I love my closet. The heaps of vintage sequins, the dresses that caused me super guilt when I splurged on them and the vintage finds that have made me dance in Goodwill. My closet is my happy place. However, there is one person I would do a closet switch with. My friend S from London. Her world travels, combined with her instincts for great deals and her slight lack of self control (denial is the first symptom) have resulted in a rather awesome collection, especially in dresses. Prada, Marc Jacobs fight for space with vintage DvF and Amanda Wakeley and I can only dream. Happily, we are the same size (wise friend choices I make) and she is generous (an even wiser choice) so when we go out and play, I may choose what I want to borrow. It's weird, this time, I skipped the silks and designer labels and went straight for some good old polyester. Apparently, this dress was S's mom from the 70's and I felt a little like a Charlie's Angel. My only mission? To have fun (that was a cheesy line...).

Dress? vintage, borrowed from S
Belt? Michael Kors, Winners
Shoes? Steve Madden , DSW

S2's rolled silk and leather Amanda Wakely pumps. So pretty. When I pet them, they purred.
C asking if she should wear earrings... I voted no. Her shirt (hard to see) had awesome, massive shoulder pads. Seriously massive. Like there were dutchie donuts stuffed into each shoulder (and for those Tim Horton's followers, I'm talking about the dutchies pre 2002, before everything came frozen and premade from the donut factory.) I'm rambling but the point of the story is that her shoulders were so great, no earrings were necessary.