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Golden Girl

Dress? Thrifted, vintage (similar but pricey) Shoes? Aldo Bag? Thrifted Necklace? Vintage Matisse ( a lot of options on Etsy, I borrowed this one from my mom and she wants it back...ha)

It was warm again this past week and so I carefully lay aside my autumn plaids and reached for a dress that I just thrifted but had already put away for next summer. I love me some good autumn layers but I will gladly take the chance to wear this beauty if the weather decides to give me summer at the end of September.
And I know that the dress looks a little high maintenance with its sparkles and pleats and drapes but honestly, it's the most no fuss thing ever. It came out of the hand wash (it could likely have taken a gentle cycle in the machine but I'm kind of the hand wash princess at this point...) ready to go; it did not even need a steam! On top of that, the material is stretchy, the waist is elastic and the cut is super flattering. It's a fancy dress/track-pants hybrid really, and it's nothing short of a beautiful thing.


ThriftyParka said...

That is an amazing goddess dress!! Love the backdrop too!

kifields said...


Maggie Anne said...

Oh my goodness — do you live your life looking this good? How is this even possible? Amazing!

Kimmielovesparis said...

Simply gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Pretty dress! Love the shoes!

DressUpNotDown said...

Was this outfit for a wedding? Dinner? BBQ on the back porch? :o) Whatever reason, I loooove it!!! You look gorgeous in Gold!


Anonymous said...

Off-topic, but do you use a curling iron to get your hair to look like that? Gorgeous! Any tutorials/tips?

Tanvi from said...

WOW! Love the dress. And of course you look AWESOME!

∞ ∞

myedit said...

Dress up not down- wore it to church but I would totally wear it to the shop too. I might as well dress up when I can:)
Anon- I use the same Jose Eber clip less curling wand I have had for a few years... My hair has some natural wave so I just give it a boost... If I have time I will do a post on it:)

Rebecca Jane said...

A beautiful thing indeed! Looks fantastic on you!

Unknown said...

This dress is to die for! It's gorgeous! it falls so beautifully and the color is marvelous! Sandals are awesome too!

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Anonymous said...

Damn girl, you look gorgeous, beautiful and amazing!

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