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A Slice of Real Life


Dress? Lida Baday, thrifted Silk shirt? Liz Claibourne, thrifted Shoes? Frye, Winners Belt and clutch? Thrifted Earrings? F21

I dressed nice all weekend. It rained all weekend.
But I was determined to get outfit pictures today because in my mind, your world will crumble without a new post from myself... and I really liked what I was wearing. So, instead of checking my ego at the door, we drove down to the harbour and searched for an interesting location with some shelter from the wind and rain. We went to this little covered entry way to the docks and just sat in the truck; working up the courage to take pictures in the crap weather. A security guard came through the gates and Matt took a picture. He wanted me to know that he could sit in the comfort of the vehicle and still take pictures of me doing my thing.


That wasn't enough for me. I didn't hire him for his long distance paparazzi skills; if I suffer, he suffers. So we sat in the truck a while longer. Finally, Matt says that we have to make some decisions. I agree but we continue to sit in the truck, waiting... Then Matt farted and that forces the decision. We run out, quickly realizing that the entry way really gives no shelter. We take pictures. Let's pretend that the rain drops on the lens are artistic...
This is what I have for you today; a good outfit, rain soaked, mediocre pictures and an over share story.


myfairmatron said...

We fully appreciate it, though!

This is actually one of my favorite outfits, to date! I especially like the second to last outfit photo. Absolutely beautiful, and totally reminds me of the new Free People catalog I was pining over this morning.

Now feel free to remain safe and warm and dry for the remainder of the weekend. (isn't Monday part of the weekend if it rains?)

Anonymous said...

you look like rachel zoe in this outfit!

Carolina Hardy said...

amazing colors! I love it!!!


Jaclyn said...

who said fashion wasn't hard work?! funny story & great outfit! ;)

Shey said...

hahahahahaha okay that fart story was hillarious! Just like little kids, I rarely post a comment because I'm lazy but I've loved your blog and style for a long time, but that fart did it for me so I had to comment, plus your outfit is super cute. =D

Heather said...

Hilarious story!! But your efforts were worth it, very gorgeous outfit and pictures!

Virginie's Cinema said...

It's a gorgeous outfit, I'm happy you guys braved the weather so that now you can share it with us. Love the thriftiness of the outfit so so much!


Julie said...

I have a maxi dress that looks very similar to this! AND I saw a yellow blouse very similar the other day at my Goodwill. AH, should have gotten it!! Maybe It will still be there? Right...

The Semi Sweet said...

I think you look fantastic!! I'm so glad you had the courage to get some pics done! I always get so bummed when I put on a bangin' outfit only for it to rain:( But your pics came out great!

Katie Aman said...

I adore the shoes in this outfit. I love all of the proportions you used and the colors work so well-beautiful!

Unknown said...

You know, the crappy weather makes a great backdrop for your outfit. It just stands out that much more against the grey drizzle. I really like how you've styled this whole look, it's definitely one of my faves so far!

Unknown said...

lol some things are just universal. You're too funny but outfit and photos actually turned out pretty nice.

Kel @ ser·en·dip·i·ty

Sweet Laundry said...

A man's fart will drive a woman to do things she doesn't necessarily want to :) Those shoes are killer.

Looks and Books said...

Definitely loving the outfit--it was worth your suffering, and you're right--my day really would crumble without an update on your blog!

Caro said...

You look lovely and that color suits you well. Worth braving the storm!

Anonymous said...

Glad rain didn't stop you from dressing nice, this outfit is great love the color of the top and even more the belt! Hope you had a grest weekend!

Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries

Hey There Carole! said...

Thanks for caring enough to share... However, perhaps next time just take the photos in the livingroom with every available light on??? :-)

Great outfit and well worth the effort that you put into it.

Elizabeth said...

I love the look, I took rain pics ones and mine are horrible, but I had to post them b/c it was Everybody Everywear Maxi challenge. You did a much better job.

amy said...

I totally think the raindrops on the lens ARE artistic.
P.S. Super funny story.
P.P.S. Hope you and Matt come back to Texas again next year.

Jo - Lost in the Haze said...

I love the beautiful shade of yellow in your outfit!


One Cute Mom said...

Love the orange on you and your hair looks great.

Kristen said...

you definitely get an A++ for effort and worth every bit of it as I'm LOVING that outfit!! Thanks for sharing!

Secondhand Stella said...

Its raining here too. Blah.

Love the bright colors of your outfit. Def a great pick-me-up for a grey day.

Anastasia said...

Lovely belt and t-shirt!! :-)))

TexasDoorGirl said...

GORGEOUS!! Can you tell me why you are not employed as a SUPERMODEL?? Seriously, I think you missed your true calling! : )

kathy said...

That is an absolutely gorgeous outfit, and is spectacular against the gray sky. Thanks for putting fort the effort!

FutureLint said...

I love the vibrant color of the top and those earrings are fabulous on you!

The Purse-a-holic said...

Love that top! color and all :-)

A Girl's Next Best Friend

Stella said...

Ok, not going to lie, you totally made me laugh with the story. At least Damián only threatens me with farts...oh wow, did I just say that on the Internet?

Anyway. Your outfit, give it to meee. Love the yellow, would've never thought of pairing it with stripes. Yet it works so damn fantastically!

PS. Your shoes are so awesome. They hurt my soul because I don't have them.

PPS. Seriously, how do you manage to do these super cute updos? I try an updo and it makes me look like I got run over by a dodo...

Leah said...

Very brave of you considering the Shite-y weather. Love the yellow.

xo L.

kelsey williams said...

great outfit, and i totally appreciate the story. i can always count on you for a good laugh!

Kyla said...

That is a fantastic color. And also a fantastic story.

Nadine said...

Great use of colour as ever! The dramatic weather makes your photos look really atmospheric. (Gotta love that maple leaf flag just about ready to fly off the pole . . )

pomomama said...

gorgeous! outfit, pics and story (minus the fart, though i am giggling)

Monique said...

Love this! That is all :)

C said...

If style bloggers had a dime for every time their partners' farts spurred on a photoshoot, we'd have....well, you'd have a dime, and that's probably it. ;)

Morgan and Lua said...

I actually don't care how hard it was to get these shots because you look hott. I need to see those sexy eyes at least once a week and since you only give them when Matt takes your pics, it's a must.

Just kidding I do care. I don't want you standing out in the cold and getting sick. I want my Jentine healthy.

Jessica Gitler said...

I really love seeing the Canadian flag in the background, I am a born and raised Canadian living in the states now but Canada is always home, love your blog, if you have time check mine out!

Rock'n'Roll Betty said...

the outfit is great, but that shirt is absolutely perfect!


Jessie @ Style and Pepper said...

i MUSSSSSST have that shirt!

(and also, matt? stop farting!)

Fashion Me Chic said...

I love your bright orange top. what a contrast to the rest of your outfit.

Emma Z said...

Love this outfit too!! That belt is so cute! I am jealous!

Santina said...

Only you, amiga, could wear a long skirt with horizontal stripes and look so amazing! I'm in love with that belt. I was thinking of buying a similar style as a little gift to myself...