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Scene Stealer


Pants? JoeFresh Cape? Zara Boots? Charles David, thrifted Purse? Thrifted Bracelets? Winners, Market in Holland and Crazy Lady at The Ex.

Lots of things were happening this weekend in Hamilton... Locke Street Festival, Supercrawl, Country Music FanFest...
On Saturday night my friend and I walked to Supercrawl and along the way we happened upon a crowd gathering for a Fanfest after-party event. It was easy to see exactly who was going to what event. The Supercrawl drew the artists and hipsters and Fanfest was all about cowboy boots and hairspray. And while the love of plaid unites the hipsters and the country crowd for a brief moment, it all falls apart at the sight of a fancy moustache or a cardigan.
I don't know exactly where I fit in with my outfit that night. But it didn't really matter because no one pays attention to red pants and a big old cape... when there is a baby around. My friend had her two month old daughter in a sling and she completely stole the show... someone needs to teach the young ones respect...


Anonymous said...

I think you learned a thing or two from that baby, because you are stealing the EBEW show.

Cassi said...

Yeah, no kidding, I'm way jealous. Of your style and clothes and posing abilities, that is. Love, love, love it all!

Steph said...

there is not a thing about this entire ensemble that i do not LOVE. in all caps. period.

Shruti said...

LOVE this look of yours. Very chic and fab!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I love this camel cardigan/cape thingy with the red. And sweaters don't have to have their diapers changed. :)

Frannie Pantz said...

Ma'am I'm sure the baby had the crowd, but she also had some rough competition. You look great. I have been on the thrift search like a mad woman for quite some time. Or even something that could imitate a cape. This one is fabulous! And I love the stripes and the red pants.

Marie said...

Those are some awesome little boots, and thrifted? Even better.

Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

C said...

I love this play on proportions. That cape is magnificent.

Anonymous said...

I'd totally stare at you If I saw you on the street, loving this color mix, the cape has a great silhouette!

Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries

Megan said...

Can you take me thrifting and let me borrow those pants while we shop? Thanks.

amanda said...

i so love that cape. and you. just sayin'. :)

Anonymous said...

You look so European.

Love from Oregon USA,

when morning comes

my twitter

Terri said...

Love the colored pants! I don't have the blogger balls to own colored pants, yet. I'm sure it'll come. You look fabulous.

Please may I? said...

Bless, that made me giggle!

Loving the outfit.

X x

The Girl with Everything said...

Sorry Yen but a baby is the ultimate accessory. They're cute and always noticed.

Anonymous said...

That cape is AWESOME. If I owned it I would seriously sleep in that thing. I am such a sucker for big, comfy sweaters that almost blanket-like. My ultimate sweater would be a flattering Snuggie.

Healthy and Homemade said...

Ooooo you look so cozy!! Love the large cape and skinny pants =)

allie said...

Hahaha @ Taimi's Snuggie comment. Just belt it and you're good to go, right?

I love this cape and you wear those red pants very well. I might have paid attention to the baby too, but not before insisting I know where you found that cape!

Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

Uh oh, here come those boots again. Every time the weather drops on your side of the world I get pangs of jealousy!

.Candy. said...

loving the vibe of the red pants on you!

Secondhand Stella said...

Love the red pants!!!

Did you find out what weekend you are going to be in Grand Rapids?

Tabitha said...

Hahaha for serious! Someone needs to teach that baby a lesson. :)

Lisa said...

Hello from Nashville, home of Country Music, cowboy boots and hats!! I'm sure you fit in perfectly wherever you go!! Love the outfit and your sense of humor!!

Elaine said...

camel and red. that color scheme is on lockdown in my mind now..

sis said...

I love this sweater, and I want one real bad now.. thanks a lot, I'm on a shopping ban.

Actually, when I was lost for inspiration I mayyyy have come by your blog and spent some time looking at how you styled your coloured pants in the past... you were very helpful, thank you!

Rin said...

As much as I love your outfit, it doesn't compete with a two month old baby!

Stefanie said...

You look positively beautiful! Love the colour of your jeans :-)