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Blazer? Thrifted Sequin tank? Joe Fresh (similar here) Jeans? h&m, thrifted and bleached
Booties? Joe Fresh (similar in faux or leather) Purse? Roots

You were right. I admit it.
When I featured this blazer in a This Week I Thrifted post and wrote about how I almost left it behind out of sheer laziness, some of you were like 'are ya dumb?'. I mean, you said it more politely but I could feel it. And now, I am so glad I got it. I could wax poetic about the contrast colour, the curve of the jacket (more noticeable here) and the little puff shoulders...
I assure you, in real life, I talk about more things than just the wicked seams in my jacket. That's why I have a blog. That way I can get all the clothing chatter out of the way, so I can be fully present when I argue politics with Matt...


Life etc... said...

Aahh I knew the jacket would look fabulous on! Haha and yes isn't that why we all have blogs? To prevent driving our significant others half mad with girl talk :)

Life etc

Sidewalk Ready said...

Good choice on keeping the blazer. So great!

Jennifer said...

Yup, you would have been dumb ;)

xo Jennifer

April said...

I LOVE that blazer! If you still don't care about it, send it my way!!

Jane said...

That blazer is super fantastic. I love everything you mentioned about it.

And I wore those Joe booties today too...

Unknown said...

Thats such a gorgeous blazer and love how youve paired it with sequins!

Unknown said...

I LOVE this blazer. I loved it in July and I love it now. So glad that you didn't leave it behind. :)


Kristen said...

Girl. LOVING this outfit!!!!!!! Great way to style it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Totally 100% adorable!

Rebecca Jane said...

I do love the blazer - both the contrast in colour as well as the little puff sleeve detail!

Rach McFedries said...

Totally love this outfit! Fabulous sequins with the blazer!

Christine said...

What an amazing find! Not only is that blazer beautiful, but your choice to pair it with sequins is amazing!

Asher said...

Seriously!? You thrifted that?! Unbelievable!!! Such a great find!!! I love this whole look, really. That tank is the perfect addition to this look! Really spices it up!

Anonymous said...

Always love a good blazer to make outfits look casual or dressy. Great find! :) Amanda

Emma said...

Good thing you didn't leave it behind :) It looks so classy with the glitter shirt, but the holey jeans and booties keep the outfit a little edgy, too. Perfect balance!

Mary Lindsey said...

This blazer is great; I'm glad you didn't leave it behind! I love the way you pair blazers with more casual pieces like these ripped jeans. I love this look! :)

-Mary @

Stasia said...

Great Jacket!

Sweet Laundry said...

Yes, I like this outfit. Blazer, jeans, and booties. I'm going to pin this one for the archives. I like how you added a bit of sparkle too :)

Leah said...

You look hot! and that blazer is amazing! The genius.

Heather said...

So loving that sequined top!

compradora anonima said...


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