The Edit Blog Love Sponsor Thrift Image Map


Young Love





Dress? thrifted
Vest? old Gap
Belt? thrifted
Bag? vintage Roots, thrifted
Denim jacket? French Connection
Boots? Kenneth Cole, Winners
Necklace? thrifted
Sunglasses? vintage Steffi Graf, gifted

I bought this dress at a thrift store last year when I had just fallen in love. The world of fashion blogging had come to steal my time and I remember finding What I Wore's site and falling head-over-heels for Jessica's aesthetic. Yes, she has since had the whole comments debacle and she wears too many crazy coloured tights for my close-minded tastes (I'm trying...) but you can't deny that girl can When I first found her site last year, she was wearing tons of vintage and I was so inspired by her ability to wear clothing from any decade , while keeping the vintage appeal and yet, making the look current. Suddenly dresses that used to scare me in the thrift stores were coming home with me on a regular basis. One of those times I brought home this cotton, floral dress with visions of how Jessica would style it. And then that never happened... In the soft glow of young love, I ignored the fact that the dress has some weird fit issues going on across the top, so every time I tried it on, I was always disappointed with the results. Apparently, it took me a year to realize that a vest could hide a multitude of sins...

This is one of those outfits that requires a beautiful day. Yes, I liked the outfit enough but the half-frozen bay and golden sunlight (no photo editing, just magic lighting and a patient Matthew...) definitely bring out the best of it. Later that night I went to class and it felt different under the fluorescent lights. Slightly conservative and unusual. Once again some college girl gave me the dirtiest look and this time I got a bit offended. I give dirty looks to girls too but those looks are only meant to pick up where one's mother left off. If you are wearing a teeny skirt and have the chest exposed as well, than obviously you missed the lesson on over-exposure. My dirty look is a rebuke, intended to save you from making such a grave mistake again. The look I got from this girl was disdain, maybe because I looked a touch country bumpkin? Screw you witch... I looked good under the fading light of the setting sun....check my blog...*


* I'm OK, I've calmed down. I just hate the haters who steal the joy out of dressing up with their hatoration/hateration (not sure how to spell that word actually)...

UPDATE: You guys are too kind, seriously. I know I shouldn't take the cut-eye personally and I really don't usually. This cut-eye was the meanest I've ever had though... that's why I turned into a sad baby... I am over it now! Really!


Unknown said...

It's your word, you can spell it any way you like it!
Just as you can wear your outfit any way you like. We all know that you have class and style. And grace and maturity. *blows raspberry at haterer*

Anonymous said...

Hatoration (hateration? you should trademark it, one way or another ;D) is definitely uncool. Love the socks with your boots---I keeping meaning to try that (need the socks first). Looks like a lovely location for a photo shoot!

Anonymous said...

You look amazing, and I have no doubt that this looked good in flourescent lighting as well! I'm so sick of that kind of behaviour among girls

(even though I know I've raised a few eyebrows at young girls in short skirts - but that's only because I could see their g-string - not a pleasant sight no matter what you look like..)

I always love your outfits, you seem to put them together with such ease.

LegacyOfPearl said...

How can anybody give a dirty look to this outfit! It's simply gorgeous and very cleverly put together.

Emma at Daily Clothes Fix said...

Love your outfit - the colours are so lovely together and the details of your jacket are fantastic.

Annachiara Savio said...

Faavolous pictures...Loove these!!! :D

Academichic said...

I honestly think that girl's look must have been all jealousy because this outfit is amazing! The layered sweater over the dress (the ensuing pattern mix), the big belt and oversized necklace, the gorgeous colors and layers....I'm in love too! I couldn't love this outfit more, you really styled this puppy to perfection! S.

Linda said...

What? Your not used to the dirty looks by now? Come on. I get it all the time at the grocery store if I go after work. Just hold yer head higher and don't make eye contact...makes em madder!

Kathryn from Schoolmarm Style said...

See the key is to surround yourself with people much younger than you. My 7th graders are usually just confused or amused. They never hate on my clothes- they're too busy hating on one another! Seriously. I love this outfit. It's a little country, but in a wonderful riding the ferris wheel at sunset at the state fair. Keep rocking your style even if the haters hate.

I wonder how many other people have had such moments of complete inspiration from Jessica. She really does have a bit of an icon thing going on. I just wish she'd move back a little closer to where she was a year ago.

K said...

I LOVE this outfit! The colors, the patterns, the textures. All a great combination! I'm sure you got the stink eye only because she was jealous of your awesome look. That's right - just go the jealousy route.

Secondhand Stella said...

I love the mixing of prints!!!

I am sure you were dressed better than the b*tchy college girl ;)

Raychel said...

Aw, Yen - This outfit is sooooo great. The college girl was definitely just jealous she couldn't look as good as you pulling it off. Great colours, great layers - great you for giving her the stink eye back :)

girlxoxo said...

I loved reading the comments and like they everybody pretty much said, this is cute - and what's up with giving people the evil eye for what they're wearing. Even if I don't like somebody else's outfit I still don't care enough to even raise an eyebrow (unless they're wearing a mini skirt & heels in the winter with no stockings and a small top and no coat while walking around Manhattan - which I've totally given the "wtf eye" to).

Kasmira said...

I like all these neutrals together - as well as the pattern mix. The jacket was the perfect touch because it adds some contrast and keeps you from becoming a beige (but lovely!) blob.

I don't often save others' photos as inspiration, but I'm afraid this one is getting tucked away in my book to copy at a later date!

Melanie said...

I like your outfit!
Why are girls such bitches? Ughhh.

Raquelita said...

I love this subtle take on mixing stripes and florals. If you had been in my class, I might not have been able to refrain from complimenting you on your awesome outfit. I try not to notice or compliment students on their attire, which usually isn't hard because they are usually wearing a uniform of jeans and hoodies.

Jilliebeanie said...

Ha. You make me smile. I think this outfit is brilliant. I love all the layers and the different patterns and textures you have going on.

Anonymous said...

Oh, phooey on the haters. This outfit is inspired! The layering alone is simply brilliant.

Becky said...

I really love this outfit! I don't think you look country bumpkin at all. The girl was prob just jealous ;)

KP said...

I actually love this outfit! (Caught my eye) I think people assume that just because you dress well, it means you only care about how you look - which is not true! And also, the jealousy part...

Danielle said...

oh, haters, haters. They have no clue that you are this awesome fashion blog girl who makes every outfit worthy of mag pages! U look fabulous and i love how you made this dress wearable, even with fitting issues :)

Karen said...

Great outfit!! There is a lot going on but it put together it works!! It takes a creative mind to put these great pieces together!! Love it!! And love the pics as well!


Anonymous said...

Ah, the battle cry to end all battle cries, "Check My Blog!" Ha!

Whatevs, its not your fault the setting sun can't follow you around and provide perfect light all the time. Besides, this outfit is lovely in any light. Love the rougher boots with the floaty skirt.

Taylor Sterling said...

I love this outfit! The socks with the boots look great on you!

Christina said...

Too cute. You've inspired me to wear knee highs with boots this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Haters is just jealous. That's what I tell myself when I get looks first thing in the morning at our dingy mall.

I totally love this look though. That belt is killer.

WickedThrifty said...

this is adorable. i love the socks/boots thing, of course, though sadly i can't rock it due to extremely stumpy legs. sigh.
screw that chick- she's just jealous because she only knows how to dress of the rack ;)
i generally dislike both sweater vests and stripes, because they're so awfully horribly nautical/preppy/fraternity... but with the floral skirt and the cute socks it's just plain fabulous instead.

E said...

What beautiful sunset photos and I want your bag!

Nadine said...

Those photos are sensationally gorgeous! Love the setting and the yummy light. I always appreciate a good vest, AND a dress/DJ/boots combo, and here everything is all together. Yay!

Wanderlusting Fool said...

This little photo shoot is absolutely gorgeous. You look lovely. Is it odd that I've been looking for a little sweater vest like this for some time now? It reminds me of the 70s. And I completely agree with you about Jessica - shes the first blogger I ever started following!

Sorry to hear about some crazy beezie staring you down. I'm glad you're over it though because you looked great and you shouldn't feel upset! :)

Robin said...

I love the jacket layered over that necklace- and the bag is the stuff of my dreams.

Thanks for the advice on the shoes- it had never occured to me that the studs went through to the other side, and that was cutting into my toes! I usually only wear them with very thick socks, but now I'll try some more to break them in. I always get a ton of compliments on our shoes!

Robin said...

One more side note: When I get the cut-eye, I ocassionally like to glare back. My favorite, however, is just shaking my head and laughing right at them. In their faces. People get very peeved when you do this, and it makes you feel awesome.

Teri said...

Hateration? If its not a word it should be...loved your post, but mostly loved how you put together such an awesome outfit--you look terrific!

Anonymous said...

Never, ever can I find cute dresses while thrifting. Where/what am I going wrong?...

Anyways, you look adorable and these photos came out so pretty!


amanda h. said...

this is such a great outfit! no country bumpkins present.

hateration doesn't get to me... probably because i'm used to getting the dirtiest looks of all from teenagers day. after day..... after day.

Nicki said...

I like the mixture of patterns your wearing here - very cool =).

Sabrina said...

They are just jealous because they wished they could be just as creative as you and beautiful.

This dress is so great and I love how you mixed print/patterns.

The photos are amazing!!!

Tabitha said...

I love this dress and I remember how I got into vintage and thrifted dresses. It's such a key moment that influenced how I dress now so I can relate how you feel.

Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

Ohhhhh this is totally my kind of outfit. They layering, the boots, the dress. Absolutely the stuff I have been dreaming about all summer.


Shannon said...

Love it! And I totally know what you mean about taking the cut-eye's hard not to!

P.S. My version of hateration: Don't be drinkin' the Hate-orade!

Wanderlusting said...

Hey, I know how you feel. I get the stinkeye often from bitchy pups. It's annoying but ya gotta chalk it up to jealousy/immaturity.

Love those boots...oh Winners, you surprise me!

piglet said...

This is so pretty I love the colours and mix of patterns. (and the photos are amazing!)

Anonymous said...

she was jealous. it's the root of all evil. you look always.

FutureLint said...

I love that you admit to giving the face to girls dressed, um, skankish? Me too! I adore this outfit - the dress looks so pretty as a skirt and I love the boots/socks combo! Face girl obviously has poor taste.

E said...

your style is so chic and high end, and its amazing to know you thrift most of your stuff!

paanie said...

ignore her. you look great. i always get self conscious taking pics outdoors. you're brave for not caring what others think!

Anonymous said...

You look seriously fab! I saw the pictures first and was thinking how cute the whole outfit was then I read the part about the girl giving you the stink-eye. What was she wearing?! She clearly was an idiot.

C said...

Girl, this is such a perfect springtime ensemble!