liz said...

Wow $5 really? I don't get any such good deals at the various thrift stores in Portland and Seattle but that's because they know their stuff. All the brand name items are behind the counter and run in the very high double digits.

Twills said...

I'm always ranting about Value Village! I live in Ontario, too, and feel your pain. I've actually seen items that I own there, like pants from Old Navy that I bought new for less than ten dollars priced for fifteen dollars second-hand. It's becoming increasingly more difficult to find great pieces for great prices in there.

Melissa said...

I hate Value Village, it's insanely overpriced, usually they price clothing at the same or more than retail and the clothes always seem to be worn, ripped and filthy(at least at the one by me).
I stick to Talize and Goodwill for thifting, although Talize seems to be getting pricer too.

Secondhand Stella said...

Am I the US reader you are talking about? ;)

Savers prices can be higher than smaller thrift stores, but I feel like I usually find the best stuff there. I am usually willing to shell out a few more dollars for a better brand and/or quality. $80 at a thrift store is def a bit crazy, though. Never heard of the brand Bench before.

Anywho, this outfit is awesome!!!! LOVE the sweater!!!!

Rachel said...

completely sympathize - we don't have Value Village or Savers in Florida but Goodwill is big here and you can tell what they think are the better brands. I laugh b/c I won't wear AE or Abercrombie, that's not real fashion, which they have priced really high, but I found an Isaac Mizrahi sweater for $4 (not a IM for Target, a real one) and a Bob Mackie 80's blazer for $3 because they have no idea what real fashion is around here, luckily. And I hope they never figure it out!

There is a high end thrift store here that carries a lot of Fendi and Ferragamo but they want $100+ for those items. Just CRAZY.

amanda said...

yeah, i get pretty hot when i see outrageous prices at thrift stores. we really only have goodwill and salvation army around here with a couple smaller stores thrown in so i've never been to a savers or value village. and at my local salvation army, i saw a crazy bright colored homemade dress for $7 and then a ysl blouse for only $5 (yes, i left the crappy dress in favor of the gorgeous designer blouse that i'll never get rid of!), but it just goes to show how completely arbitrary some of the pricing is and how seemingly little the workers at those places know about the value of the clothes they receive. i mean, truly, they got those clothes DONATED! puh-leeeeze. don't go jackin' up the prices when you got it for free. sorry, crap like that burns me up.
so before i get super out of control and started typing every thing in all caps, i'll just leave it at this-you look bloody awesome in this. great jeans, great blouse, great cardigan.

Peta said...

Long time lurker, first time commenter.

I've actually been thinking about this a lot lately and to be honest, I'm kind of torn. I definitely find it frustrating when cheap, not particulalry good quality brands are sold for almost as much as they would be new. But when it comes to vintage and designer items, much as I'd love a bargain, I'm happy to pay more. All of the op shops (as we call them in australia) I shop at are charity-run and I'd much prefer the profit to go to them than to people who buy it specifically to resell, which is who normally grabs that kind of thing if it's cheaper.

Of course, the fact that clothing is generally more expensive here than it is in north america probably affects my opinion too.

Linda W said...

Here in Portland, land of the thrift, everything is too high. They know people love to thrift and will pay for it. I find it ridiculous. It is the same for used bikes. Prices here are so much more than other places.

The Auspicious Life

Ellen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Recipe of the Month! said...

I was just at the Savers (from the U.S. of A here) here in Denver, CO and found a great, vintage Nordstrom purse for $5!! I used to go there all the time in college for random stuff and their prices were always cheap. Goodwill, on the other hand, is a total rip off (do you have those in Canada?). There's also the DAV here (disabled veterans thingy) and they always have authentic furniture, jewelry, etc. but unfortunately they know treasures when they see them so they're expensive as well.

Ellen said...

Clicking through from Google Reader just to comment because this is A BEE IN MY BONNET. My thrifted bonnet... except I probably could have gotten it cheaper on sale.

I buy a lot of my toddler and baby's clothes secondhand, but it ticks me off when I find comparable prices on the sale rack. And I actually buy most of my own clothes new but on sale, even though I'd rather thrift them, just because I know the sale patterns in my favorite stores and I can find things much more easily and in better condition. This irks me immensely. It's because thrifting is now cool. Ugh.

On the flip side, housewares, furniture (mostly) and decor items are still cheaper, if you are willing to give some of the stuff TLC. That being said, I'm a good friend of the clearance rack at HomeSense... it's awesome. Winners too. They built a new set of them near our house and I go every few days.

I'm done now. Aren't you glad I don't comment too often? :-)

Also - this is cute! I love your style!

From Suns To Moons said...

I'm from Ontario too but have been living in Vancouver for the past couple of years. You should see the outrageous thrift store prices here! Everything is labeled as "vintage" - thus $20 and up, regardless of condition. I'm envious that you found a Tory Burch cardigan for so little.

Katie, Interrobangs Anonymous said...

The Savers where I live closed this summer - they couldn't pay the rent because no one shopped there anymore. There's a Goodwill by my house that sells Target deadstock, and what's annoying is they sell it for way more than Target had reduced it down to. $10 for a tank top? No way.

But none of the staff at the stores I go to seem to be able to recognize silk, so I still get all my scarves for $0.50! Suckers!

Maria said...

I found a Kenzo skirt for $5 at Value Village in Montreal a couple of weeks ago. I actually have found that smaller thrift stores in Montreal (friperies) are more expensive than the big ones. So I think I'll stick with VV.

I loooove this outfit on you. So classy and cheeky at the same time.

Sidewalk Chic said...

You look gorgeous -- this might be one of my favorites of yours. Great pattern mixing.

I think I've been a little lucky in some of my finds. Although the Salv Army is pretty weird about overpricing stuff though -- they'll pick out what is brand name and what they think is popular and overprice it. Which usually means the vintage good stuff is still pretty low.

Anonymous said...

I'm in Washington and went to Value Village last week and found a cute fake "burberry" looking scarf that was obviously not wool, probably acrylic without a price tag. I was going to buy it, but the cashier said it was $14.99. I could go to the mall and get a new one for less than that! They also had a cute Guess coat for $45 and a leather jacket for $80. I think the prices are getting way to expensive. It takes all the fun out of thrift shopping. It's sad to for the people who can't afford expensive stores, where are they supposed to shop when the thrift stores are getting so expensive. With so many people out of work and the economy so bad you would think they would not charge so bloody much. Yes I'm angry too.

Teri said...

I'm from WA, and agree w/anonymous. Its a combination of the economy and fashion blogs that show terrific thrifted items...too many people are thrifting now! I used to find all sorts of things for really great prices, but the stores know they can get the prices because there is a demand.
So jealous of your TB look fab!

Kjrsten said...

value village has been too hight for me for going on a few years now. Goodwill our goodwill is starting to catch up. I am starting to loose my love of thrifting actually...

sad sigh....

The Suburb Experiment said...

I've noticed an upswing in prices at thrift stores, too. But, like you, I've found they're hiking prices up on weird brands. Like Hollister or Old Navy. I sailed out of Value Village a few weeks ago with a Diane Von Furstenburg dress for $6.99. Wha?


P.S. Love, love this outfit. It's going in the inspiration file.

Jamie - Thrifty Threads said...

I have also noticed my thrift stores increasing their prices, though usually on the brands that are more popular among teenagers, as you've noticed. I'm still able to find the occasional Burberry skirt or Theory blazer for $5 -- and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that no one else finds out about my thrifty stores!

Jamie at

Nadine said...

Pocket-brooches! Genius!

Anonymous said...

Aren't secondhand stores designed to cater to those people who cannot afford to pay retail prices? Who can't put clothes on their backs otherwise? I get really upset because to go into a secondhand store like Value Village and have to walk out empty handed because things are too expensive is humiliating. Shame on them.

We're approaching Christmas and the ornaments at Value Village this weekend were priced at $9.99 and up - and they were broken and they were old, one package even had it's original price tag of 0.49 on the box.

Farm Girl Fashionista said...

Thank you...I too have become frustrated with thrift store prices! We don't have a lot of higher brands in this area, but stores like Kohls or JCP have brand new clothes on their sale racks for $3!? I rarely find anything at that price at our thrift stores. I feel bad for the people that feel they have to shop there when they may never know they can find new items at the same price or less.

Stella said...

I completely agree. I used to shop at Salvation Army, but now their prices have gotten really high. I mean, I know I'm spoiled because the prices used to be everything for a dollar. But! Now they're charging $5 for a shirt with holes or stains on it. :/

That said, I love your outfit, but what I can't stop staring at are your shoes. *.*

myfashiontake said...

A brilliant top combo mix! You've pulled it off nicely :)

Emily (Tomorrow Never Knows) said...

what the F????????????????
I was totally nodding my head as I read value village and overpriced... but those prices are RETARDED. I actually haven't stepped foot into a village des valeurs [that's value village for you Ontarioans(?)] in about a year because 1)im a lazy bum and there isnt one on my way home. 2) I always go in, spend too much time in there and leave empty handed. I HATE wasting hours there and getting nothing because I usually have to walk half an hour just to get there. 2) the brand reflects the price, which SUCKS. Ok if it's genuine leather or whatever else, it should be more... but bench at $80??????????? I used to get annoyed when i saw a jacket i liked and it was 24.99.

ok I just remembered I've actually been twice in the last 6 months. HA, im an idiot. I went this summer and got this ( AND I went with my sister to one of the 50% sales a few months ago too... oops. BUT 50% sale is usually the only time I go and then there are so many people!
Ok I need to stop myself, I could go on and on about this topic. Ive pretty much given up on Village, salvation army is where it's at for this lady.

Oh and church basement sales! I found an olllld wedding dress (that sadly is too small on me) for $3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah those old ladies in the church are amazing pricers. HA.

Rebecca said...

I swear I was just kvetching about this to my roomie! The best part about secondhand shopping is the whole "thrill of the hunt"...getting your hands dirty and losing hours of your day sorting through hundreds of useless, run-of-the-mill used items all to find that one unique piece you can instantly picture among your wardrobe. Nothing takes the wind out of my sails like seeing that someone has already assessed its value and plans on milking my wallet a bit harder because they anticipated someone actually wanting it. This is my prize for finding the hidden treasure? A mark-up?!

Unknown said...

I'm such a thrifting novice that I can't really comment on that portion of this post - but the outfit?? Oh my gosh - it's genius! I love those shoes, I love the stripes paired with the purple zebra print and the distressed jeans - fabulous look!!

Small Time Style

FutureLint said...

Awesome deal on the sweater and I love it with the casual worn-in jeans!

I feel you on the thrifting thing... sometimes there will be great deals, but it seems like the pricing people have some odd list of brands they know are "good" and then price them sky high! I'm not going to pay $30 for a sweater just because it is Ralph Lauren! I guess with the internet, they just randomly google brands into ebay and then if the stuff is expensive price it crazy! It's super annoying! But there are still some stores here that don't price things based on the brand... a sweater is $4 no matter who/when it's made and so I prefer to go to those stores!

Santina said...

I'm pretty sure I love this outfit, too! Black and white stripes can never go wrong with me, but paired with a printed top and brooches along the pocket? Yeah, I'm in love!


Kitty said...

What I find sad is that (where I live) many women are shopping for cheap brand jeans, sweatpants and t-shirts at thrift stores. Those are not the items that I would ever buy used at a thrift store! The t-shirts are especially yucky! And you can get new ones at Walmart for the same price or cheaper! Women don't like their bodies so they just look for anything dark color and loose fitting to blend in with. I guess it leaves more for me to choose from when I go! But its sad that they don't think more highly of themselves. I guess it bothers me because I was there myself a few years ago - feeling like I wasn't worthy of the time and expense.

mitukatie said...

YES YES YES! This is my favorite rant of all time! Goodwill and Value Village are ridiculous! Barely anything is under 8 dollars--and that is 80's shoulder padded ugly crap! Stuff that you *could* alter, but who is going to pay that much to alter???

Thrifting has become too trendy and the thrift stores have caught on...

*end rant* whew!

Laura HH said...

That sweater is faboosh. And fortunately the pricers at thrift stores have no idea about quality so you can still get good makes for cheap. Just not all the names we cared about in high school

Marie a la Mode said...

I love the mixed prints! Great photos too. I need to go thrifting soon... : )

my healthy twist said...

I LOVE the pattern mixing! XOXO,

Healthy and Homemade said...

This outfit is so gorgeous!! The pattern mixing, cute jeans, and gorgeous sweater =)

Katie | said...

1. LOVE this combo! I am a huge fan of mixing prints. This is so sassy! I just absolutely love it.

2. I was at one of my favorite thrift stores the other day and was thinking the same exact thing... what is WITH the prices. I get that thrifting has gotten more popular, but if the prices are going to be the same as regular store sale/clearance prices, it almost begins to make me question it... Don't get me wrong, I would much rather put my money towards a charity (which most thrift stores are - a nonprofit and such) than a big brand store. Still.

ClosetConfections said...

This outfit is gorgeous! I love everything about it from the mixed patterns to the brooch to the cute shoes. As for true thrift shopping, it's pretty much nonexistent in Manhattan. I keep getting envious of all these bloggers who find amazing pants for $2 or great sweaters for $5. That's never happened to me, yet!


nora said...

i feel your pain! i always walk into thrift shops with "set prices" in my mind, but recently walk away with only an item or two. one item that did revitalize my faith in thrifting would be a chloe dress for...$10!! so thrilled!

Louise Mc said...

Even in the UK charity shops are getting mightily expensive. A while back I was shocked to find a pair of worn out Karen Millen shoes for £25... totally ridiculous in my view particularly in the current economic climate where people don't have as much disposable income.

Fia Kilbourn said...

There's no might for me, I definitely love this outfit! Love the pattern mix. I love the windy pictures too.

Maggie said...

I love the pattern mixing in this!

veronika, tick tock vintage. said...

i'm a bit late on this, but we have the same nonsense in philadelphia/jersey area. $19.99 for a pair of used jeans? are you kidding me? i haven't seen a pair of shoes under $5 at the village thrift near me, and they're mostly beat up sneakers. no thanks.

Erin said...

"Laser eyes"! HAHAHA!

I vowed to never go back to Value Village years ago for just this reason. You can get a new purse for $25 at Winners!

Cinderella's folly said...

I feel your pain, sister. The Value Village I go to in North York has become rather brand-name savvy as of late...though, to your point, they are not as savvy as they think. FCUK cotton shirt? $25. Theory 2 piece suit, with the tags on from Holt Renfrew? $14. It certainly did ease the pain....though I may just go again tonight in the hopes of scoring a sweater like that! LOVE the styling! you are so fearless.

Passion4Fashion said...

That cardigan is fabulous. I love how you paired such a clean cut printed cardigan with another fun print and casual jeans. Makes it a great outfit with lots of contrast.

Passion4Fashion said...

For thrift stores, I mostly shop at Goodwills. Even those have vastly different pricing sets. A Goodwill in a nicer area often prices its items higher than a similar item would be priced at a less affluent neighborhood. The item is the same is it not? With this being said, I will still often go the store in or near the more affluent area as often they have nicer offerings or at least more of them. I guess it seems as though I am then driving the prices up due to this.

Unknown said...

Okay I'm dieing that you snagged a Tory Burch sweater for $5. in NYC, my best find has been citizens for humanity denim for $8. But TORY!?

20 YORK STREET said...

Oh Lord, that's it, you are officially the Thrift Queen if I can so bestow you that honour!

Five dollar for a TB? question need not answered!




Would love for you to say Bonjour at:


Hope said...

Whoa, that sucks! I generally stick to thrift stores like Goodwill, and their prices rarely change. I'm sorry that the prices are rising, I would be really irritated to. Especially if it's the place where you picked up most of the pieces in your fabulous waredrobe. Hang in there, maybe it's just a holiday thing?

Anonymous said...

Late to the party, but I just have to comment on this.

Not too long ago I happened upon a Miu Miu dress for $3 at Savers ... but I think two things are going on: 1) thrift store prices are rising across the board - for example, the target average price at Goodwill might go from $4.99 to $6.99 - and 2) thrift store managers are becoming more brand-savvy and pricing different brands accordingly and without reference to garment condition (the traditional method of thrift store pricing). Depending on the familiarity of the management/pricing staff with clothing and accessory brands, this can mean a Hilfiger jacket gets priced at $19.99 and Miu Miu dress priced at $2.99 or that the Hilfiger jacket gets priced at $9.99 and the Miu Miu dress gets priced at $34.99.

Jennifer said...

I LOVE THIS OUTFIT! I must shout my love for your outfit through the office intercom!! Yahoooo!

megannielsen said...

urgh I totally know what you mean. For me a lot of the fun of buying things at those stores is that feeling of scoring a bargain. I think they've finally caught on to the trend and are trying to bleed us dry... boo hiss

Juanette said...

First of all, I ADORE your print mixing, it's my "challenge" area so I'm always looking for inspiration! As for rising thrift store prices I couldn't agree more. One of my FAVE thrifting haunts is giving me the blues with the pricing of some of their things, I used to be able to get coats for $4.99-$9.99, now they are $23! (But it IS still a whole coat for $23 and most times they're vintage, but still!) I wish I knew how to quit them! I NEVER shop at Goodwill, their prices are too high, $13.99 for a Target dress, I may be able to find it at Target for that price!

T said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sartoriography said...

Yeah, high prices at thrift stores=totally bootleg. Thrifty=cheap. $80=not cheap. Therefore, 60 sweater at a thrift store=not thrifty=not a thrift store. BAM! How ya like that mathematical miracle work? Just call me Saint Emilia Mathematica.

My favorite thrift store has caught onto a few trends, but mostly the obvious ones- Ralph Lauren, Nautica, etc. What they haven't caught, are Lanvin blazers, Dooney and Bourke bags, and Armani dresses. I'd never pay even 10% of the retail price of those things, but 1%? Yeah, I'll consider it. :)

Digging those jeans, lady. I have a pair that I call my Poser Pants, since I didn't actually get the paint on there m'self.

Baird Family said...

AMEN! I get so bummed with the prices sometimes. But this fall I scored a ton of stuff on my wishlist at Goodwill- lace top, animal print top, teal cardi, nude open-toe heels (with the tag still on), and brown heeled boots for about $35. My faith was restored... for the moment.

christina said...

Ironically, I did find Tory Burch for $5.

Agreed on the upcharging though.

KT said...

I missed this post from a couple days ago but I have to say I am loving everything about it!!! You look great. - Katy

Kyla said...

That is so frustrating, isn't it?! You are really sockin' it to 'em with this, though. Seriously. Be still my heart. Everything in this look is perfection. Peer approval is yours!

Prissy said...

I love, love, love this outfit. Love the play on patterns. I even dig the square toe pumps!!


Anonymous said...

I work at a thrift store so I feel compelled to weigh in on a few things.
I know my brands, but most shoppers don't care for high end so yes we price according to what will sell. Even fake sells well. We get a lot of really bad LV tops (hideous) or scarves where the tags are in Chinese and people LOSE IT over them. It's weird. On the other hand a couple weeks ago we had a real Burberry trench in good condition for $20 (which is cheap for a trench, anywhere, brandname or not) and it didn't sell.
I shouldn't bad mouth Value Village too much but they are a FOR PROFIT company. That crazy mark up on a busted up Bench hoody is going right into some suit's pockets, so it is always best to shop at your local charity thrift stores!
I feel they are slightly deceptive in their marketing. They operate by getting charities to collect donations for them and pay them a set amount per pound or whatever. Other than that, every cent they make is profit. I feel it is deceptive because when people drop off donations they are often under the impression that they are helping the needy, when really they are only helping them buy overpriced used clothes! Charities like Goodwill and the Salvation Army are 100% registered charities, so every dollar earned above expenses are distributed back into the community. This is also why you pay tax at VV but not at the Salvation Army.
Or maybe people know this already....

GS said...

Hey Anon above I didn't know any of that actually, that is super interesting! I honestly have no idea what the difference between thrift, goodwill and consignment store is, so thanks for sharing! I'll definitely take into consideration where I second hand shop from now on.
Jen-I'm a little tardy to the party but I came to bitch in solidarity with my thrifting/blogging sistas. I stopped in for Value Village's 50% sale. What a poor life decision that was. I walked away with nothing but annoyance. I am noticing more and more the markups you speak of. I saw quite possibly the most hideous betsey johnson dress, we're talking crushed brown velvet with fringe and wizard sleeves complete with stains and rips for $40 freaking dollars. Ugh. I like that they don't know the more popular high quality designers, but to be honest I really don't either :(

The Queen of Fifty Cents said...

Your rant really resonated with lots of us! I almost never go to thrift stores because I think the prices are absurd, and I get sensory overload in them--it's as bad as being in a mall. I find all my great scores at yard sales, and am fortunate to live where they happen year round. I haven't bought clothes in a store in years, and I have a lot of great stuff. My motto is...Shop on Driveways!

myedit said...

Anon- good to know. People paying a lot for fake, thrifted stuff drives me mad but I guess if they will pay for it, why not?
I knew VV boutique wasn't 100% charity but they do kind of make it sound like they are very charity driven. Tsk. I didn't know about the tax situation though... thanks for the insider info! :)

Ashley, Lions Lace Lattes said...

I love that combo!! Your cardi and shirt go great together.

Gracey the Giant said...

Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I've noticed higher prices in a few of the thrift stores, but Value Village is noticeably the worst. It's ridiculous to me the prices they charge. Here in Oregon, I found out that Goodwill sends their higher end stuff (Prada, etc), to the larger metropolitan areas so they can sell it for more. And Salvation Army has boutique stores! I have to say, it takes some of the joy out of thrifting for me - I still do it though.

Love your outfit, definitely yay for you!

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

i totally love to the love this outfit too! and mama's brooch accessory is very pretty. great style! ♥

Lauren @The Little Things We Do.... said... are maybe my new favorite blog. ok. you're for sure my new favorite blog. i love that you combine style with wit. i've been so over style blogs where it's all about the clothes....give me a dash of personality! and you've got personality in heaps :).

excited to keep reading....i've been reading back quite a ways :).

Anonymous said...

loooove this shirt and sweater combo!

Stacy said...

I have become obessed with thrifting. I live in VA outside Washington DC and there are five Goodwill's near me. I make my rounds once a week. I have been lucking out lately. My best find to date was a Tory Burch Nico Tote (which retails at Saks right now for $465) for $10 last week!!!! It's in excellent condition! We have Salvation Army's here but they are AWFUL!
Happy Thrifting!

PS - Love your blog :)

Savannah said...

I'm an avid thrifter, I mean it's the only sport I'm good at. So I can't tell you how mad it makes me when they charge an arm & a leg for something! I mean they did get it for free. But I guess that makes the great (and really cheap) finds even better :)

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