Same Old, New Year
How is Christmas over already? It just seems too soon to take down the all those cheery red and green decorations... Maybe it's because we have no snow or because we didn't really get together with my family (we'll be together later in January...) but it's crazy that Christmas is done and we are two days away from another underwhelming New Years Eve... It should not be so terrible actually, New Years Eve just has a way of being over-hyped but under delivering. We're hosting a few people here for a low key New Year's Eve so if I say now that it will be underwhelming, then any one who comes over and has more than a pinch of fun will be impressed. As always, set expectations low and ye shall succeed...
And speaking of New Years and low expectations, I am resolving to post at least once a week on the blog. I have a pretty cool post ready to go next week, so it's nice to know I am going to keep a resolution for at least one week...;)
See you next year!
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I like how the shape of your necklace is echoed in your shoes. Happy New Years! I used to think that grownups were crazy for not staying up to celebrate but this year I'm contemplating just that.
I never start taking any Christmas stuff down until after epiphany. Some people take their stuff down so early, it makes me sad!
You look fabulous! Love the shoes
Christmas tree still proudly up! :) Not ready to let go just yet, ha.
So. Much. Love. for that vintage blazer.
You look gorgeous in the photos! hIt's a pleasure to drop by your blog :)
Have a Happy New Year!
Niice blog
من مزايا تقنية شد ترهلات الجسم والبطن بالليزر هو عدم الحاجة إلى عملية جراحية، بالإضافة إلى تقليل الفترة الزمنية المطلوبة للتعافي بعد العلاج، وعدم الحاجة إلى التخدير العام. ومع ذلك، فإن العلاج بالليزر لا يعتبر خيارًا مناسبًا للجميع، وذلك لأن النتائج لا تكون ملحوظة على الفور وقد يتطلب الأمر عدة جلسات لتحقيق النتيجة المرجوة.
تستخدم عبوات pet بلاستيك على نطاق واسع في الصناعات الغذائية والطبية والتجارية، حيث تتميز بمرونة وقوة تحمل عالية، كما أنها قابلة لإعادة التدوير والاستخدام المتكرر. ويتم تصنيعها من خلال عملية الحقن أو النفخ، وتتوفر بأحجام وأشكال متعددة تناسب احتياجات العملاء.
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