1. The faux-fur vest

Where? Talize
How much? $4.50 (50% off sale)
Why? I bought this vest on a whim in the spring and it has become a favourite. Soft like kittens, warm like toaster ovens and chic like silk stockings. One of the best quality faux fur pieces I have touched... go on pet it on your computer screen...amazing, right?
2. The Ralph Lauren plaid shirt

Where? Talize
How much? $3.50 (50% off sale)
Why? The colours and linen fabric of this shirt are perfect. So many days I have grabbed this shirt and thrown it over a pair of jeans or tucked it into a skirt and accessorized it to death. Sometimes I iron it (Ok, Matt does) or sometimes I grab it from the never ending laundry pile (the clean one!) and wear it in all its wrinkly glory.
3. The Roots braided belt

Where? Talize
How much? $4
Why? If you've read my blog for a while, you know I'm a sucker for some nice brown leather. This belt is the perfect colour of brown and the right size to sit in my natural waist. This leather belt earns its keep by holding up countless skirts and dresses. Occasionally, I force myself to grab another belt (there are lots) but mostly I give in and grab my favourite.
Without meaning to (I'm definitely not paid to talk about Talize... but I should be), I realize that the anchors of my wardrobe are all thrifted and cost me a grand total of $12. Which makes me wonder how much I spend on the not so hard working pieces of my wardrobe because I'm... broke... But happy. What are the unsung heroes of your closet?
Finally, I just want to show you a recent and wonderful thrift find.

It's a handknit, wool, made in U.S.A. Perry Ellis sweater completely adorned with paillettes. It is in perfect condition, probably never worn and of course, freaking fabulous. I have no idea how or when I am going to wear it but this is a special piece. I paid a little more for it than I usually would thrifting but it's worth every penny. When you touch it, you feel quality and suddenly all your h&m and F21 clothing seem... lacking. Don't get me wrong, h&m has contributed to my wardrobe in many ways but this is the real deal. This is fashion.
Wow! Ok! Crazy lady fashion rant is over! I just want to take a moment to once again thank anyone who has ever read or commented on my blog! Seriously, thanks for caring... I feel like I 'know' some of you guys now and I wish we could have a super-fantastic blogger NYE party! It would include laptops, cameras, kitty-cats and hors d'oeuvres made with cranberry sauce left over from the huge batch I made for Christmas. It would be EPIC.
Happy New Years!