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Dress? Vintage costume Purse? c/o Jess Rizzuti  Jeans? old Zara Shoes? Nine West, thrifted

I could wear this everyday... if I didn't have stupid amounts of other fun clothes that would feel neglected. The dress is a vintage dance costume; the pin tucks in the bodice and fullness of the skirt made my day and pairing the dress with some worn out jeans just felt right...
I wore this out for dinner with Julie (also, her pregnancy announcement was kinda the best...). For old times sakes, we got outfit pics beforehand, struggling a bit with camera issues (iPhone pictures to the rescue...) but we got it done so we could carry on to get some Korean food. 
When Julie and I first started hanging out after meeting on the world wide web, we would meet more often for outfit pictures and dinner or drinks, but now I feel we are much more casual about hanging out. It's kinda nice when friendships move from being planned out beforehand to last minute invites and 'don't judge my house for it's mess but you should come by for a drink now'. Sometimes our hangouts even involve track pants... 
And I am not saying that is a bad thing. There's room for both ballerina dresses and track pants in my life...


Unknown said...

Ummm..ya...I'm pretty sure you're my fashion hero!
Now if only I could be so talented at finding such amazing pieces...and styling them so effortlessly :)

Anonymous said...

But where is the jacket from?

My Edit said...

Anon: sorry, forgot to mention it. It's a leather jacket from Costa Blanca (!) years ago. It was $50 and one of my best purchases ever:)

MaggleBish said...

GAWD, I love this outfit. I'm sitting here whining "WHY CAN'T I WEAR STUFF LIKE THAAAT?!"

It is great when a friendship becomes that spur of the moment and casual. I like that time.

DressUpNotDown said...

I think the lesson to learn here is Never pass up a garment of any style until you have first tried it with torn up jeans!



Please may I? said...

What a fabulous outfit! That dress is amazing.

Totally agree, we should all just wear fun stuff everyday.

X x

Unknown said...

Brave outfit - leather jacket with dress and jeans... and it looks wonderful!
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Unknown said...

This is a lovely outfit and I'm obsessed with your leather jacket! HOT! Also, I also love when friendships get to that point. It makes life a lot easier :)

Kate said...

I frigging love this! Such a cool outfit - it's edgy, feminine & fun! You look awesome!

Unknown said...

LOVE everything about this look!

Red said...

It's amazing to me how you style such disparate pieces so brilliantly. I know there are other bloggers who work as fashion consultants, but honestly you are one who really has the talent for it. However...having done that and run a shop, I'd pick shop too. Plus with a shop you can do both, lol. You look gorgeous as ever here :-)

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