Back in one piece from Montreal. I think we fit a week's schedule into two days so it'll take a day or two to recover before I edit the hundreds of pictures down to a manageable blog post. Some quick pics of us before we went out, messing around with my camera. It's a little pathetic that my camera has 15ish settings and I know 2... Time to read the manual?
This is ma belle amie, 'M', the most passionate tourguide of Montreal. I met her in our first year university when we commuted back and forth to school. Her style is all her own. Never trendy but always unmistakable. Her trademark shoes for commuting (we walked a lot) were tan leather flat ankle boots with an elongated toe. I struggled to keep pace with my Sketchers runners...
It's a little hard to see in the picture but I'm wearing a Debbie Shuchat paillette skirt. A sparkly skirt may not seem so pratical but surprisingly, I've worn this skirt many times. Maybe because the paillettes make this lovely musical sound when I walk...

Thinking Pink
The baby shower was last night and since my friend is having a girl, it seemed fitting that pink was the theme of the night.
I wore this pink blouse that I got years ago at a sale from the fashion archives of Ryerson University. I had no idea that they had fashion archives... It's a sweet little vintage piece. My favourite part is that there are big intentional holes under the arms because all that synthetic can make a girl sweat (or glow... whatever you want to call it). Very clever.
These centre pieces may look familiar... one of my customers has a plethora of peonies (hundreds... at least) and when the rain hit and they drooped everywhere, I took some home and put this together for the shower. The dark pink peonies are actually fake but when mixed with real, no one can tell the difference... this only works with flowers not Louis Vuitton purses...
Finally, on a sugar high from eating ice cream sundaes at the baby shower, I stop by to see my nephew(haha-mini Zac Efron) who just graduated Grade 8. Surprise! He's wearing pink like a rock star. You look popping Spence! Way to work your Sears pose... much nicer than mine.
Well, gotta go catch a bus to Montreal... Hopefully, I'll post over the weekend but I may not have time between glasses of wine! Have a great weekend!
I wore this pink blouse that I got years ago at a sale from the fashion archives of Ryerson University. I had no idea that they had fashion archives... It's a sweet little vintage piece. My favourite part is that there are big intentional holes under the arms because all that synthetic can make a girl sweat (or glow... whatever you want to call it). Very clever.
These centre pieces may look familiar... one of my customers has a plethora of peonies (hundreds... at least) and when the rain hit and they drooped everywhere, I took some home and put this together for the shower. The dark pink peonies are actually fake but when mixed with real, no one can tell the difference... this only works with flowers not Louis Vuitton purses...
Finally, on a sugar high from eating ice cream sundaes at the baby shower, I stop by to see my nephew(haha-mini Zac Efron) who just graduated Grade 8. Surprise! He's wearing pink like a rock star. You look popping Spence! Way to work your Sears pose... much nicer than mine.
Well, gotta go catch a bus to Montreal... Hopefully, I'll post over the weekend but I may not have time between glasses of wine! Have a great weekend!
Orange You Glad
Dress? French Connection, Winners
Sandals? UO, they don't stay on my feet though...grrrr
Belt? garage sale find
Earrings? Farmer's market
Birch Cuff? made it
Just finished the final exam for my night course, though it wasn't too difficult, I'm just glad it's all done. Tomorrow I have to work in the heat, then cohost a baby shower and THEN, me and a smutty romance novel are making a bus trip up to Montreal for the weekend. So pumped to see an old university friend, check out the sights, perhaps shop and dance a bit but most of all relax and possibly... sleep in.
I'm actually wearing the birch bark cuff I made a while ago as described in this post. I didn't think I'd really wear it but when Linda commented and made fun of it, it was on. Haha, love ya Lin!!!
Make it Work
Navy dress? Taylor, Winners
Wedges? Nicole, Winners
Necklace? Christie's antique market
Wooden purse? gifted
I bought this silk/cotton dress last fall at Winners. I figured it was past dress wearing season, so I could wait for it to be discounted multiple times. It was still there during final markdowns, so... $18 and a few cold wintery months later, I am finally wearing it. I wish someone invented a computer application so you could feel how soft this fabric is. But no one has, so you have to take my word for it. It's soft, yet sensible like cotton and slippery like silk. Perfect...
My parents bought this cherry blossom purse for me at a garage sale (though it likely came from Chinatown originally) and I love it because it reminds me of spring in Korea (where I was born but that's a whole new story, isn't it?). Besides the nostalgia factor, this purse is as useless as the nutritional info on a Diet Coke. Everything slips between the wood slats and the front and back of the purse don't completely line up with the sides, so I was throwing my chapstick around like confetti.
And yes, I did feel like a Numero Uno Douche as I posed it out at the Bayfront with lots of people around. But I got over it pretty fast... just making it work!!!
I Got A Feeling...
One shoulder top? Mexx, Winners
Knit skirt? H&M
Belt? H&M
Shoes? Steve Madden, DSW
Beaded headbands? Claire's
It was supposed to pour last night as part of the continuing trend of rain and greyness but instead it was warm and the first drop didn't fall until after last call. A perfect night to kick off the first weekend of summer.
The leopard print shoes I'm wearing are possibly my most comfortable pair of heels. I could likely run a 5K in them. Or maybe not... I don't even know if I could run 5K in New Balance runners... but you get the point, very comfy. Too bad I soaked them completely playing in the water features. I wore another pair instead to go out and the burning still hasn't completely left my feet. I'd say it was worth it though.
Fashion Crimes
Shorts? Old Navy
Patent and leopard skate shoes? DC, Winners (even my nephews think these are cool)
Free Willie sweater? t&n, Aritzia
'Jentine's Guide to Dressing Well and Keeping it Real'
Rule #45 Camouflage is for combat only.
In general I really hate camo print. I think the hate started in highschool when camouflage went from being something unique, to being the teenager uniform. Suddenly everyone was wearing camo; from the grunge kids to the ghetto fabulous mamas. And then it got mass produced in every colour of the rainbow and Tina Knowles got her hands on Destiny's Child and created this......

What a disaster. BUT then... years later, I see these shorts in the men's section at Old Navy and I fell in love. The print is faded and kinda genuine looking, the shorts are so comfortable and the pockets are big enough to fit 4 beers and a bottle of wine (not like I tried it...). I bought them and the worst part is, I wear them all the time. Five years later they get more wonderfully faded and soft with every wash.
So, I've let you in on my dirty little fashion crime... what's yours? Do you still secretly bust out your denim cut-off skirt that you used to rock to the bar every Thursday in college? And even though Uggs are the most vilified item on the fashion blogger scene, are you unwilling to part with yours? Orrrr... do you have a tracksuit with 'Juicy' written across the butt? Here's your chance... come clean!
When it's Over
For all the right reasons I want this recession to end. But here are three more reasons... not as important but still note worthy. When this recession ends...
1. ...I hope I never hear the word 'recessionista' or 'bargainista' again. I'm all for smart shopping but these buzz words are killing me. It hurt to even type those words for this post...
2. ...I hope people will no longer use the recession as an excuse for failure. The Lauren Conrad collection is on 'a hiatus' because of the economic times... blah, blah, blah... Her collection had moments of cute but overall, her reality star status was not enough to carry an underwhelming but overpriced line. Admit it...
3. ...I hope they bring back Domino magazine. I loved that publication. It was the perfect mix of fashion and interior design. In fact, I got hooked on fashion blogging because they featured the blog wiksten... and here I am.... squandering away time on my blog and checking out other blogs... 

Further Proof
Dress? Vintage, thrifted
Shoes? Derek Lam, Holt's LC
Purse? Claudia Firenze, Winners
Bangles and necklaces? Like usual, mostly thrifted, gifted
When I was younger all I ever wanted was a little sister. I already had three older brothers and I wanted a sister to have my back. Didn't quite happen like that... I got another brother. It's OK now, it all worked out well. My little bro (not so little anymore...) is cool beans. I learned to stand up for myself, perhaps a little too loud and aggressive as I sought my own place in the band of brothers. But best of all, is that when my parents found this vintage crochet dress at a church sale, I was at the front of the line to receive it. In fact, I was the whole line. I know I just bragged about my parent's thrifting skills in the last post, but I am just giving credit where credit is due. We don't really know too much about this dress but we assume it's at least 50 years old and it's in great condition. Sometimes, it's great to be the only girl.
Took these pictures at a freight train yard. In half the pictures I'm flapping my arms like a bird with a broken wing because it was so hard to walk among the rail ties and stones without tripping or (horror of horrors...) scratching the wooden heels. I was a little worried that if a train came I wouldn't be able to stumble out fast enough. However, Matt assured me that freight trains are much slower than passenger trains. That made me feel a lot better...
Something Borrowed, Something Blue
Dress? Elie Tahari, Off Saks 5th Avenue
Satin peep-toe shoes? Nine West, Winners
Necklace? thrifted and borrowed
Clutch (lying on the ground)? thrifted
My dad has great taste and finds the MOST amazing things at garage sales and antique markets. I wish I had more time to go garage saling with him every Saturday, but maybe it's better that I don't because we would be competing for the same thing. Haha, family fights erupting all over Hamilton lawns on Saturday mornings...
I had many ideas on how to style this dress for the wedding I went to this past weekend, however, when my dad thrifted this beautiful necklace a few weeks ago, I knew it was just right. Often, I will borrow items indefinitely, but because it was just purchased and it looks lovely on my mom too, I did the right thing and returned it this morning. That was very good of me, I think...
The dress is lovely navy chiffon from Elie Tahari. The original price tag said $600 and I got it for.... oh yes, this deserves a build-up.... $33.50!!!! I would like to thank every shopper who left this dress behind, mark-down after mark-down, for me!
Little Luxury
Went to a great wedding last night, outfit pics up soon.... In the meantime, a quick pic of the lovely centre pieces, one of which I got to take home. One of my favourite little luxuries in life (besides copious amounts of Diet Coke and lip gloss) are fresh cut flowers, so when the offer was made to take the centre pieces home, I staked my claim. Now I have a pretty display in my living room AND fruits for my lunches for next week!
Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants
Jeans? B United, borrowed
Plaid shirt? Ralph Lauren, thrifted
Boots? Modern Vintage, Winners
Fringed purse? ?, Filene's Basement
Belt? Michael Kors, Winners
Earrings? vintage, gifted
Bangles? UO and thrifted
I can't believe I made Matt watch 'Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants' with me once. I am a bad wife....
I just temporarily inherited these jeans. Affectionately known as the 'saddlebag' jeans (I know that sounds unflattering, like one should go home and do lunges or something but it's just referring to the pockets), these jeans have made the rounds. They were originally bought by a friend at a sample sale and then sold or traded(?) to another friend. Now, friend No. 2 is preggo, so I have temporary custody. I do feel kind of guilty borrowing from pregnant friends, is it kosher?
This is surprisingly only the second time this plaid shirt has made it unto my blog as I wear this shirt way too much!!! It's not too hot and not too cold and it's such a cool colour plaid... Matt told me tonight that I had already worn this shirt to my night class a few weeks ago. Hopefully, my classmates memory is not as good as his...
Do you ever have a fantastic new outfit that you are dying to wear but every time you want to wear it, it's too cold, too rainy or just not right? And you don't want to ruin the perfect first wear on a so-so occasion? I got both the skirt and the shoes a while ago and finally I'm wearing them.

Skirt? Pink Tartan, Winners
Button-up? Ralph Lauren, Winners
Shoes? Derek Lam, Holt's LC
Tooled leather purse? thrifted, whether it's mine or my mom's is disputed...
Cuff? My mom's (for sure, unlike the purse...)
Of anything that I have bought these last two months, these items are the most frivolous, unnecessary and fabulous. The Pink Tartan skirt is such a classic shape but the nude colouring makes it quite trendy. It was from the designer rack at Winners and while I usually wait for the red tags to appear, I actually bought this skirt full price!!! Ahhh!!! BUT, it is from Winners, so it is already discounted... which makes me feel a little less guilty. The Derek Lam shoes were from Holt Renfrew Last Call, and they were having one of their super discounted, 'get out of my way' sales. Yes, we need to carpet the stairs, paint the exterior of the house and save for Europe but I pretty much got them at 85% off! Besides, the more I think about it, the more I realize I am not to blame for these purchases. I have an Enabler! Though these items were bought several weeks apart, I was shopping with the same friend both times and she made me do it. She always makes me cave when she starts to talk quality. I have no problem leaving something cute behind at H&M if I think it's over priced, because I'll get over it faster than you can say 'my sweater is pilling'. But when I find something of superior quality and beauty for a very competitive price, I am weak... In this case, my shoes and skirt make me smile with delight, so thank you Enabler! Matt says we can't shop together anymore (haha, he would never)!!! So readers... who's your enabler???
p.s. thanks for all the nice comments in the last couple posts... you make my day!!!

Skirt? Pink Tartan, Winners
Button-up? Ralph Lauren, Winners
Shoes? Derek Lam, Holt's LC
Tooled leather purse? thrifted, whether it's mine or my mom's is disputed...
Cuff? My mom's (for sure, unlike the purse...)
Of anything that I have bought these last two months, these items are the most frivolous, unnecessary and fabulous. The Pink Tartan skirt is such a classic shape but the nude colouring makes it quite trendy. It was from the designer rack at Winners and while I usually wait for the red tags to appear, I actually bought this skirt full price!!! Ahhh!!! BUT, it is from Winners, so it is already discounted... which makes me feel a little less guilty. The Derek Lam shoes were from Holt Renfrew Last Call, and they were having one of their super discounted, 'get out of my way' sales. Yes, we need to carpet the stairs, paint the exterior of the house and save for Europe but I pretty much got them at 85% off! Besides, the more I think about it, the more I realize I am not to blame for these purchases. I have an Enabler! Though these items were bought several weeks apart, I was shopping with the same friend both times and she made me do it. She always makes me cave when she starts to talk quality. I have no problem leaving something cute behind at H&M if I think it's over priced, because I'll get over it faster than you can say 'my sweater is pilling'. But when I find something of superior quality and beauty for a very competitive price, I am weak... In this case, my shoes and skirt make me smile with delight, so thank you Enabler! Matt says we can't shop together anymore (haha, he would never)!!! So readers... who's your enabler???
p.s. thanks for all the nice comments in the last couple posts... you make my day!!!
Working Hard for a Living
Yeah, Buskerfest!!! It was fun. I'm a super nerd, I love festivals in general but Buskingfest may be my favourite. I'm intrigued by buskers. It's an 'it' factor about them, some can do very little in their time slot and still manage to completely entertain, while others can tightrope on dental floss but, without personality, we walk on by. And their lifestyle is so random; travelling everywhere, living out of a suitcase that contains mostly props for their show and no clean clothes, fake accents...hmmmm... I always wonder if they pay taxes... not likely.
Some pics....
Delicious. Diet Coke and a strawberry elephant ear...
Skateboard tricks through a flaming star. Serious Skillz.
Matt, in slow motion, high-fiving the pretty statuette lady. He was very proud of that.
I know this is a fuzzy photo but I had to share. That's a busker on the right with a squash racket around his body. He could pop pretty much every joint and he put his body through a squash racket, a tennis racket and a toilet seat...simultaneously.
Though you can't see it in the photos ( :( ) the sequined top has little cut-ups at the sides of the body and the sleeves; it reveals a little bit of skin in a subtle way. I like that. I also like that it's silk and it's quality. Most of my non-vintage sequined pieces (esp. fcuk) drop sequins like Paris Hilton drops BFFs, not this one...
Some pics....
Delicious. Diet Coke and a strawberry elephant ear...
Skateboard tricks through a flaming star. Serious Skillz.
Matt, in slow motion, high-fiving the pretty statuette lady. He was very proud of that.
I know this is a fuzzy photo but I had to share. That's a busker on the right with a squash racket around his body. He could pop pretty much every joint and he put his body through a squash racket, a tennis racket and a toilet seat...simultaneously.
Sequined top? thrifted
High waisted denim shorts? Lux, Urban Outfitters
Strappy sandals? Random beach store
Purple leather purse? Hype, Winners
Earrings and sunglasses? h&m
High waisted denim shorts? Lux, Urban Outfitters
Strappy sandals? Random beach store
Purple leather purse? Hype, Winners
Earrings and sunglasses? h&m
Bangle? Goodwill auction
Addiction? chapstick
Too Late
This sucks. I had a clever blog post all laid out in my head but it was not meant to be. I've been covetting a pair of Sam Edelman's at Winners for a few months now but I wasn't willing to pay full price. I knew the price would drop and it did. First down to $74, I waited and then last week they went down to $50. I still stalled. I recently bought a pair of beautiful Derek Lam shoes and I felt that thing called...guilt. Do I really need another pair of freakishly tall and wonderful shoes? When a customer of mine ( a sweet, old lady) gave me a $20 tip for just doing my job, I thought it was a sign that yes, I do need another pair and this $20 will ease the guilt. So, I went back and of course they were...gone. I bought these shoes below instead for my friend's b-day. They are patent leather with real wood heels and they were very reasonably priced. She just had her second bebe but I'm sure she'll work 'em. Giving is better than selfishly hoarding anyways, right? Besides, I have my Derek Lam's which I will debut soon... I feel a bit better.
Oh ya!!! And for my lovely local readers, may I suggest a visit to Buskerfest? It's going to be a gorgeous weekend and you'll get to see street performers from all over the world in the cutest town, Dundas. Nothing is better than summer festivals; lots of people watching, eating elephant ears (calories don't count at outdoor events, really!) and slightly off-colour entertainment. And the perfect day will end with a bevi or two at The Thirsty Cactus or Collins. See you there?
Please Don't Cheat on Me
Trouser jean? Fidelity, Winners
Top? Cha Cha Vente (what?), Winners
Belt? BR
Flats? Old Navy
Knit cap? French Connection
Bangle? Urban Outfitters...$1.
Top? Cha Cha Vente (what?), Winners
Belt? BR
Flats? Old Navy
Knit cap? French Connection
Bangle? Urban Outfitters...$1.
Ugh... the weather is still so chilly that my dresses, shorts and skirts hang sadly in the closet and I again reach for jeans.....
I just spent all day invigilating exams. I have to stalk around the room and watch like a hawk that people don't cheat. Don't even try to switch water bottle labels or tape answers into your skirt ... I will bust your #%*!!! Haha. Sometimes time passes very slowly, so to keep it interesting, I survey the outfits worn. There was a lot of post-secondary schlep today... you know... track outfits, crocs, socks and sequined flipflops (for real)... The girl who wore the sports socks with the sequined flipflops was all embarrassed because she had run out of the house without checking her feet. I laughed and told her it was fine, but I didn't mean it. She had track pants on too; three strikes... However, because the exam is a big deal and she probably hasn't showered or slept in days, I'll let it slide. So generous...
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